
作者&投稿:羽祝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It+be+形容词+for sb+to do It+be+形容词+of sb+to do 怎么区分呢...
例子:it' is kind of you to help me.意思是你能帮我太好了。其中kind可以翻译为善良的,好的,用来形容完成动作(to do)的人。2.而It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth中形容词(adj)修饰的是动作(to do),侧重表现的是某件事是怎么怎么地。例子:It is difficult for you to deal ...

it takes sb some time to do sth中some time作什么成分
some time作直接宾语.It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间.在这个句型中,it作形式主语, 不定式to do sth.作真正的主语.takes带双宾语,sb.是间接宾语, some time直接宾语.例子: It takes him thirty minutes to go from his home to the school....

It happened to sb that的意思是什么?
"It occurred to sb that" 表达的是某人突然意识到或想到了某个事情或想法。这个短语的意思是“对某人而言,这个想法突然发生了”,其中 "occurred to" 是 "发生" 的意思,"sb" 是 "somebody" 的缩写,表示某个人。例如,"It occurred to me that we need to finish the project before the ...

it take sb some time to do somethong的用法
It takes me half an hour to go to work every day。 我每天花费半小时去上班 It took him two days to finish the work. 他花了两天完成这件工作。

高中英语,it is+adj for\/to sb,什么情况用for,什么情况用to
It’s clever of you to work out the maths problem. It's very kind of you to look after my cat.你真聪明,解出了这道数学题.It’s foolish of you to do that.It’s wrong of the other children to make fun of you.②“It’s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说...

It takes sb two hours To does sth是对的吗?
这句话的结构是对的 但是to后面得加do 因为是动词不定式

It is+形容词+of sb to do sth 中的形容词是形容人的品质的,例如:It's kind of you to help me.It's nice of you to help me.It is wise of them to turn down the suggestion.他们很明智,拒绝了这个建议。(强调的是them是明智的。)而It is+形容词+for sb to do sth中的形容...

It hits sb.+从句是什么意思?

用It takes sb some time to do sth 造句
1、It takes he two hours to study.他花了两个小时学习。2、It takes me two hours to study English everyday.学习英语每天花费我两个小时.3、It takes him two hours every week to do the housework.他每周用两个小时的时间做家务。4.、It took him four hours to get there yesterday....

It's什么for sb. to do sth.什么意思
1. 句子或词组翻译和含义解释:"It's + adj. for sb. to do sth." 这个句型的含义是“某人做某事是(形容词)的”。2. 语法详解:这个句型由以下几个部分构成:- It's:这是一个主语,指代整个句子。- adj.:这是一个形容词,用于描述后面的动作或状态。- for sb.:这是一个介词短语,...

鱼宗13087631717问: fit和siut的区别 -
利辛县瑞波回答: fit是一个不用于被动的动词一般用法:fit sb/sth (for sth/to do sth) 是某人某事适合... siut不用于进行时,是满足某人需要,合某人心意的前提下的合适的意思.... 所以对与这道题目应该用suit,另外,这两个都是及物动词,直接跟名词or宾语,不要加...

鱼宗13087631717问: 英语fit 既可以当动词,又可以当形容词,那什么时候用动词fit,什么时候用be fit , be fit for呢.请 -
利辛县瑞波回答: 动词: fit sb适合于某人 如: The pair of shoes fits me well. 以下为形容词be fit合适 They are fit, but I do not like the colour.Have you got them in a dark brown ? 这双大小较合适,但我不喜欢这种颜色.这种鞋有棕色深一点的吗?be fit to do 意为...

鱼宗13087631717问: fit sb与suit sb有什么区别? -
利辛县瑞波回答: fit 指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调.suit 指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色、款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称. 如: This new jacket fits her well . 这件夹克很合她的身. 对比: This new jacket suits her beautifully . 这件夹她穿着真漂亮. That colour suits you best . Try the new key and see if it fits the keyhole . Does this time suit you ? No dish suits all tastes .

鱼宗13087631717问: 是fit sb还是fit to sb? -
利辛县瑞波回答: fit on sb 没有后面的用法

鱼宗13087631717问: sth fit sb 还是sth fit for sb -
利辛县瑞波回答: sth fit sb FIT在这里是表示适合 及物动词

鱼宗13087631717问: I am fit for the shirt 还是the shirt is fit for me? -
利辛县瑞波回答: 前一个正确,fit 做形容词时,用be fit for sth. 如: I am fit for the 做动词,用fit sb. 如: The work fits me well.

鱼宗13087631717问: 与...相配 用英语怎么说? -
利辛县瑞波回答: go well with=match表示气质颜色场合等等的搭配. 例句: Shirts can go well with formal occasions. 正式场合适宜穿衬衫. Does this color go well with that color? 这种颜色与那种颜色相配吗? I want one that go well with my blouse. 我想买一条裙...

鱼宗13087631717问: fit sb. in什么意思? -
利辛县瑞波回答: 找时间给某人(做某事).如:My schedule is very tight right now, but I'll try to fit you in.尽管我的日程已经排的很满,但是我会试着找时间给你(做某事).

鱼宗13087631717问: 高二 英语 fit,suit的区别. 请详细解答,谢谢! (13 16:5:24) -
利辛县瑞波回答: fit 衣服大小、形状等合身、恰当.suit 适合某人风格,满足某人需要,对某人的味道,能够承受. 体会一下:The dress fits me like a glove.这条裙子完全和我的身.This hot weather doesn't suit me.天这么热,我真受不了.Choose a computer to suit your particular needs.选一台适合你自己需要的电脑吧.

鱼宗13087631717问: fit的固定搭配 -
利辛县瑞波回答: 固定搭配 标准意思: fit in装配好麻烦确认答案

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