
作者&投稿:卜晓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Friendship的意思为友谊。友谊是一个人们生活中重要的社交关系。以下是关于友谊的详细解释:友谊的定义 友谊,即Friendship,指的是两个人或多人之间基于相互尊重、信任、支持和关心而形成的深厚关系。这种关系通常建立在相互了解和共同的经历之上,为人们提供情感支持和社会支持。友谊的特点 1. 信任与信赖:...

友情的英语是friendship 1、读音 friendship 英 ['fren(d)ʃɪp] 美 ['frɛndʃɪp]2、释义 n. 友谊;友爱;友善 n. (Friendship)人名;(英)弗兰德希普 3、短语 friendship store 友谊商店 friendship hotel 友谊宾馆 friendship group 友谊型群体;友好群体;社交...

1. 友谊是一种深刻的人际关系,它基于相互的信任、尊重和理解。2. 友谊不仅带来快乐和愉悦,更让人感受到彼此的关怀和支持。3. 在家庭和社会生活中,友谊扮演着至关重要的角色。4. 真挚的友谊能让人们相互理解,分享喜悦与忧虑,从而建立深厚的感情纽带。5. 友谊是建立在信任和支持之上的关系,它鼓励...

friendship 英 [ˈfrendʃip] 美 [ˈfrɛndˌʃɪp]n.友情,友谊,友善的关系,友善,好意 [例句]He made a profession of friendship to his classmate Mary.他向他的同学玛丽表白了他的友情.满意请及时采纳,谢谢 ...


1. 友谊,这一词汇,涵盖了从个人之间的简单联系到国家之间的深厚联系。2. 在英语中,"friendship" 通常被视为不可数名词,用来描述一种抽象的、普遍的友情概念。3. 然而,在特定的上下文中,当需要强调某一段具体的友情关系时,"friendship" 也可以被用作可数名词。4. 例如,当我们说 "Real ...


名词:友谊;朋友关系;友情;友好 读音:英 [ˈfrendʃɪp] 美 [ˈfrendʃɪp]复数: friendships 例句:1、Giving advice when it's not called for is the quickest way to end a goodfriendship 在别人不需要的时候提供建议是葬送好友关系的最快方式。2、...

friendship通常在表示多个友谊关系时使用复数形式,即friendships。以下是对friendship使用复数形式的详细 首先,当我们要描述两个或多个人之间的多个友谊关系时,就需要使用friendships这个词。例如,如果说“I have many friendships with my classmates.”,意思就是说“我和我的同学们有很多...

friendship的意思是:友谊,友爱,友善 “友爱友善是包括在友谊里面的其中一种因素友谊要概括的东西很多三个人的区别就是我们先要友善,才有很多人愿意接近自己友爱是能给大家带来快乐友谊这步很长很坚信所以难能可贵这就是区别.祝你幸福鱼仔上三个人的区别就是我们先要友善才有很多人愿意接近自己友爱是能给...

宋羽13488376256问: 关于友谊的英语作文 -
通江县派通回答: 搜的 =-= 、Friendship is indispensable to people's life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who'll warm her kid when hurt ...

宋羽13488376256问: 写一篇关于friendship的英语作文,要求原创,不能抄袭,字数不少许150! -
通江县派通回答: What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the ...

宋羽13488376256问: 亲们,帮忙写一篇关于 “friendship ”的英语作文,高一的水平,带翻译. -
通江县派通回答: There are several important elements necessary to maintain a good friendship 要想维持友谊以下几方面是必不可少的了Listen 善于倾听The ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good friendship.It helps you to understand your friend ...

宋羽13488376256问: 求一篇 关于友谊的英语作文.80词左右,不要太深奥的、 -
通江县派通回答: On friendshipThere is a place in my memory call friends.Friend are those people when all men doubt you,they can always believe you.Once there was a time,I felt so loneliness and sad.My freinds plan little gatherings for me ,and they write letters ...

宋羽13488376256问: 友谊'的英语作文带翻译FRIENDSHIPWhat does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable ... -
通江县派通回答:[答案] 也许我的会更准确哦: 友谊 友谊意谓什么?没有明确的答案.文学的一个永恒的主题,友谊在每日的生活方面也是不可缺少的.对我们的生活友谊是什么含盐的甜是到猛冲者.当你很快乐的时候,友谊像增加在织锦上的花很正直; 当你很忧愁的时候,...

宋羽13488376256问: 以friendship为题写一篇80词左右的英语作文最好有汉语翻译 -
通江县派通回答:[答案] Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. In time of trial, he or she is always at our side to give ...

宋羽13488376256问: 关于友谊的英语作文100字左右 -
通江县派通回答:[答案] On Friendship Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many ...

宋羽13488376256问: 关于友谊的英语作文!Friendship is a kind of relationship that many accompany you all your life.The relationship with your wife or husband occurs only after you ... -
通江县派通回答:[答案] What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are h...

宋羽13488376256问: friendship》英语作文 -
通江县派通回答:[答案] My friendship Everyone has their friends , I think . Friends can make you do many things , They can help you to do different thing . Has friends is a very good things . If you have a friends ,you willnot be alone , you don't feel lonely . In junior high school , ...

宋羽13488376256问: 关于friendship的英语作文!1、本题分数:50.0 分You should write a composition named True Friendships with words no less than 120.You can use the ... -
通江县派通回答:[答案] friend,what a beautiful word,he was my childhood friend,to accompany me to learn,to accompany me grow.On one occasion,our class there are students in the School of the feet were burned,and a month at ...

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