
作者&投稿:雀傅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1> 同规格物料采用同一编码, 不区分供应商. 这就要求IQC ,FINAN和W\/H 有很好的控制流程区分供应源.2> 同规格物料不同供应商采用不同编码, 这就需要在编码时考虑用几位码来代表供应商.例如: 24320095 2K 电阻 YAGEO 24320096 2K 电阻 ROM 当然,这也要求ERP系统能在物料计算时能智能...

Three ponds print a month 西湖三岛中最大的岛。West Lake the biggest island in three islands.面积约7万平方米,其中水面占60%。The area is about 70,000 square meters and among them, the surface have 60%.岛基是明万历三十五年(公元1607年)钱塘县令聂心汤利用水心保宁寺遗址,用疏浚西湖...

右志13363923485问: 英语选词填空,embarrass,embarrassment,embarrassing,embarrassed.1.Her financial____kept her from taking part in many social activities.2.Jim was very ... -
昌都地区爽尔回答:[答案] 1.embarrassment 表示拮据,是不可数名词 2.embarrassed 表示感到害羞的,是形容词 ps:embarrassing 是形容词,使人感到害羞的 embarrass 是及物动词,表示使人羞愧窘迫

右志13363923485问: 求四级作文Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:HOW I Finance MY COLLEGE should weite ... -
昌都地区爽尔回答:[答案] Education is very important to one's career and future.Most of the young people in China hope to get higher education at ... In fact,there are many ways to solve the problem.First,one can get financial assistance from parents and relatives.This is the most ...

右志13363923485问: 题目是How i finance my college education.有分 -
昌都地区爽尔回答:[答案] 范文 1 How I Finance My College Education The past decade has witnessed a new tuition and fee policy for college students... my parents and I can be free from financial problem for years.On the other hand,it can also help me make full use of the time to...

右志13363923485问: 求助:AI3+AI24+AI45+……+AI3195 公式 -
昌都地区爽尔回答: 参考公式:=SUMPRODUCT(AI3:AI3195*(MOD(ROW(3:3195),21)=3))

右志13363923485问: 已知负数z=(1+ai)/(i - 1),a为实数,若|z|=1则a= -
昌都地区爽尔回答: 题目中的“负数”应该是“复数”.方法一:[此法简明] ∵z=(1+ai)/(i-1),又|z|=1,∴|1+ai|/|i-1|=1,∴|1+ai|=|-1+i|,∴√(1^2+a^2)=√[(-1)^2+1^2],∴1+a^2=2,∴a^2=1,∴a=1,或a=-1.方法二:∵z=(1+ai)/(i-1)=(1+ai)(i+1)/(i^2-1^2)=[1+(a+1)i+ai^2]/2,又|z|=1,∴(1/2)√[(1-a)^2+(a+1)^2]=1,∴2+2a^2=4,∴a^2=1,∴a=1,或a=-1.

右志13363923485问: 求一篇关于负债经营的英文文献,不少于300字 -
昌都地区爽尔回答:[答案] Liabilities,financial leverage available to the interests of business.The role of the so-called financial leverage is the financing of liabilities by the impact of the owner.Corporate debt,fixed interest,operating profit growth in earnings per share could lead to ...

右志13363923485问: 已知函数f(x)=x^2+Ix - aI+1(此式第二项为绝对值),求f(x)的最小值 -
昌都地区爽尔回答: x^2 >0 |x-a| >0 f(x)=x^2+Ix-aI+1的最小值是1

右志13363923485问: 设i是虚数单位,若复数2+ai/1+2i的实部和虚部相等,则a的值为? -
昌都地区爽尔回答: (2+ai)=(1+2i)(a-2)i=1-2=-1 a=-1/i+2

右志13363923485问: 设函数f()x(=|x+2|+|x+a|为偶函数的充要条件为a= -
昌都地区爽尔回答: 解 f(x)为偶函数 所以f(-x)=I-X+2I+I-X+aI=IX-2I+IX-aI=f(x)=IX+2I+IX+aI 所以 X-2=X+a X-a=X+2 a=-2 函数f(x)=|x+2|+|x+a|为偶函数的充要条件为a=-2

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