
作者&投稿:嵇鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This is girl___l want to meet.
答案:D 以上都是。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)有不会的可以再问我:)

[snɑ:l]n.嗥叫, 咆哮 The dog gave a low snarl.这只狗发出低沉的吠声。vi.(指狗)吠; 嗥叫; (人)咆哮 The dog snarled at me.这狗对我嗥叫。vt. & vi.咆哮着说; 厉声地说 “I will kill you.”he snarled.“我要杀死你”, 他咆哮道。sewer [sjuə]n.阴沟, 污水管, ...

bought an original, not a print.买到真迹,不是复制品 Work that has been composed firsthand:手稿:第一手做成的作品:kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher.保留手稿但可给出版商一份影印件 A person who is appealingly odd or curious; a character.怪人:脾气很古怪或...

http:\/\/\/wgbh\/nova\/newton\/media\/lrk-whowasnewton.pdf 参考资料:http:\/\/\/wgbh\/nova\/newton\/media\/lrk-whowasnewton.pdf English physicist and mathematician who was born into a poor farming family. Luckily for humanity, Newton was not a good farmer, and was sent to ...

Whether 'tis Nobler in the minde to suffer The Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune; Or to take Armes against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing end them: to dye, to sleepe No more; and by a sleepe, to say we end The Heart-ake, and the thousand Naturall shockes That Fle...

因为你的句子就没写完。我说,我把你像一个像我这样的...对待。who后面的内容说明“我”是什么样的人。如as i am a person who like music a lot.我把你像一个和我一样喜欢音乐的人一样对待。我把你看成是一个和我一样喜欢音乐的人。

This was originally a Scottish nickname for a person who was from Norway... [more]LACHTNA m Irish Means "milk-coloured" in Irish Gaelic... [more]LACI m Hungarian Pet form of LÁSZLÓLACY f & m English Variant of LACEY LADISLAO m Italian...

英语作文who am l30个单词
Who am i In the sea, I am a grain of sand. I, hidden in the boundless huge crowd. For I have neither the gentle slim, and no bright eyes, but I have enterprising heart, have water dream a bosom, have the lofty ideal, I firmly believe that with a good gas from China...

who which区别
应该选择which。本题考查宾语从句引导词的使用。本题引导词指人,因为是有范围的选择(John or Mary),因此用which不用who。句意:因为他们总是得到同样的分数,关于谁是更好的学生,总是有分歧。选B。考查宾语从句引导词主要看从句的成分,如果是完整的宾语从句,就是that引导定语从句,如果是缺少主宾...

burglar mugger robber thief的区别
一、表达意思有差异 1、burglar:n. 夜贼,窃贼 2、mugger :n. 行凶抢劫者,偷袭抢劫者;泽鳄(产于非洲)3、robber :n. 强盗;盗贼 4、thief:n. 小偷,贼 二、程度侧重不同 1、burglar:侧重于偷窃的目的。2、mugger :侧重于从所属受害人身上抢劫物品,对人会产生伤害。3、robber :侧重...

衅泳15926264659问: for the whole day用什么形式 -
开福区鸦胆回答: 是for a whole day 或者the whole day吧,还是all day,没听过这种说法

衅泳15926264659问: all day , the whole day有什么区别?不都是一整天的意思吗?谢谢. -
开福区鸦胆回答: the whole day是做连词的,引导一个句子;而for the whole day是做时间状语,一般放在句子末尾.这种用法类似于the first time和for the first time,你可以仔细体会下,区别是很大的.

衅泳15926264659问: for a whole day. 这句英语句子的上一句的答案 -
开福区鸦胆回答: I have been waiting for a whole day.我等了整整一天了.

衅泳15926264659问: for a whole day (for) 是否需要?She has eaten nothing for a whole day这里for 是需要有的么?如果句子 不是完成时态 a whole day 前是否加for -
开福区鸦胆回答:[答案] Mr.Nathan is off for a whole day. I'm so tired I could sleep for a whole day. 我真是累极了,简直可以睡上一整天. My baby went thirsty for a whole day. 我的孩子一整天没有喝到水. But we had a whole day alone. 但我们有一整天的时间单独在一起. The ...

开福区鸦胆回答: for a whole day是一个时间段..用现在完成时..所以用has..been in 是表示持续..gone to 是一个瞬间的动作..有时间段要用持续的..所以用has been in

衅泳15926264659问: relax for a whole day对吗 relax all day对吗 -
开福区鸦胆回答: 休息一天 have a day off ,take a day off , rest for a day , have a free day

衅泳15926264659问: The rain has been pulling down for a whole day. -
开福区鸦胆回答: 主语:the rain,谓语:has been pulling down,状语:for a whole day 此句的语态为:现在完成进行时,结构为 have(has)been +doing ,表示动作已完成但还有可能延续到将来,如:I have been collecting toys for a year .意为我已经收藏玩具一年了(已完成但还有可能延续下去)

衅泳15926264659问: whole day 前面要加什么介词和冠词呢 -
开福区鸦胆回答: 介词:in,冠词:a和the应该都可以 在一整天里:in a whole day,不特指哪一天,就强调一个整天in the whole day,特指在某一个整天里

衅泳15926264659问: The rain has been pulling down for a whole day.怎么分析句子成分 -
开福区鸦胆回答:[答案] 主语:the rain,谓语:has been pulling down,状语:for a whole day 此句的语态为:现在完成进行时,结构为 have(has)been +doing ,表示动作已完成但还有可能延续到将来,如:I have been collecting toys for a ye...

衅泳15926264659问: it rained for a - - - (whole)day yesterday,so i cou -
开福区鸦胆回答: whole不变, 用形容词it rained for a whole day yesterday, so i couldn't go out.昨天下了一天的雨,所以我不能出去了..-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

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