
作者&投稿:典颜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

缺词填空。John is (f )Australia.He likes playing (w ) clay. He...
(but,可是) he (can,能) make (many,许多) things like cars, trucks, birds and (other,其他的) things. He often forgets to (wash,洗) his hands. His mother says in the world his (hand,手) is dirtirst. But John says (he,他) can find the other (one,一个)....

And I Miss Sarah, I wanna wear you like a Gucci sweater我怀念Sarah小姐 我想把你打扮得像个古奇牌子毛衣 To get you all alone in a tong I'd do whatever让你独居一室我愿做任何事 Get me a bottle of Dom, I do it better给我来一瓶Dom 我会做得更好 Wake up in the morning ...

1.问题要分开看,对美空军不合适不代表对其他国家不合适 2.对于美空军来说,自然是看不上F-35的空战能力,尤其是飞行速度慢,接到警报后,不能将敌机拦截到300公里以外,自身的空空弹数量少,续航力差,不能长时间巡逻制空,和F-22比,实在是不能接受,但是作为攻击机,可以在没有护航战斗机的情况...

” So I did tried one and I was so lucky to become one of those who did orienteering. That is a fantastic sport! You need to run and find where to go just by using a map and a compass. It’s wasn’t popular in China at fi irst. But when we heard it might become...

the happirst day 英语作文80个词以上带语文翻译
您好:The happiest day Today I'm very happy,because I helped an old woman to carry a heavy box On my way home ,I saw an old woman was carring a heavg box so Iran to the old woman and said let me help you to carry the box ,so I carried the box to her home ...

skillet comatose歌词翻译谢谢
你的方式让我觉得 唤醒你从来没有如此的真实 哦我崇拜你如何 唤醒你从来没有如此的真实 哦我是如何渴望你 唤醒你从来没有如此的真实 哦我崇拜你如何 Ohhhhhhhh 你的方式让我觉得 唤醒你从来没有如此的真实 I hate feeling like this I'm so tired of trying to fight this I'm asleep and ...

泊须13737086919问: at the last time 和for the last time的区别 -
上蔡县乌拉回答: for last time和for the last time意思是一样的,for the last time前面加了the,是特指.last time 意思是上一次,比如 Last time is my treat. 上一次是我请客;而the last time 是 最后一次 的意思,比如 It's the last time that I tell you that I love you, Daniel. ...

泊须13737086919问: the first name和given name和full name和middle name是什么意思
上蔡县乌拉回答: 1.last name & family name(英式英语也叫surname)指的的姓氏 2.first name/names(正式英语为forename)指的是出生时父母给取的名字 3.middle name/names指的是父母给取的第一个名字外的名字.此名字的首字母常用作名字的一部分,尤其在美国,比如John T. Harry 4.full name通常是指first+ middle+last name为顺序的全名 5.give name= first name尤其是在美国

泊须13737086919问: BIOS设置boot 里的Boot priorityUEFI first和Boot priority legacy first是什么区别? -
上蔡县乌拉回答: 尊敬的联想用户您好!Legacy First 与 UEFI First的区别主要体现在两者的启动机制不同.Legacy First 采用的引导方式是BIOS+MBR;UEFI First 采用的引导方式是UEFI+GPT.(注:这里MBR和GPT是两种不同的磁盘格式,具体可以通过百度等...

泊须13737086919问: 用指针编程,求一维数组中所有偶数之和 -
上蔡县乌拉回答: voidinsertion_sort(intarray[],intfirst,intlast) { inti,j; inttemp; for(i=first+1;i<last;i++) { temp=array[i]; j=i-1;//与已排序的数逐一比较,大于temp时,该数移后 while((j>=0)&&(array[j]>temp)) { array[j+1]=array[j]; j--; }//存在大于temp的数 if(j!=i-1) {array[j+1]=temp;} } }

泊须13737086919问: oracle看到一个function里面有firstDate := lastDate + 1; -
上蔡县乌拉回答: Oracle数据库中日期型数据的加减运算,不是笼统地日期相加,而是根据平闰年和月份的大小自动转换成相对应的正确日期的.例如firstDate := lastDate + 1,如果firstDate和lastDate都是日期型字段,lastDate是20120228,加1的结果是...

泊须13737086919问: 求一个计算机程序C语言的,要求输入一个两位数字输出其每一位的数字和每一位数字的和 -
上蔡县乌拉回答: #include<stdio.h> void main () {int num;printf("Enter a number!(9<number<100)\n");while(1){fflush(stdin); /*清除输入内存的信息*/scanf("%d",&num);if(num<100&&num>9)/*2位数判断*/break;elseprintf("ERROR\n enter a number againe!(9<number<100)\n");}printf("%d,%d,sum=%d",num/10,num%10,num/10+num%10);getch(); }

泊须13737086919问: This is the first time +从句 是强调句型,吗? -
上蔡县乌拉回答: 不是,是定语从句,2113一5261般后面接that一般说来,4102在It [This] is the first time+that-结构中,that-从句通常用现在完成时1653: It'内s the first time (that) the boy has spoken to a foreigner. 这个男孩还是第一次同外国人说话.容

泊须13737086919问: ...from Peking University.I am writing here to recommend myself as a candidate for the job.I am confident that I am qualified for the following reasons.First and ... -
上蔡县乌拉回答:[答案] accumulated over the yearsWhat is more 换成 in additionI can speak three kinds of languages 最后改成: I'm fluent in three languageswhich serves as my advantages for assuming that position 最后改成 whi...

泊须13737086919问: Cotton is first made - ------ - thread and then it was woven - ------ - cloth. -
上蔡县乌拉回答: 答案B ①make+成品+out of+原料→不变质②make+成品+from+原料→变质 ③make+成品+of+“原料→不变质 ④make+材料+into+成品 ⑤be made up of.

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