
作者&投稿:锁试 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

口袋妖怪心金自动关闭,出现了“THE ROM。。”记不清了,反正是文件损坏...
那个框里出现的英文,肯定是这个“The rom-image has crashed”吧?很多人都有。这是程序崩溃的意思,就是你的ROM文件(游戏文件.nds)损坏了,重新下个吧。rom文件就是nds文件,就是说你原本下的nds文件有问题,不知道你在什么网上下的,建议你去电玩巴士里下,不会被bug,同时,若你是玩nds,请...

...a 模拟“魔装机神 元素领主”的时候弹“THE ROM-IMAGE HAS CRASHED...
英文的意思是镜像文件崩溃~ 只有2个可能 1.文件有问题! 2.模拟器不支持此文件编码 编码可能有错误!!

电脑常用英文单词如下:Enter确认、Insert插入、Delete删除、Home出发点、End结束、Page Down上页、Backspac回退、ESC取消、Tab制表符、Alt交替、caps lock大小写锁定键。ctrl控制键、shift上档、keyboard键盘、mouse鼠标、monitor显示器、windows窗口、Microsoft微软公司、Internet因特网、Ok好。Cancel取消、Close...

口袋妖怪心金用NO$GBA 2.6a运行会出现the ronm-imaga has crashed_百度...

the feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable...
您要使用的该功能正在CD - ROM中或其他可移动磁盘不可用。

the feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable...
您尝试使用的这项功能。可能在CD- ROM(光盘上),或其他可移动磁盘里,电脑上找不到。是不是没有虚拟光驱?安一个,就能识别安装包了。点那个:browse 流览, 找到源件,然后就可用了。

the feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable...

2.Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast 假装谦虚往往就是信口开河,有时候简直是拐弯抹角的自夸。 3.Married life is happiness, completely is a chance to question. 婚姻生活是否幸福,完全是个机会问题。 4. pair of lovers premarital understand each other...

...2.6a玩口袋妖怪心金为什么存档的时候提示the rom-image has crashed...
“屏幕”--“最大化”或“屏幕”--“全屏” 也可以 基本按键 方向键:控制主角的移动\/移动光标 Z:确定 X:取消\/使用跑鞋加速行进 S:菜单 A:使用配置了快捷键的重要道具 下屏触摸屏:菜单,可以直接点击各种选项 游戏里按S键打开菜单或直接点下屏保存,下次进入游戏就会让你选择读取存档 ...

这种水果独特的芳香来自于3种主要化学物质的混合。In spring the fields give off an earthy aroma.春天的原野散发着泥土的芳香。aroma在表示香味的时候,会跟动词作前缀。如:A faint aroma of coffee attracted his attention 淡淡的咖啡香味一下子吸引了他。The heady aroma of wood fires emanated ...

钟离科15354614957问: from the ashes of one's misfortune 是什么意思?为什么用ashe -
浑源县硫糖回答: 这句子来自成语rise from the ashes 从灰烬中诞生from the ashes of one's misfortune可以意译为中文成语东山再起或从灾难的废墟重新矗立起来

钟离科15354614957问: from the ashes , we rose 这句什么意思? -
浑源县硫糖回答: 我们从灰烬中新生

钟离科15354614957问: rising from the ashes什么意思 -
浑源县硫糖回答: rising from the ashes从灰烬中升起双语例句1And suddenly, there he was, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.突然,他出现了,就像凤凰浴火重生.2Sierra Leone as a rising country in the western part of Africa, once the Athens of West ...

钟离科15354614957问: 翻译rose from the ashes -
浑源县硫糖回答: The Thorn Birds – Rose from Ashes (1) There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest ...

钟离科15354614957问: from the ashes a fire shall be woken.a light from shadow shall spring. 哪位给翻译一下.
浑源县硫糖回答: 灰烬里会升起火花,阴影里会闪出光芒.

钟离科15354614957问: 翻译rise from the ashes -
浑源县硫糖回答: 卷土重来或东山再起视语境而定

钟离科15354614957问: 重建生命的希望 这句英语怎么说啊? -
浑源县硫糖回答:[答案] 重建生命的希望 Rebuild and rebirth from the ashes the life 例句: 1.重建和从生命的灰烬中再生/重建生命的希望,世界,和平,喜悦,爱,丰富你们的希望. Rebuild and rebirth from the ashes the life,the world,the peace,the joy,the love,the abundance ...

钟离科15354614957问: 请高手用英语翻译一下: 凤凰涅盘 浴火重生 -
浑源县硫糖回答:[答案] Phoenix Nirvana ashes Phoenix Nirvana, from ashes reborn a phoenix reborn from the ashes 都可以~

钟离科15354614957问: from +时间点用什么时态 -
浑源县硫糖回答: 用完成(进行)时;现在或者过去完成(进行)时都有.视乎情况.[from这里相当于since.] 例如: He has been doing homework from/since 6:30.(从六点半开始他一直在写作业.) They had worked on that machine from 3:00 am and didn't stop until the next daybreak.(从凌晨三点开始他们一直在机上工作,直到第二天破晓.)完成进行时是用来强调动作的一直持续的,具体请另行参考.

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