
作者&投稿:占芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 作状语时,可以用介词短语或者副词:to my surprise\/astonishment\/amazement;或者unepectedly,surprisingly;举例:To my surprise, she never complained her hard and dirty work.令我惊讶的是,她从来没有抱怨过她又苦又脏的工作。To my amazement , he remembered me.使我大为惊奇的是他还记得...

she smiled to me pleasanly与she...
首先,单词错了哟,pleasantly才对。。两个句子都没错,pleasantly修饰smile, 友好地笑。副词修饰动词其实放前后都行。to sb.是固定的了。。

it took me()to find out the kegly to the drawer
B one and a half hours 一个半小时 还可以说 one hour and a half

Melloly Meloly Melely 哪个英文名是对的?

7、It appalled me to see such sloppy work.看到这么草率马虎的产品,真叫我厌恶。8、The entry was more of a free-fall, really, Lron's piloting veering between the suicidally reckless and the professionally competent.进入大气的过程,更像是自由落体。勒荣操纵舵轮时介乎自杀性的草率和...

I wrestled with my own resolution: I wanted to be weak that I might avoid the awful passage of further suffering I saw laid out for me; and Conscience, turned tyrant, held Passion by the throat, told her tauntingly, she had yet but dipped her dainty foot in the slough, and swore ...

This damned university life, I do not belong to

Every night, I would dream of a future where I could make a difference in the world, just like my hero did. And with their example as my inspiration, I never lost sight of that goal.Over the years, I worked tirelessly to achieve my dreams, facing many challenges and ...

sa la la ly歌词
you look to gate the best of me Only when you won't the lot best come for you Only when you won't the young baby I want to love the beautiful thing The stronger songs this is my life The thinking love what time I free When I speak out my dream Sa la la ly sa la...

“My darling Clemmie, in your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me, abouthaving enriched your life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel sooverwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love…What it has been to me to live...

类琛17048251496问: EVA的TV版片尾曲《Fly me to the moon》一共有几个版本? -
成华区美爱回答: 这首名曲翻唱的人很多,和EVA有关得的如下 高桥洋子(也就是原版) 林原惠美(绫波丽版) 三石琴乃&林原惠美&宫村优子(明日香&绫波丽&葛成合唱) 宇多田光(新剧场版)

类琛17048251496问: EVA第8话片尾曲,fly me to the moon,是谁唱的?我最喜欢那个版本的那首了
成华区美爱回答: Aya Bossa Technofrom EVA贴吧

类琛17048251496问: 林原惠 fly me to the moon -
成华区美爱回答: FLY ME TO THE MOON-林原惠 用讯雷

类琛17048251496问: EVA片尾曲的名字 -
成华区美爱回答: 好象有两种叫法:1.Fly me to the moon 2.Moon Boogie Light 至于原唱,应该是 [林原惠]

类琛17048251496问: 找首日本歌FLY ME TO THE MOON -
成华区美爱回答: 各版本基本上都在这了,国语版其实也有两三个版本配音 而且ED本来就一直换人唱,基本每个主要声优都唱过 所以不能确定你到底要哪首 如果按你说的不变,就是这首

类琛17048251496问: 林原惠美 Fly Me To The Moon -
成华区美爱回答: 有,这里可以下载

类琛17048251496问: 求eva“从古至今”所有的主题曲,片尾曲,插曲······
成华区美爱回答: Fly me to the moon 找林原惠唱的那个. 超好听!~ 新剧场版序里的Angel of Doom也不错~

类琛17048251496问: EVA(TV版)第十集片尾曲(fly me to the moon)是谁唱的? -
成华区美爱回答: 第十话是《岩浆潜行者》吧,片尾曲的《FLY ME TO THE MOON》是宫村优子演唱的明日香版,另外还有高桥洋子的普通版和林原惠的凌波丽版.资源很多,酷狗这一类的音乐软件上就能找到,或者留个邮箱,我发给你.采纳哦

类琛17048251496问: eva的fly me to the moon谁是原唱 -
成华区美爱回答: 《Fly me to the moon》(带我去月球),这首歌原本叫作《In other words》,是首华尔兹舞曲,1954年由音乐家Bart Howard谱写词曲,1962年由Joe Hannel改编而大受欢迎.至今,这首《Fly me to the moon》已经成为世界上被翻唱和重新演...

类琛17048251496问: 跪求:新世纪福音战士的片尾曲fly me to the moon.林原惠和高桥洋子的歌曲链接,QQ空间能用的...

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