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Pan Weibo is f___ for singing
Pan Weibo is f(amous) for singing.be famous for 因…而著名

举世闻名用英语表示为world-famous,其读音为英[ˌwɜːld ˈfeɪməs],美[ˌwɜːrld ˈfeɪməs] 例如:Hangzhou is world-famous for its west lake. 杭州以西湖著称于世。 重点词汇:famous 一、释义 adj. 著名的; 出名的; 二、读音 英[ˈfeɪməs] 美[ˈfeɪm...

xu bei hong was f() for drawing horses
xu bei hong was f(amous 著名的) for drawing horses

陈述句Li Bai is known for sth.或者用be 抚amous for 这个短语

英语首字母填空题 1, They felt e___ when they got the
英语首字母填空题 1, They felt e__xcited___ when they got thegood news.2, Lu Xun was a f_amous___ writer. He wrote many passages about his childhood.3, Watch TV too much is b_ad___ for our eyes.1 他们听到好消息,感到 激动。2鲁迅是一位著名的作家。他写了许许多多...

2. Redamancy强调的重点在于“也”,主要指两个人之间的互相爱慕。3. 除了redamancy,还有其他单词和短语可以表达对他人的爱意。例如:- "I love three things in this world. Sun, Moon and You. Sun for morning, Moon for night, and You forever."它的惊艳中文翻译版是:“浮世三千,吾爱有三...

6.England is f _amous___ for Cambridge University.7.Please stand up when you a_nswer___ your teacher's puestions.8.This is a small village with high m_ountains___ all around.9.Washington D.C.is the c_apital___ of the USA.10.Li Ning is one of the most famous ...

英语问题~ 急!!!
7、recite(现在分词) reciting 8、speak(名词) speaker1、China is f_amous___ for the great wall.2、Beijing,the c_ity___ of china will hold the 2008 Olympic Games.3、Bei Yuming is one of the greats d___ancer_ in the world.4、If you are in d_anger___ What w...

At the same time, lie lowered 'American literature to the plane of the mass audience and elevated it to a distinct, in digamous height which no one else has reached.One of the great writers of American literature, Twain is admired for capturing typical American experiences in a language ...

bejing is f—— for the great wall 以F开头的单词
famous 因为……而著名

宇文滕18978475742问: be famous for/as/to 区别 -
歙县格来回答:[答案] be famous as 后一般跟 人,表“做为.人而闻名” be famous for 后一般跟事物 ,表“因/由于.而闻名” be famous to 后一般跟 人,表“对.是熟悉的”,“为.所熟知的” 以上as,for,to都是介词.例如:1.Lu Xun is famous a...

宇文滕18978475742问: famous - befamousfor/as/to区别?造句什么意思?最好能分别
歙县格来回答: be famous as 后一般跟 人,表“做为......人而闻名” be famous for 后一般跟事物 ,表“因/由于......而闻名” be famous to 后一般跟 人,表“对......

宇文滕18978475742问: famous of 和 famous to 和famous for 有什么区别? -
歙县格来回答:[答案] famous as 作为...出名 famous for 因.出名 我再附两个例句,仔细品味两者的不同: 1.France is famous for its wine. 2.She was more famous as a writer than as a singer. 可以说famous for+原因、famous as+职务、地位等 be famed for关键说了是因什么...

宇文滕18978475742问: be famous for(to ,as, with,as)的用法及区别 -
歙县格来回答: be famous for -- 因某事而出名, 例如: 空姐因拍A -- 片而出名 be famous to -- 对于...出名, 例如: 空姐对于整个世界来说都很出名 be famuse as -- 作为...而出名, 例如: 空姐作为一个女演员而世界闻名 be famous with -- 与be famous for的含义相同

宇文滕18978475742问: 有名的用法?be famous for/as/to/of/in/with都是什么意思啊?混乱中…… -
歙县格来回答:[答案] be famous for 是以什么出名 +物 如China is famous for it's delicious food. be famous as 是作为什么出名 +职业名词 如Jay Zhou is famous as a pop singer. be famous to对……著名

宇文滕18978475742问: famous for和famous to有什么区别 -
歙县格来回答: be famous for 因为……而出名 be famous to sb. 在……中出名

宇文滕18978475742问: famous后加什么介词 -
歙县格来回答: famous后面可以加for 和as New Orleans is famous for its cuisine. 新奥尔良以其美食而著称. Later he was to become famous as a pacifist. 后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者.

宇文滕18978475742问: be - famous - for与be - famous - as的区别
歙县格来回答: be-famous-for:因为......而出名.后面通常加某一事物. eg.China is famous for china .中国因陶瓷而出名. be-famous-as:作为......而出名.后面通常加可以表明身份的职业等. eg.Yao Ming is famous as a basketball player .姚明作为一名篮球运动员而出名.

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