
作者&投稿:秘莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Please remember to return your key before you leave our hotel , XX Mr.\/Mrs.XX先生\/小姐,在您离开酒店前,请记住归还钥匙。Sir, Here is your room key and room card for you. And your room rate includes one buffet breakfast in the western restaurant.先生,这是您的房间钥匙和房卡,您的房费包括...

There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.

世纪的算法是在年份的前两位数加一,例如1990年,19+1等于20,即1990年为20世纪。一个世纪代表一百年,通常是指连续的一百年。当用来计算日子时,世纪通常从可以被100整除的年代或此后一年开始,例如2000年或2001年。这种奇数的纪年法来自于耶稣纪元后,其中的1年通常表示“吾主之年”(year of our l...

第一个 dear sir or madam,Saving the Earth How to protect the environment becomes one of the biggest problems in the world. We can find the rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also harms people’s health. So we should not throw rubbish onto the ground. Some factories ...

1st 2nd 3rd 我想知道9XX后面是什么
“9XX”后面应该是是“9th”如:first (1st)、second (2nd)、third (3rd)、fourth (4th)、fifth (5th)、sixth (6th)、seventh (7th)、eighth (8th)、ninth (9th)、tenth (10th)

Since the the mid-1980s China has made hundruds of research results after we began to do research in groudwater system management model.

初中英语完形填空!!!The earth is our home .We must take care of it...
1-5 B C C D A 6-10 C A B C D 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

唱丹19231028102问: “四百人”的英文两种说法?hundred前面可以加具体数吗? -
赤城县华舒回答: four hundred people 意思是四百人hundred ,thousand , million ,billion 这类词前面有具体的数字时,hundred 既不加s,后也不加of 当没有具体的数字时,这些词后既要加s 也要加of

唱丹19231028102问: four hundred thousand 这是4万还是4千?30万 用英语怎么说?那4万是什么? -
赤城县华舒回答:[答案] four hundred thousand 40 万 three hundred thousand 30 万 补充问题 forty thousand 4万

唱丹19231028102问: 英语四百四十万怎么说呢 -
赤城县华舒回答: 英文原文: four point four million 英式音标: [fɔː] [pɒɪnt] [fɔː] [ˈmɪljən] 美式音标: [fɔr] [pɔɪnt] [fɔr] [ˈmɪljən]

唱丹19231028102问: “四百人”的英文两种说法?hundred前面可以加具体数吗?我的四种说法哪两种对?four hundred of people 或者four hundreds of people或者four hundred ... -
赤城县华舒回答:[答案] four hundred people正解 hundred、thousand等词的用法: 1.基数词(one、two、three...)+hundred、thousand(单数)+名词 2.hundreds/thousands of +名词

唱丹19231028102问: 为什么英语中没有 four hundred of 喝 four huandreds of 这两种形式? -
赤城县华舒回答: 英语中有规定: 例如hundred throusand million billion 这些词后 有数字时不加of 不变复数 无数字时,加 of变复数

唱丹19231028102问: 4,444,444 怎么读? -
赤城县华舒回答: four million four hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and forty-four

唱丹19231028102问: five million four hundred thousand写成阿拉伯数字是多少? -
赤城县华舒回答:[答案] 5,400,000 five million=5百万 four hundred thousand = 400千(40万) 再加起来...

唱丹19231028102问: four hundred of students also like listening to music 哪错了 -
赤城县华舒回答: 没有of 具体数字加名字不用of 但是 有hundreds of ,thousand of 表示许多 成千上万

唱丹19231028102问: 英文数字的读音规则比如说3400就只要读成three thousand four hundred,不用加and ,可是有些却要加and ,什么时候加什么时候不加呢 -
赤城县华舒回答:[答案] 只有百后面要加and的

唱丹19231028102问: 十万二千四百(102400)用英文怎么说?到底应该是One hundred two thousand and four hundred 还是One hundred and two thousand and four hundred?One ... -
赤城县华舒回答:[答案] 102,400One hundred two thousand and four hundred (dollars)(pieces).102=One hundred and two(dollars)But when you put all these numbers together 102,400,you would use AND in a different place.

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