
作者&投稿:弥鸿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

HEKR-ASDJ-TEBB-WUEN-SDKL Flashing Glaive of Artherton USDP-FNGN-WACA-MNEN-REXP Flaying Glaive of Artherton EXSO-LHGE-JKSJ-KGHE-SYBN Hand of the Royal Guard RPEI-GJQA-OUYM-NERP-ZODN Kroll's Law KLEI-ODNS-DVHO-SHBN-CVET Promise of El'Abjhal AXME-...

写一篇做女人难的英语作文 120-150词
My favourite and ungetable friend is my English teacher Ms.Yang.She is the best teacher I have known so far.She has not only treated us students as her friends,but is also enthusiastic in her teaching. She is thrity-six,but she does not look her age,because she is attractive and delic...

L'amour n'est pas seulement un sentiment, il est aussi un art.爱情既是一种感情,也是一种艺术。 Passant l'océan du temps, traversant le mur du soupir, je vais arriver à ce parc du rêve là.游过时间的海,穿越叹息之墙,我将到达梦中的花园。L'harmonie la plus douce est le son de la...

单韵母表 a o e i u ü(上边两点读於yu)复韵母表ai ei ui ao ou iu ie üe er an en in un ang eng ing ong 整体认读音节zhi chi shi yi wu yu yin ye yue 前鼻韵母(5个) n en in un ün 后鼻韵母(4个) ng eng ing ong 汉语拼音音节表 b ba bo bai...

【雅昌专稿】新鲜上榜!杭州两位藏家入选ARTnews顶级藏家榜TOP 200_百...
今年外媒ARTnews第28次评选的2017全球顶级藏家榜TOP 200也见证并记录了很多改变。于近日公布的榜单中,有行家里的老手,也有新合流的新人,前面提到的前泽友作就是其中之一,此外还有在斯坦福大学创立慈善与民间团体中心的Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen,以及她的丈夫、硅谷风投大佬Marc Andreessen,喜剧演员、...

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far oueigh the disadvantages。 23.导致,引起 lead to\/ give rise to\/ contribute to\/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象 a plicated social phenomenon 25.责任感 \/ 成就感 sense of responsibility\/ sense of achievement 26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of petition and cooperation 27...

Tacca chantrieri, la fleur chauve-souris, est une espèce de plante de la famille des Taccaceae selon la classification classique, ou des Dioscoreaceae selon la classification phylogénétique.Elle fut la demeure préférée de Co *** e III de Médicis, qui y plaça ...

Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflower paintings have been duplicated many times by various artists (although never reaching the vivacity and intensity of Van Gogh's) and displayed everywhere; from households to art expos. Upon looking at these paintings one begins to notice aspects that seem to flow ...

卢梭简介 英文
Rousseau is the first to speak as one of the common people, and to speak for himself when he is speaking for the people; the first to induce others to rebellion, because he is a rebel himself." (Arnold Hauser in The Social History of Art, vol. 3, 1962)During the next six years ...

but also the modern city's trendy downtown, high-speed convenient. And the strong modern breath is blowing on your face when set foot in Beijing, with the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, Beijing will once again demonstrate her enchanting charisma in front of the whole world....

戎舍15540926934问: further和farther的区别
泊头市蓝乐回答: further 和 farther 的区别在于词义的适用范畴上.尽管在英式英语里,大多数情况下这两个词可以换用,但在抽象意义的“进一步”、“更深入”等语义表达中, 通常会用 further.在美式英语中,这两个词有明确的分工:farther 用于实际距离,...

戎舍15540926934问: farther与further在词义和用法上有什么区别? -
泊头市蓝乐回答: far—farther—farthest far—further—furtherst 但是它们在词义和用法上却有不小的区别.farther一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”: 1. On the farther side of the steet there was a large shop. 在街的那一边有一家大商店. 2. We can't go ...

戎舍15540926934问: farther, further的区别 -
泊头市蓝乐回答: farther指的是实际距离上的远 例:John jumps farther than Mike.John跳得比MIKE远 further指的是抽象、思想方面的远 例:further one's studies 深造

戎舍15540926934问: farther和further的区别 -
泊头市蓝乐回答: farther: [ fɑ:ðə ] a. 更远的,进一步的 ad. 更远的,此外 例句与用法 1. On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops. 街那头是一排小商店. 2. We can't go any farther without a rest. 不休息我们就走不动了. 3. The nearer the ...

戎舍15540926934问: farther 和further 的用法区别? -
泊头市蓝乐回答: farther表示实际意义上的距离,比如建筑物之间的距离远further表示抽象意义上的距离,比如双方的观点相去甚远

戎舍15540926934问: farther在中文里是什么意思 -
泊头市蓝乐回答: 更远的,更远地,进一步的

戎舍15540926934问: 解释farther和further的用法 -
泊头市蓝乐回答: 2个都是far 的比较级但是 farther 强调在距离上更远 强调的是广度比如He jumped farther than Mike. 他跳的比麦克远而further 是强调在程度上更深远 强调的是深度比如 He studied more further in this area than any other students in the class.在这个领域上他比班上其他任何同学都深.farther 一般用的较多,但是在程度上表示深入的时候用further.

戎舍15540926934问: farther是什么意思 -
泊头市蓝乐回答: farther_百度翻译 farther [英]ˈfɑ:ðə(r) [美]ˈfɑ:rðə(r) adv. 更远地;较远地;在更大程度上;进一步 adj. 更远的;远的( far的比较级);遥远的;(某方向的)最远的 您好,答题不易 如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

戎舍15540926934问: farther和further有什么不同
泊头市蓝乐回答: farther: a. 更远的,进一步的 ad. 更远的,此外 例句: 1. On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops. 街那头是一排小商店. 2. We can't go any farther without a rest. 不休息我们就走不动了. 3. The nearer the church, the farther ...

戎舍15540926934问: 求farther和further的区别 -
泊头市蓝乐回答: 恩 美式英语和英式英语是有这个区别 但是我们学习肯定不会说这样子不区分 一般而言就是说farther是指距离方面的 ,further是指某种程度上得 一般指哲理或者是道理的更深层次的意思

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