
作者&投稿:紫庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2. PROUD 3. Step by Step (Less Vocal) 4. PROUD (Less Vocal) choosey lover http:\/\/photo1.yupoo.com\/20070305\/211412_229405745_fpauswqd.jpg ...http:\/\/photo6.yupoo.com\/20070502\/230531_1796763362_eelpayip.jpg Release Date: 2007\/6\/13 Record Label: rhythm zone Genre: 팝(국내) ...

Unacha (eel tea) Hobbies Mountain climbing, camping, fishing, hiking Tezuka is the captain of the tennis club and a third year student at ...Open a firm hold on the more self-confidence in the face of the sun's rays reflected proud ... ... All this happened before the real, ...

Which kind of flashlight can check fake money?
The gentleman yue: learn can't have. Green, back to blue, and green in blue; Ice, water, and cold in water. Wood in Rou (straight rope, Rou) thought wheel, its hanene rules. Although have (and) critical (aeration provision, who disappeared quite) Rou (Rou) make but ...

as poor as a ?这道习语的最后一个单词是什么?
poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 poor as a rat 一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 as poor as a rat 一贫如洗 (as) poor as Job 一贫如洗, 家徒四壁

He plays the piano as well as Mary does,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,引导比较状语从句,所以比较的东西应该是一样的。不能够拿he plays the piano跟Mary作比较。直接加人名的情况,比如说:She is as beautiful as her sister.as可以作连词、介词及关系代词。现将其用法小结如下:一、 as作...

as poor as a ( )这道填空题怎么做?
as poor as a church mouse另附上:as absurd(荒唐) as putting together the pieces of vase as bare as the back of one hand\/a picked bone as bald(秃) as a coot as black as coal\/ink\/jet\/midnight\/pitch\/soot\/Styx\/ as blind as a bat\/beetle\/mole as bold as brass\/a lion a...

I think he is too proud. He always looks like the cat that ate the canary 2.Play cat and mouse with someone: 对某人欲擒故纵,戏弄某人 3.That looks like something that the cat dragged in : 看起来像什么脏得一塌糊涂。 Eg: I cannot undersstand why her dress always looks like somethi...

温州旅游景点介绍作文英语 旅游景点简介英语作文
Have the characteristic of alive or all kinds of aquatic products, like silkworms, mussels, shrimp, crab, eel river... After cooked very ...The change of wenzhou, is worth us wenzhou people proud! 我的家乡温州初中英语作文篇3 My hometown is wenzhou, beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery...

研究性学习论文 论中英文互译中的情感流失 毫无头绪啊,求帮助啊!_百 ...
“as stupid as a donkey”或者“as stupid as a goose”;“a black sheep”贴切的汉语是“害群之马”;“set a fox to keep one’s geese”译成汉语是“引狼入室”,而不应直译为“叫狐看鹅”;“slippery as an eel”相应的中文是“圆滑得像泥鳅”,汉文化习惯用泥鳅(loach)而不是鳝鱼(eel) 比喻某人...

请问这句英文运用了什么修辞?Every one needs to wake up the sleep...
比喻就是打比方。可分为明喻和暗喻:明喻 (simile):用like, as, as...as, as if(though) 或用其他词语指出两个不同事物的相似之处。例如:O my love's like a red, red rose. 我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。The man can't be trusted. He is as slippery as an eel. 那个人不可...

刘婵15261352167问: 英语题105:Theyfeel - ofbeingelected
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: They feel___proud____of being elected to represent their country to take part in the Olympics.(pride) proud---"自豪"意思,形容词,在句中,跟在 联系动词feel后做表语 被选为参加奥运会的代表,他们感到很是自豪.

刘婵15261352167问: “感到骄傲”的英语短语翻译 -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: feel proud

刘婵15261352167问: 高中英语:feel后不是加形容词吗?那feel extremely proud为什么会有副词? -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: 形容词可以被副词修饰呀.feel extremely proud感到万分骄傲(自豪).The cloth feels very soft. 这块布摸起来很柔软.He is very ill. 他病得很厉害.

刘婵15261352167问: feel proud of oneself 什么意思 -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: 为某人自己感到骄傲自豪 比如,feel proud of myself为我自己感到骄傲 feel pround of himself为他自己感到自豪. 要注意,主语和“某人自己”必须为同一人称. 如: She feels proud of herself. 而不能说She feels proud of himself.

刘婵15261352167问: feel proud of造句 -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: We feel proud of our great country. 我们为伟大的祖国而感到骄傲.My mother is great indeed. And I always feel proud of her. 我母亲的确很伟大,我总是为有这样的母亲感到自豪.

刘婵15261352167问: feel proud of oneself -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答:[答案] 为某人自己感到骄傲自豪比如,feel proud of myself为我自己感到骄傲feel pround of himself为他自己感到自豪.要注意,主语和“某人自己”必须为同一人称.如:She feels proud of herself.而不能说She feels proud of h...

刘婵15261352167问: 用英语表达“感到骄傲” -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: 您好!用 be proud of ... 就可以了例如: My parents are proud of me. 我父母为我感到骄傲. 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

刘婵15261352167问: proud怎么读 -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: 一、读音: [praʊd] 二、意思是自豪的、自尊的. 三、例句 If your father had still been alive, he would have felt very proud of you. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的. 四、词汇用法 1、proud的基本意思是“有自尊心的”“高出周围表...

刘婵15261352167问: 为某人感到骄傲怎么翻译 -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: 为某人感到骄傲:be proud of= take pride in

刘婵15261352167问: i'm very proud of you,英语问题详细解释 -
芷江侗族自治县薄荷回答: 为⋯骄傲.英语是用固定短语be proud of ... 来表达,这里的of就要译成 "为⋯".I'm very proud of you. (我为你非常骄傲.)当然,表示"为⋯骄傲"还有一个固定短语:take pride in... ,用这个短语in就译成"为⋯".

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