
作者&投稿:路响 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...申克救赎》中的 get busy living, or get busy dying
主体性争夺的核心,在于如何生活。《肖申克救赎》中的“Get busy living, or get busy dying”这句话,实质上探讨的是个体在不同环境中的选择与行动。在囚犯的身份中,有两种截然不同的生活方式:一种是被囚禁体制所控制,成为监狱体系的一部分,被规律的劳作、生活所束缚;另一种是把握每一个机会...

I shouldered the bulk of cost of living 或者:I have beared (covered) most of the living cost.您好,很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意记得采纳 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝学习进步 ...

alive adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的 he does not know if he is alive or dead.她不知道他是活还是死。living:adj. 活的;现存的;活跃的;逼真的 n. 生活;生存;生计 v. 生活;居住(live的ing形式);度过 n. (Living)人名;(英)利文 Father never talked about what he did for a...

earn a living 和earn o
另一方面,"Academics in their ivory towers have no idea what it is like to earn one's living in industry or commerce." 这句话揭示了学术界与现实工作环境的隔阂,强调了理论与实践之间的差距。最后,"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it."...

怎样理解《肖申克救赎》中的"get busy living,or get busy dying_百度...
忙着活的精彩(做有意义的事),或者忙着走向人生终点(做无意义的事)个人理解 望采纳

earn a living 和earn one's living的区别
earn a living 和earn one's living的区别:earn a living 和earn one's living没有区别。二者都是“谋生”之意。

翻译:Get busy living, or get busy dying?

Living alone or Living with Roommates Nowadays, there has appeared a heated discussion among the college students as to whether they should live alone outside the campus or live together with other roommates in the students’ dormitory. Opinions are divided over the matter. Those who are in favo...

怎样理解《肖申克救赎》中的"get busy living,or get busy dying?_百度...

Don't___the seas any more,or the living things in them will die...
回答:B litter在这里是“乱扔垃圾”的意思,原句翻译为:不要再往海里扔垃圾了,否则里面的生物将会死去!

愈虏18643607159问: living for 和living from有什么区别 -
动力区脉血回答: living for 和living from 原形 live for ,live from都跟生活有关的,但具体意思有所不同.live for 为……而生活 One should not live for oneself alone.一个人不应只是为自已活着.live from有个固定词组live from hand to mouth 糊口度日 Since she only has a temporary job. She has to live from hand to mouth.她只有一份临时工,只能勉强糊口.

愈虏18643607159问: Xiao ming's mother opened up a tea house for - - - in Beijing -
动力区脉血回答: for living 固定搭配

愈虏18643607159问: for alive in a living for a live for a living 分别是什么意思,怎么使用 -
动力区脉血回答: 靠自己分辨1.生存 我必须为了生存而工作 i must work for alive, 2 在活着 3 以……为生 4 为…谋生 我认为主要是看短语的性质,有的是名词性短语如2,有的是动词性的3,还有表目的的如1,表原因的

愈虏18643607159问: 为了实现梦想 英语怎么写 -
动力区脉血回答: for living my dream

愈虏18643607159问: 生活所迫用英语怎么说 -
动力区脉血回答: 最常用且最通俗的的说法:for a living 举例: The former ballet dancer has now come to selling cigarettes and matches for a living 这位昔日的芭蕾舞演员如今为生活所迫,不得不去卖火柴和香烟了.

愈虏18643607159问: living的中文的意思 -
动力区脉血回答: living 英[ˈlɪvɪŋ] 美[ˈlɪvɪŋ] adj. 活(着)的; 现存的; 在使用中的; 逼真的; n. 生计; 生活方式; 生存之道; v. 居住; 活( live的现在分词); 以…为生; (按照规矩) 管理生活; [例句]Father never talked about what he did for a living 父亲从不谈他的谋生之道.[其他] 原型: live 复数:livings

愈虏18643607159问: “为了生计” 用英语怎么说 -
动力区脉血回答: for a living 以..为生计 do sth for a living

愈虏18643607159问: for a living造句 -
动力区脉血回答: He goes out to look for a job for a living every day.

愈虏18643607159问: living可数吗 -
动力区脉血回答: 基本上不可数,因为是作为动名词或者形容词来运用.比如说: 1.“earn a living by painting. ” 以画画为谋生、生计手段. 2."living organisms, living things" 生物、活体等等的意思. 3."We should care more for the living than the deceased." 我们应该更加关心那些活着的(人们).希望帮到你.

愈虏18643607159问: living为什么一般不放在be动词后面 -
动力区脉血回答: living 做前置定语,也就是在人或物前面修饰人或物.用在BE动词后的是它的同义词alive.

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