
作者&投稿:侨天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He swims very fast.(游泳很快)She is looking at the photo carefully.(仔细的看着图片)Don't go to bed too late.(很晚)We have to work hard.(必须努力工作)Don't be nervous,please write slowly.(慢慢写)Alice can run as fast as May.(与梅跑的一样快)The man is not as...

初一英语。选词填空 look at look for heavy quiet ride cross_百度知 ...
look at look for heavy quiet ride cross 1Dad asks Mike to carry the heavy bag.2You can't ride this horse.It's too thin.3What does the duck look for in the water?4The doctor asks everyone in the room to keep quiet.5The young man tries to cross the town on foot ...

...of the(busy )traffic.选出相近的词:large ,heavy,lazy
heavy traffic 就是 交通拥挤

10. Most British high school children___ (dress\/ wear\/ put on) uniforms(制服) at school.参考答案:Ⅰ. 根据句意,用划线单词的反义词或对应词填空。1. big\/large 2. straight 3. tall 4. short 5. youngⅡ. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Turn 2. medium 3. actress 4. heavy 5. glasses...

prep. 用;随着;包括;和 ... 一起 5、of prep. 关于;... 的(表所属);出身于;由于 6、for prep. 为;因为;代表;往;支持;关于;给。conj. 因为 二、用法 1、at 直接源自古英语的at;最初源自原始印欧语的ad,意为靠近,在……附近。表示地点或时间时含“在……”之意,at表...

区别:修饰词不同 副词(adv.)修饰动词 It rains heavily.(副词heavily修饰动词rains)副词(adv.)修饰形容词 The rain was really heavy.(副词really修饰形容词heavy)副词修饰副词 It can run quite fast.(副词quite修饰副词fast)副词修饰句子 Luckily,he came back at last.形容词(adj.)修饰名词...

求助介词 at in for to of on about with的,初中的用法。以及 程度性...
1) at (a)表示在小地方; (b)表示“在……附近,旁边”in (a)表示 在大地方; (b)表示“在…范围之内”。on 表示毗邻,接壤,“在……上面”。to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤;或“到……”2)above, over, on 在……上 above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对,如:The...

it's not too heavy,not at all是什么意思
it's not too heavy,not at all 这不算太重,根本不

luckily, the plane---at the airport in the heavy rain safely,
您好!luckily, the plane---landed---at the airport in the heavy rain safely,幸运地,这架飞机在大雨中安全着陆。

...heavilyB.rain; rainingC.rainy; heavyD.rain; heavy
答案:D 这里前面要用名词rain,后面要用形容词heavy.

兆供18323201675问: heavy 和fat有什么区别 -
临邑县血塞回答:[答案] heavy 和fat的区别: 意思其实都差不多,heavy更倾向于物体的重,fat更倾向于人的肥胖,具体的要看句意了 O(∩_∩)O~请采纳

兆供18323201675问: fat,overweight,heavy 有什么区别? -
临邑县血塞回答:[答案] heavy 形容物品重 fat 形容人长得胖 overweight 形容人或物超重

兆供18323201675问: fat,overweight,heavy 有什么区别? -
临邑县血塞回答: heavy 形容物品重 fat 形容人长得胖 overweight 形容人或物超重

兆供18323201675问: 英语中说外国人胖用heavy还是fat? -
临邑县血塞回答: 用fat的fat --- >> 胖heavy ---->>> 重满意请采纳,谢谢

兆供18323201675问: 表示“瘦”的英文单词有哪些?表示“胖”有:fat,heavy,flesh,pudge,chubby,tubby,stocky,flabby,stout,obese等.那表示“瘦”的有哪些呢?有什么区别呢? -
临邑县血塞回答:[答案] 瘦 emaciated lankness lean poor thin tight thinness

兆供18323201675问: short and fat和short and heavy意思一样吗? -
临邑县血塞回答: 不一样 fat是“胖” heavy是“重” 意思上不太一样的望采纳.

兆供18323201675问: 肥,书包,重哪个是不同类单词 -
临邑县血塞回答: 书包理由:fat和heavy都是形容词,schoolbag是名词

兆供18323201675问: 胖的英文单词怎么拼 -
临邑县血塞回答: fat:胖的,丰厚的.heavy:重的,剧烈的,沉闷的,笨重的 满意请采纳

兆供18323201675问: fat,new,colour,heavy四个单词哪个是不同类 -
临邑县血塞回答: colour是不同类的请采纳

兆供18323201675问: IS he heavy?NO,he is a little bit - -- -
临邑县血塞回答: B NO代表了意思转折 故选择和之前HEAVY意思相反的单词 HEAVY在这里解释为FAT,重,胖的意思

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