
作者&投稿:冀治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

刘邓19786684529问: plane全球最大fj111去哪了 -
铁西区美地回答: 全球最大的fj111换成什么地址了

刘邓19786684529问: (go)there by plane,you will arrive tomorrow morn -
铁西区美地回答: Going there by plane,you will arrive tommorrow morning 这是一句话,如果用go,一句话两个动词 go arrive,是不成立的 这里用going做状语

刘邓19786684529问: PLS显示器和IPS那种更好 -
铁西区美地回答: PLS面板的全称为Plane to Line Switching,其驱动方式是所有电极都位于相同平面上,利用垂直、水平电场驱动液晶分子动作,三星推出.IPS(In-Plane Switching,平面转换)技术是日立公司于200...

刘邓19786684529问: 英语:At last the plane l - --- - on the ground. -
铁西区美地回答: At last the plane landed on the on(飞机等)降落于...

刘邓19786684529问: (On) I saw the plane coming towards me. I dashed for cover. On seeing the plane coming towards me. -
铁西区美地回答: 看了楼上二位的回答和楼主的疑问,简单的说就是不存在sawing这种用法,只能是seeing.saw本身就是see的过去...

刘邓19786684529问: 是I've never taken the plane before 还是I had never taken the plane before.希望能说明理由,谢谢啊 -
铁西区美地回答: 用:I've never taken the plane before. I'd never taken the plane before.是过去完成时.过去...

刘邓19786684529问: Jenny went back home by plane.改为同义句 -
铁西区美地回答: took a plane back

刘邓19786684529问: I want to talk a plane . 否定句是什么? -
铁西区美地回答: I don't want to take a plane .答题不易,满意请采纳!谢谢!有问题欢迎追问!

刘邓19786684529问: plane,hand的发音是否相同?
铁西区美地回答: 两词当中的字母a发音完全不一致.plane中字母a发字母本身的读音,即双元音【ei】;而hand中字母a发音是单元音,即四号梅花音【æ】.

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