
作者&投稿:春旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

To introduce myself(介绍我自己)Hello,every one!(大家好)My name is *** . (我叫***)I'm a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)I'm ...

Brazzaville的《Some Days》 歌词
歌曲名:Some Days 歌手:Brazzaville 专辑:Jetlag Poetry Someday -John Legend 《August Rush》As days go by and fade to nights I still question why you left I wonder how it didn't work out but now you're gone and memories all I have for now but no it's not over we'll ...

帮我写一个英语短文 谢谢拉
One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained. A week later, the Indian went up to ...With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the ...

mp_logfile 1...开不开纪录文件(那要怎么存盘???) mp_logmessages 0...控制是否把游戏进行间玩家的对话也记录到log文件中, 此项设定必需同时设定"log on""mp_logfile 1"才可生效 mp_lowlag 0...子弹打在墙上的效果,速度快用0,慢用1 mp_mapvoteratio 0.6...票选地图的人数达60%以上才会换地图,0.0-...

只要我们在一起,那就是家 用英语怎么说
只要我们在一起,那就是家 用英语怎么说 food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual ...

13. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ? 14. What do you do for a living? 15. What...I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study XXX in this famou...

old time zone. You were wide-awake and ready for dinner in the middle of the night, and you wanted to sleep all day. People suffer from jet lag because all living things have a biological clock. Plants and animals are all in rhythm with the natural divisions of time —day ...

c语言 题目
程序源代码: main() { float sn100.0,hnsn\/2; int n; for(n2;n0) {x1(x2+1)*2;\/*第一天的桃子数是第2天桃子数加1后的2倍*\/ x2x1; day--; } printf("the total is %d\\n",x1); } 【程序21】 题目:猴子吃桃问题:猴子第一天摘下若干个桃子,当即吃了一半,还不瘾,又多吃了一个 第二...

A: surprise on August 14 - aug. 22) with a 10% discount as again Full of 200 yuan, giving a retail 10 yuan (bottle),In the supermarket controls silver bar with 1500 yuan can receive a flashlight shop floor (supermarket)limited number of donated stock lasts ...

let's think about the hard works of the people on the stages have putted into the study of English language, it's unmeasurable. I think the best advice to all of you will be take your action now, start learning. and one day, you will become our Champion of English Spe...

歧相13076339724问: flagday怎么读声音 -
常州市贝西回答: 英文原文: flag day 英式音标: [flæg] [deɪ] 美式音标: [flæg] [de]

歧相13076339724问: 国旗日用英语怎么读?
常州市贝西回答: National Flag Day [ˈnæʃnəl flæɡ deɪ]国旗日

歧相13076339724问: “flag”怎么读? -
常州市贝西回答: flag 读音:英[flæg] 美[flæɡ] 释义: 名词: 旗; 旗帜; 信号旗;菖蒲 及物动词: 标示 不及物动词: 疲乏,变弱,热情衰减 [例句]The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag 海军陆战队队员爬到使馆大楼顶上,升起了美国国旗. 第三人称单数:flags 复数:flags 现在分词:flagging 过去式:flagged

歧相13076339724问: flag怎么读 -
常州市贝西回答: flag 英[flæɡ] 美[flæɡ] n. 旗;旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲 vt. 标示 vi. 疲乏,变弱,热情衰减 [例句]Now jpmorgan has replanted its flag in the region.如今,摩根大通重新把旗帜插到了这个地区.

歧相13076339724问: flag 怎么读 -
常州市贝西回答: flag[英][flæg] 你去这里,它会读给你听http://fanyi.baidu.com/#auto/zh/

歧相13076339724问: flag怎么读 -
常州市贝西回答: flag[英][flæɡ][美][flæɡ]n.旗;旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲vt.标示vi.疲乏,变弱,热情衰减复数: flags双语例句1.a flag high atop a pole高挂在旗杆顶端的旗子2.There was some carefully choreographed flag-waving as the President drove by.总统的车经过时...

歧相13076339724问: fiag怎么读 -
常州市贝西回答: flag 英音:[flæg] 美音:[flæg]

歧相13076339724问: 短文our flag怎么读? -
常州市贝西回答: our flag 英式读法 [ˈaʊə(r) flæɡ] 美式读法 [aʊər flæɡ] 是 网络 国旗的意思 This is our flag now.现在,这就是我们的红旗了.

歧相13076339724问: flag的音标是:[flæg] æ这个不是读ai吗?为什么读出来是4声? -
常州市贝西回答: æ这个音和ai爱犬是不一样的两个音.æ是一个单元音,只有一个音节的长度.ai是个双元音,是a音和i结合起来的.flag里面的a的发音与其说像ai不如说更像e音.两个音的主要区别在于嘴巴里面的发音位置.æ和e对大多数中国人来说听起来是没有区别的.细微的区别是e音发音位置更靠近上面那排牙齿的牙根,而æ音更靠后靠上(接近硬颚)的位置.

歧相13076339724问: white flag中文谐音 -
常州市贝西回答: 你好.white flag读音的汉语谐音是:外特-腐赖个.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.


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