
作者&投稿:经嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

单词拼写i wen to paris on_ (周三)and comeback the
Wednesday May you be happy every day and make great progress !本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!

Answer all the questions f ollowing each passage on the basis of what is stated or imp lied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the correspond ing spa ce in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1-5 Last year more than a million and a half foreign tourists...

英语作文the hardest decision
1.actually,give up is the hardest decision in my world,but i think,it is all the same the simplest one.2.terrible be honest ,i'm not so confident with the my heart of hearts,i still believe that if i havn't shown up with another would ...

quadri = 4 times could it refer to the ollowing 4 terms:7.1.1. Prior to beginning an analysis, verification of the operational condition of the scanning electron microscope must be established. This includes presence of system peaks, accuracy of magnification, and determination of ...

古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英语版

缑环13086285369问: "接下来"用英语怎么说 -
银州区香砂回答: 1、The following:英 [ðə ˈfɔləuiŋ] 美 [ði ˈfɑloɪŋ] 例句:The following tale will clearly illustrate this point. 接下来的故事将清楚地阐明这一点. 2、next:英 [nekst] 美 [nɛkst] adj.紧接在后的;次于的;贴近的;紧邻的 adv.接下去;然后;...

缑环13086285369问: 跟风用英语怎么说? -
银州区香砂回答: 跟风...copycat, follow blindlyfollow suit 跟着做,跟随,跟从,跟风...go with the flow 跟风follow the herd 跟风 一般用的最多的是copycat

缑环13086285369问: 问下following是啥意思?following the daily life是馍个?去野餐英语咋说? -
银州区香砂回答:[答案] 1.following 下列的,下面的,接下来的如 the following days 随后的日子. 2 .following the road 如果把它当非谓语动词中的现在分词作伴随状语状语,就是对的. 比如:Following the road ,I came to a village . 沿着这条街走,我来到一个村庄.逻辑主语是 I ...

缑环13086285369问: “跟着感觉走”用英语怎么说? -
银州区香砂回答: Follow the feelings

缑环13086285369问: 这里有一下几个观点用英文怎么说要用上following,怎么说 -
银州区香砂回答:[答案] There are several opinion as following: 或者 There are several following opinion.

缑环13086285369问: 在英语作文中 如果想说:接下来是我想说的.我这么翻译可以吗?following are the t -
银州区香砂回答: The followings are... 一般是这么用 也可以用 Next 来承前启后

缑环13086285369问: 你可以关注粉丝的微博么? 英语怎么说 -
银州区香砂回答: 推特上用的是following(关注)和follower(粉丝).关注应该就是“follow”了吧.我不会翻墙,所以不知道是不是“follow”.

缑环13086285369问: 接下来是 用英语怎么说? -
银州区香砂回答: next then 都可以的,希望帮到你

缑环13086285369问: 继什么什么之后 英语怎么说 -
银州区香砂回答: After....例如:爱因斯坦是继牛顿之后杰出的科学家.Albert Einstein is a great scientist after Newton.

缑环13086285369问: 英语尾随者怎么说?
银州区香砂回答: 尾随者-follower我是尾随者,我跟着你行动--I'm a follower, I'm following your actions.大家请小心!--Please be careful, everybody!你非常了不起--you are absolutely(/truly/completely/extremely) an amazing(/incredible/fantastic/breathtaking) person.

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