
作者&投稿:锺豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

61、人生太多苦痛,美好却如初见。 Life is too painful, but beautiful as first seen. 62、真实爱情的途径并不平坦。 The path to true love is not *** ooth. 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询 为...

assigns the dining table; The sausage is responsible for cooking. A person lives a too *** ooth life will begin to change and hang on will try to play with the new variety . Have one day the bird has run into another friend it is very proud to the friend to speak of the pleasur...

不过,无论她散开的长裙显得多么老实,发髻梳在后面显得多么端庄,那双交叠在膝头上的小手显得多么文静,她的本来面目终归是藏不住的。But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted *** oothly into a chignon and the quietness of *** all white hands fol...

Here you can see and enjoy a very amazing scene that you've never imagined.Trees and flowers are the main roles of the mountain.Flowers with different colours can be seen everywhere---red,yellow,white,you will get faint to count how many kinds of colours are there.They grow together to ...

Rubbish can be seen everywhere and the environment was polluted. The transportation was not convenient and there were few visitors. At present, things are greatly changed. People have moved into big bright houses. Many people have their own cars and they are living a happier life. People pay ...

1、说到底,爱情就是一个人的自我价值在别人身上的反映。In the final *** ysis, love is a reflection of one's self-worth on others.2、爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦,真诚的爱情永不是走一条平坦的道路的。Love is a kind of sweet pain, sincere love never takes a *** ooth road.3、金钱...

韶裕13921933829问: 英语中有哪些词是用现在进行时代替一般将来时? -
北塔区沙棘回答: 表示位置变化的 come,go,move,stay,leave,arrive

韶裕13921933829问: 求4个字母的,其中有2个一样的字母的英语单词 -
北塔区沙棘回答: book书look看 seen 看(see过去分词) seem像 feel 觉得,感觉 tool工具 cool酷 fool笨蛋

韶裕13921933829问: Seen from the tower,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. -
北塔区沙棘回答: 很明显,“the south foot of the mountain”是被看,当然要用过去分词表被动改为Seeing或者to See就是主动了,表示see这个动作是“the south foot of the mountain”主动发出来的,山怎么会发出see这个动作?要这样才可以Seeing the teacher,I stopped talking. 这里因为see这个动作是I发出来的,所以是主动,就可以用现在分词.赶快去看语法书里过去分词和现在分词的详细用法!!!

韶裕13921933829问: 英语:将下列句子改成倒装句 -
北塔区沙棘回答: 1. (原句)He gave a lot of presents to his friends, but he has never given one to me. (never 划线) 改为:He gave a lot of presents to his friends, but never has he given one to me. 解释:否定副词 never 放句首,never 后面采用部分倒装形式,把...

韶裕13921933829问: 什么是“秃头不定式”? -
北塔区沙棘回答: 动词不定式短语的结构:to do sth. ,秃头不定式就是把to省去.后跟秃头不定式做宾补的动词有: hear, listen to , see, look at, watch, observe, notice, feel, make, let, have; find , help 后面的通可带可不带. 记忆口诀:两听五看一感觉,使役动词有三个,find、help可带可不带,所以把它们排在外. 想看看口诀记忆方法吗

韶裕13921933829问: 富士山的英文介绍 -
北塔区沙棘回答: 富士山是日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为“圣岳”.mount fuji is japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the japanese nation, the japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位于本州中南部,东距东京约80千米,面积90....

韶裕13921933829问: 在什么情况下用动词不定式 -
北塔区沙棘回答: 在英语中,用到动词不定式的情况有很多: 在语法中,动词不定式是指动词的一种不带词形变化从而不指示人称、数量、时态的形式.它被叫做不定式,是因为动词不被限定,或者说不被词形变化所局限.不定式属于非谓语动词. 如果动词不...

韶裕13921933829问: 冰雪奇缘主题曲的翻译 -
北塔区沙棘回答: The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁 Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有 A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土 And it looks like I'm the queen;我就像是一个皇后 The wind is howling like this swirling storm ...

韶裕13921933829问: 英语名词前多个定语怎么排 -
北塔区沙棘回答: 巧记高考形容词作定语的排列顺序,屡试不爽 一.多个形容词作定语的排列顺序 当名词前面有几个形容词作修饰语时,一般按下列次序排列:限定词+描绘形容词+形状+大小+颜色+国籍原材料.有一个句子利用谐音可以帮助我们很容易地记这个...

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