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用英语介绍非洲旅游景点 用英语介绍非洲旅游景点作文


1. I didn't have many friends by then.2. When I first came to this class, I didn't have good grades. But with teachers' help, I was able to get better grades.

我并不确定我坐在你的后面是否值得你回头,即使是出于礼貌的原因才打声招呼或者是找一个适当的理由就像遇到陌生人那样忽视我。这个温暖的冬天,它势必会属于我!12月份的冬至,太阳到达南半球的极端 - 那是热带上空的摩羯座。哈哈,白羊座也在热带上空,可能它们是宇宙中注定有某种关系的星座吧!不管这...

英语写作常用句式 一、the + 最高级 + 名词 + (that) + 主语 + have ever + seen ( known\/heard\/had\/read, etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.张老师是我曾经遇到...

one should be mentioned.5)One may think of the trend as aresult of.6)the change in.largely results from the fact that.7)there are several causes for this significant growth in.irst.8)A number of factors could account for the.9)It is no simple task to give the reason for...

急需《27 dresses》的全部英文台词
Every girl on the planet rips open that page, fiirst thing Sunday. Brides kill to get in there. Do you have any idea what you can be doin'? - You mean to women who are about to get married? - Yeah. They won't call you. They won't bother you. They will pretend they never ...

评价魏晨 客观
魏晨从一个阳光的 男孩成长为一个成熟时尚的男性。现在他出了第二张专辑~~“破晓晨光锋芒万丈”我爱你!!他很努力!!为了给大家另一面不惜一切地奋斗 如果没有魏晨,我不知道这个世界是那么的美好,美好到可以用一个微笑 来代替一切 !谢谢!!我爱你##支持你 加油加油加油!!!

语朋13147678177问: first - past - the - post是什么意思 -
临淄区复方回答: first-past-the-post adj. (选举体制)得票最多者当选的,票数领先即入选的 [例句]Britain 's first-past-the-post voting system is rather brutal to small parties. 英国“得票多者胜”的投票制度对小党派来说相当残忍.

语朋13147678177问: 请问first - past - the - post electoral system是什么意思?谢谢 -
临淄区复方回答: July 2, 2000: Election resulted in victory for the former communist Mongolian Peoples Revolutionary Party (MPRP); first-past-the-post electoral system enabled MPRP, with 52% of the popular vote, to win 95% of the parliamentary seats; formation of new government by Prime Minister N. Enkhbayar.

语朋13147678177问: 功夫熊猫主要内容(英文) -
临淄区复方回答: The Po (Jack Black) of the first Kung Fu Panda is still the same goofy panda with a strong spirit and unique karate moves, but in this movie he faces unanswered questions about his past. While the first movie was more of an origin story, the sequel ...

语朋13147678177问: last past区别 -
临淄区复方回答: Last 重在强调因为过去的那些年才造成现在的结果.有点对比意味存在 Past 强调时间上的过去,强调这么多年已经消逝了 eg:our country has been a very strong country in the last 30 years.(过去的30年,强调last ) this event had been pasted for 30 years.(已经经过了30年,强调30年)

语朋13147678177问: 英语定语从句改错 The first book which I bought is very po -
临淄区复方回答: which-that, 先行词有序数词,最高级修饰时定语从句引导词要用that

语朋13147678177问: He was first past the finishing line. 这里past用该是动词吧 为什么能和was并用??? -
临淄区复方回答: 这里的past不是动词而是介词,常用的past词性也没有动词. 之所以判定为介词,是因为前面已经有was了,一个句子中不可能同时出现两个动词,只能出现一个,其余的均要变为非谓语动词形式.楼主提供的句子还应在first前面加个the,因为first是序数词.这个等价于下面这个句子: He was the first past the finishing line=He was the first to pass the finishing line. pass就是个动词,由于刚才说了,一个句子中不可能出现多个动词,所以pass前面才加了to,变成不定式.pass和past的意思相近,都有超过的意思.另外. 楼主还有不懂的请追问.

语朋13147678177问: 功夫熊猫简介英文(翻译)带who is the movie about?what does he or she do? -
临淄区复方回答: 第二部 The Poof the first Kung Fu Panda is still the same goofy panda with a strong spirit and unique karate moves, but in this movie he faces unanswered questions about his past. While the first movie was more of an origin story, the sequel shows ...

语朋13147678177问: 求大神解答下,哈利波特第一部原版书一句话的语法分析 Then she met that Po -
临淄区复方回答: land with 使背上包袱.这句话的意思应该是说哈利的母亲死了以后,她的姨妈不得不背上(哈利)这个包袱,也就是收养他的意思吧

语朋13147678177问: 英语句子成分分析.I expected her to pass the driving test first time. -
临淄区复方回答: 不是很正确. 这是个expect sb to do sth 句型,属于“主语---谓语---宾语---宾语补足语”句式. 主语:I 谓语:expected 宾语:her 宾语补足语:to pass the driving 时间状语:first time the driving test 不单独做句子的成份,与to pass 一起做宾语补足语,但细分,可以说是动词pass的宾语.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.请尽快采纳.

语朋13147678177问: C++,假如set集合s中最大的数为a,s.lower - bound(b)输出什么,b>a -
临淄区复方回答: 输出是什么意思,您是指返回值?Iterator pointing to the first element that is not less than key. If no such element is found, a past-the-end iterator (see end()) is returned.返回第一个不小于这个value的迭代器(iterator),即s.end().你可以用 return_value == s.end() 来判定.

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