
作者&投稿:毛媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. in doing or giving more than is usual or expected - 慷慨:There are stories about his generosity, the massive amounts of money he gave to charities.- 鼓励:With the encouragement from his father, he went abroad.- 鼓励:Our teacher often encourages us to study harder.2. en...


today is gonna be a great day.飞哥与小佛英文主题歌曲,要歌词全部...
'Til school comes along just to end it,So the annual problem for our generation,Is finding a good way to spend it Like maybe Building a rocket, or fighting a mummy,Or climbing up the Eiffel tower,Discovering something that doesnt exist,Or giving a monkey a shower Surfing tidal...

...can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause...
【1】They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause.他们可以把它当作礼物来分享,或者将其赠与慈善事业。介词with不应该添加。【2】In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money.不管怎样,父母应该明确...

Stand Up For Love这首歌的中文歌词?
其他人就会跟随For all the forgotten, for all the unloved为所有被遗忘,得不到爱的孩子I'm gonna sing this song我要唱这首歌And I believe that in my life I will see (yes, yes)我相信在这一生,我会见到an end to hopelessness, or giving up, or suffering绝望、放弃和受苦的结束...

零用钱可以给孩子们机会去体会花钱能够做的事情。他们可以以礼物或慈善捐款的形式和别人分享这些钱。give to a good cause 是捐善款的意思,固定用法。gifts和giving to a good cause是并列的。不明白的再问哟,望及时采纳,多谢!

准备好送出的东西 可以是礼物 也可以是不要的旧东西 准备施舍给别人的东西

In our daily life, most of us have the experience of helping strangers, like giving directions to a lost boy or giving our seats to an elderly lady on a bus. What a great feeling it is to see a smile on others’ faces! As an old saying goes, “Give roses to others ...

Natural (Imagine Dragons演唱歌曲)歌词中文翻译
只有你还没有放弃 When every one of them is giving up or giving in, tell me 当其他所有人都停止了尝试 被挫折磨尽了希望 In this house of mine 我所在之处 Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me 凡事皆有因果报应 没有什么得来轻而易举 所以告诉我 Will the stars...

Through “Alive and Well”they can telephone their parents and they do not ___17___ about this or giving out their addresses. The Hardens and their helpers ___18___ the telephone messages and connect(联系)the addresses given. About 30,000 British teenagers have left home and many of ...

移凝19234263667问: give up + to do 还是 doing? -
鄯善县复方回答: give up doing词组后面是用to do 还是doing 有个小技巧.动词后面如果是介词,就基本全是doing.

移凝19234263667问: give up + to do 还是 doing? -
鄯善县复方回答:[答案] give up doing 词组后面是用to do 还是doing 有个小技巧. 动词后面如果是介词,就基本全是doing.

移凝19234263667问: come to和come up to有什么区别 -
鄯善县复方回答: come to和come up to的区别为:使用场合不同、含义不同、用法不同. 一、使用场合不同 1.come to 解析:表示伴随动作〔状态〕,指某人或某事物按某种方式行进或某人在行进中做某事,也可表示目的. 2.come up to 解析:come+静态动词...

移凝19234263667问: 谁知道make up 的用法?
鄯善县复方回答: UP的用途 在英语里“up”的用途极为广泛;它是副词虚助词,也是介词,词义不止一个. 下面是“up”的六项主要用途: 一、作副词或介词,表示“向上”,如: (1) The monkey climbed up the tree. (2) Two boys helped the old man up. (3) ...

移凝19234263667问: 如何区分短暂动词和延续动词?谢谢 -
鄯善县复方回答: 判断方法就和我们汉语一样 一个动作很短时间就完成了就是短暂动词 比如 打开(门) 关上(灯) 跳(一下)open close jump 一个动作可以持续的进行就是延续动词 比如 一直住在那里 live 一直跑 run 一直睡sleep 主要看汉语意思 再结合英语这个词的用法 就好判断了哈

移凝19234263667问: help up中间+doing还是to do -
鄯善县复方回答: 帮助不会用help up,就用help help sb+do动词原型,帮助某人做某事.或help sb with sth,帮助某人做某事.

移凝19234263667问: 动词+up+with的短语 -
鄯善县复方回答: keep up with ...跟上; catch up with ...赶上; be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤满了; speed up with...; end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇; split up with...与内.分手(断交);容 tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.等等.

移凝19234263667问: 初中英语所有的固定搭配 -
鄯善县复方回答: (一)加-ingenjoy / like doing sth 喜欢做---- spend....(in) doing sth 在做---花费--- try doing 试着做------ be busy doing sth 忙于做------finish doing sth...

移凝19234263667问: Killer whales may live for up to 35 years.怎么理解?live for up 什么意思
鄯善县复方回答: 答案是: up to 在这句的意思是: 直到/达到(表数量/程度上) up to 35 years 意思是:(长)达35年,前面的介词for+时间段,和动词live 没有关系,就是说不是和live构成的词组 ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

移凝19234263667问: up to until 之间的区别
鄯善县复方回答: up to 从事于(坏事), 忙于, 胜任, 能做, 适合, 适于 What are you up to? 忙于 你在忙什么? Whether to do it or not is up to you (be up to :由....决定) 这里up to you表示由你决定 I think I am up to this task. (be up to :胜任) 我觉得我胜任这个...

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