
作者&投稿:幸缪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ollow your heart,but take your brain with you什么意思

范文:Bulletproof youth group (BTS) is a Korean men's singing group launched by bighit entertainment on June 13, 2013. It is composed of 7 members: Jin Nanjun, Jin shuozhen, min Minqi, Zheng Haoxi, park Zhimin, Jin Taiheng and Tian Minguo.In June 2013, he released his ...

if the god ollow ,i am glad to be your angel forever 是什么意思...

follow是什么意思 翻译
理解,明白(说明或意思);密切注视;对…产生浓厚兴趣而关注;涉及…生活;按…方式(或方向)发展 n.跟随;(撞球)跟球;添菜 添菜 拓展:ollow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。2、follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。3、as follows是个惯用语,不管...

如果是ALLOW 是允许的意思

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can you feel it - Jean Roch 试听:http:\/\/\/v_show\/id_XMTU5NTA3MTI0.html 下载:http:\/\/\/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=can%20you%20feel%20it%A1%AAJean%20Roch


宣衬15649427498问: follow one's lead是什么意思 -
乐至县愈美回答: follow one's lead 听从某人的领导 双语对照例句: 1. Misconceptions of one lead to misconceptions concerning the other. 对其一的误解导致对另一个的误解.2. Besides, she could lead one of two exotic alternatives. 除非她可以领导其他两个外部党派其中一支.

宣衬15649427498问: 可以把follow one's advice改成follow one's suggestions吗?若是可以,意思仍是“听从某人的建议”吗? -
乐至县愈美回答: 在最后“before I decided”,说明空格上的动作发生在决定之前,而follow one's advice是在决定后的举动,而sought the wise man's advice 是说仔细考虑他的建议,正好是决定前的动作.本句有三思而后行的意思

宣衬15649427498问: 翻译以下为英语短语!谢谢大家了!1、优点2、追寻接某人的梦想
乐至县愈美回答: 优点:strong point或者advantage 追寻某人梦想:chasing down one's dream 或者 follow one's dream

宣衬15649427498问: the main reasons are listed as follows 请分析一下这句话的语法,为什么follow要加s呢? -
乐至县愈美回答: as follows 是个固定表达,意思:如下 这里follow+s 为 follows 这里没有为什么,须记住.

宣衬15649427498问: follow的词组 -
乐至县愈美回答: Follow的词组和短语一览,包括follow up/on/out/through/from和as follow 关键词:follow的词组,follow的短语,as follow 来源:在线英汉词典 | 发布日期:2009-01-23 18:10 follow开头的短语(共52条): follow a middle course 采取折衷办法, 避...

宣衬15649427498问: follow 的用法 -
乐至县愈美回答: B 换一种表达方式,就是Silver is tile best conductor of electricity,followed by copper. 但是根据这个题,选B

宣衬15649427498问: 英语翻译你认为我该听从谁的建议?(follow one's advice) -
乐至县愈美回答:[答案] whose advice do you think i should follow do you think 是插入语

宣衬15649427498问: 随心所欲英语 -
乐至县愈美回答: 百度翻译结果 随心所欲[suí xīn suǒ yù] arbitrarily; follow one's bent [inclinations]; ... as one pleases; at one's [one's own] sweet will; at one's pleasure 我觉得follow one's mind 比较合适

宣衬15649427498问: follow one's advise和take one's follow相等吗? -
乐至县愈美回答: follow one's advise和take one's follow相等 follow one's advise按照某人的建议take one's follow 采纳某人的建议

宣衬15649427498问: Follow one's nose? -
乐至县愈美回答: 应该是“一直朝前走”的意思.有可能不对,但我只能翻译到这个程度了!抱歉!有这麽一个英语句子:Follow your nose 顾名思义,“跟着你的鼻子走”,就是“利用嗅觉找东西”的意思.和“Follow one's nose?”应该差不多啊!

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