
作者&投稿:督孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我的mine[main] writer[rait](作者)。好的fine[fain] 7.ive读[aiv],ove读[u:v]发光shine[ain] 到达arrive[raiv]线line[lain] 驾(驶)drive[draiv]机器特例读machine居住live[liv][mi:n] 给give[ɡiv]内服药读作medicine 贵的expensive[medisin] [ikspensiv]6.ite读[ait] 提高improve[impru:v]怀特...

07-GHOST - 瞳のこたえ AIR 鸟之诗 夏影 青空 月童 Angel beats - My Soul, Your Beats! 一番の宝物 BLASSREITER - sad rain CLANNAD Ana 小さなてのひら 时を刻む呗 叛逆的鲁鲁修 Stories Continued Story Innocent Days モザイクカケラ 仆は、鸟になる。 CONNECT REGENERA...

apprecite 用法
firstly,是appreciate,单词都错了你怎么能找到其用法。词根:preci =value,表示"价值,估价"同根词 adj.precious珍贵的,贵重的 (preci价值,估价+ous……的→有价值的)appreciative感谢的,赞赏的 (appreciate[v.欣赏]+ive……的→adj.感谢的,赞赏的)appreciable可估价的;可察觉的 (ap加强+preci价值,估...

护心卡Heart protecive pad 个piece 98.00 眼罩Eye pad 个piece 68.50 面膜 Face film 个piece 48.00 保健帽health protive hat(male\/female) (s\/m\/l) 顶top 78.00 领带necktie 条piece 760.00 安然手套(男\/女)anran glove(male\/female) 大中号 付pair 66.00 安然太阳帽Naran sun hat...

这次,推荐的是 电影 小村。The movie recommended today is "Village"在一个十八世纪欧洲随处可见的小村庄,百姓安居乐业。年长的,德高望重的长老们把握着村子里的法规,年轻人在长辈的教导下成长,劳作,生活,代代相传。In a small village that could be seen all over the 18th Century's ...

求后街的permanent stain中英对照歌词~~~
How you left a permanent stain on my heart and Ive been feeling it Ooh ooh ooh ooh You left a permanent stain on my heart and Ive been feeling it One should… with time Never gonna fade, one can touch the flame and tame the fire You are the piece I cant replace, oh Y...

25.people cry, not because theyre ter bring, cause Ill bring every Ive got it.你最好全神贯注,因为我定会全力以赴!27.Life isnt fair, but no matter your circumstances, you have to give it your all.生活是不公平的,不管你的境遇如何,你只能全力以赴。28.I have all the time ...

One&Pieceい收集的好听的歌曲,希望喜欢 外国的:I want it that way MY love SHow me As long as you love me Every body Say good bye Because of you Blue-all rise Promises don't come easy Teddybear Yesterday Once More ScarboroughFair My heart will go on god is a girl my heart...

I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.答案一、EDACB 二、CBDAGFHE 三、2143 短文填空:Only Mother Love is true love . It gives everybody everything all h (1) life. When you are still a baby, mother takes goo...

sugar--Flo rida 中文歌词
Wanna peace, to a piece gotta get a piece. 吃了一粒还想再吃一粒 I dont know a piece, Give me all your sweets. 没想到就一粒就能长今你的甜蜜 Bottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feast. 从头到脚 甜蜜的大餐就在这里 Level with our trip, Im a lip bitin beast. 就像...

禹竿18778464822问: pieces of paper 后面的谓语动词应该用单数还是复数? -
尤溪县罗浮回答: 您好!很高兴为您解答,对于"piece"的用法.如果是"piece",例如"a piece of paper(一张纸)"用is;如果是"pieces"例如"two pieces of paper",(两张纸)则用are.Be动词的选择取决于piece 的单复数.望采纳!!

禹竿18778464822问: “五条新闻”用英语怎么翻译? -
尤溪县罗浮回答: 英语新闻news是不可数名词,要说一条新闻可以用a piece of news来说.当要说“五条新闻”时,必须把piece变为复数pieces,而不可数名词news则不能变化. 答案:five pieces of news

禹竿18778464822问: There are five - ----- - on the floor. A.pieces of papers B.pieces of newspapers C.p... -
尤溪县罗浮回答: D 试题分析:paper作“纸”讲时,为不可数名词.一张纸a piece of paper,两张纸two pieces of paper.Paper作主语,谓语动词用单数;但当paper被piece修饰时,谓语动词与piece的形式保持一致.但A中的paper加s是错误的.Newspaper为可数名词,故选D.

禹竿18778464822问: On the table there are five - --------. A.tomatos B.picec of tomatoes C.tomatoes 为什么不能选B? -
尤溪县罗浮回答: pieces用复数.如要表示“5片西红柿”, five pieces of tomatoes.

禹竿18778464822问: 英语翻译5块巧克力 -
尤溪县罗浮回答: 5块巧克力英语翻译Five bars of chocolate

禹竿18778464822问: five pieces of cake 和five pieces of cakes哪个对呀,如果量词(复数时)后面跟的是可数名词时,可数名词后要加S吗 -
尤溪县罗浮回答:[答案] cakes

禹竿18778464822问: five pieces of paper (翻译) -
尤溪县罗浮回答:[答案] 五片纸张 paper是不可数名词,所以不能在paper这个词上使用复数形式,可是piece是可数的名词,可以在piece上加s,表示不可数名词或者可数名词的复数形式.

禹竿18778464822问: five pieces of paper (翻译) -
尤溪县罗浮回答: 五片纸张paper是不可数名词,所以不能在paper这个词上使用复数形式,可是piece是可数的名词,可以在piece上加s,表示不可数名词或者可数名词的复数形式.

禹竿18778464822问: a piece of ,a bit of,pieces,bits 有什么区别 -
尤溪县罗浮回答: a lot of许多=lots of a piece of 一张 pieces of数张 both两个都 some一些 most of……的大多数 a part of一部分 a bit of一点儿(只修饰不可数名词)

禹竿18778464822问: 像two loaves of bread这样的句子前面是加this还是that还是those还是these? 当不可数名词加了像two loaves of这样的修饰词,它还是算不可数的吗? -
尤溪县罗浮回答: 加完量词,整体变为可数,所以用those 或these 例如:these pieces of paper 这些纸张、five pieces of paper 五张纸 three blocks of chocolate 三块巧克力 等等

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