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You want to display in their own websites Baidu "know" on the Net? 来获取免费代码吧!Free ...ree mutually.According to the covariance. the whole world 92,102,700,000. LIN2 YOU3 000. at the beginning of seven centuries Arabian P eninsula the Mecca person 's Mohammed establis...

宗圣戚18083593259问: The volunteer work ( )each of as several hours a week,but we are happy, -
嘉鱼县酒石回答: B 【It takes sb+时间/钱 to do sth】 的变形 再如:Since the roads are very bad, the journey took us a long time... 由于路况很糟糕,我们路上花了很长时间.I had heard an appeal could take years... 我听说上诉要花好几年时间.The sauce takes 25 minutes to prepare and cook... 这个调味料从准备到做好要 25 分钟.

宗圣戚18083593259问: 非常非常急!请在5小时之内回复..大哥大姐帮帮忙,这道题对于你们来说希望很简单,急用!a,b两个数相除,被除数、出书、商和余数的和是10.如果把被除... -
嘉鱼县酒石回答:[答案] a*10=b*10*3+9 a=3b+0.9 a+b+3+0.9=10 b=1.3 a=4.8

宗圣戚18083593259问: 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,对于点P'(x,y),我们把点P′( - y+1,x+1)叫做点P的伴随点.已知点的伴随点为,点的伴随点为的伴随点为,…,这样依次得到点,….若... -
嘉鱼县酒石回答:[答案] ∵的坐标为(3,1), \n∴(0,4),(-3,1),(0,-2),(3,1), \n…, \n依此类推,每4个点为一个循环组依次循环. \n∵2014÷4=503余2, \n∴点的坐标与的坐标相同,为(0,4). \n∵点的坐标为(a,b), \n∴(-b+1,a+1),(-a,-b+2),(b-1,-a+1),(a,b), \n…, \n依此类推,每4个...

宗圣戚18083593259问: 已知△ABC和△A'B'C'中,AB/A'B'=BC/B'C'=CA/C'A'=2/3,且A'B'+B'C'+C'A'=24CM,求△ABC周长! -
嘉鱼县酒石回答:[答案] AB/A'B'=BC/B'C'=CA/C'A'=2/3 ab=2/3A'B' BC=2/3B'C' CA=2/3C'A' A'B'+B'C'+C'A'=24CM AB+BC+CA=2/3(A'B'+B'C'+C'A')=16cm

宗圣戚18083593259问: 关于分式的题1.若s=a+b/b - a 则b为2.关于x的方程x - 1/x - 2=m/x - 2+2无解,则m的值是 -
嘉鱼县酒石回答:[答案] 1,s=a+b/b-a s(b-a)=b+a sb-sa=b+a (s-1)b=(s+1)a b=(s-1)/(s+1)a 2,方程两边同时乘以(x-2) x-1=m+2(x-2) x-3+m=0 x=3-m 分母不等于零,x-2不等于0,x不等于2 所以m=1

宗圣戚18083593259问: 在java+web+jsp中,有一个for循环是这样写的,请网友指教下. 请问:for中有String temp:slike啥意思 -
嘉鱼县酒石回答: 你搞错了吧 slike是字符串数组for循环的新用法:每次遍历slike数组,用新建的对象temp保存

宗圣戚18083593259问: subject+verb+adverbials 是什么句型 麻烦给出5个例句 was she walking home from school taht day?she wasnt walking home from schoo.是什么句型 麻烦给出5... -
嘉鱼县酒石回答:[答案] He was hanging about on the street, with his jacket in his hand. All the people were looking at the girl where there were many policemen standing by. He was working hard on his studies,while his meal put on the table. The students went out of school, ...

宗圣戚18083593259问: it is +adj+for+sb+to+do+sth和 it is+adj+of+sb+to+do+sth有何区别?什么情况下用for,什么情况下用of -
嘉鱼县酒石回答: 若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用of sb.. It's very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我,真好. It's clever of you to work out the maths problem.你真聪明,解出了这...

宗圣戚18083593259问: 关于线代的作业,求大神,第二题怎么来的啊?选c,最好有过程,谢谢啦,在线等 -
嘉鱼县酒石回答: 【分析】 实对称矩阵的属于不同特征值的特征向量相互正交 【解答】 设x3=(a,b,c)T 则 a+b+c=0 2b+2c=0 可知(0,1,-1)T是2的特征向量 选C newmanhero 2015年1月16日22:12:03 希望对你有所帮助,望采纳.

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