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be famous for和be famous as是常用的英文词组,用于描述某人的知名度或某事物的特色。而be famous to则相对少用,主要表示某人对另一人的知名度或某事物对另一事物的关系。以下是它们的详细解释及例句:1. be famous for:意为“以……而闻名”,强调某事物因其特点、特色或产出而知名。例句:...

be famous for的用法,造句
be famous for :是以...而著名的意思,如:Gui Lin is famous for its beautiful sights.(桂林以它美丽的风景而著名。)当主语是表示人的名词时,be famous for表示“以某种知识、技能、作品或特征而出名 当主语是地点名词时,be famous for 表示“以某种特点(产品)而出名”)当主语是事物名词...

用"be famous for"造句
China is famous for its tourism.

Pandas are famous 之所以要加s,是因为不只一只熊猫会出名。

(1\/4)英语单词造句 1、pick up 2、famous3、be famous for… 4...
1、Can you come here and pick up my sister?2、China is the most famous country in the original.3、He is famous for his talent in language study.4、I can't wonder how cute it is.5、The company located its branch office in the suburbs ...

I want to become famous someday.我想成为有名望的人。

You should finish your homework on time你应该按时完成你的作业。I'm interested in learning English我喜欢学习英语 Yaoming is a famous basketball playe姚明是一名著名的篮球员。You should care your health你应该关心自己的身体 Let's start to play piano让我们一起开始弹钢琴吧 ...

be famous for造句
世界因杰出人物和独特魅力而闻名,其中一位备受瞩目的人物,凭借他的卓越创新,赢得了全球的赞誉。他的名字已经成为"be famous for"的代名词,象征着无与伦比的智慧和影响力(His great inventions have earned him a reputation that is synonymous with being famous for.)法国同样以其卓越的文化遗产...

be famous for 的造句
China is famous for the Great Wall.(中国因万里长城而文明于世。)

用be famous of造句
可以造句,但是,be famous of 不是什么固定搭配,这一点要懂。下面给你造句:He is the more famous of the two writers. 汉语意思是:他是那两个作家中比较出名的。

连洪13211745709问: famous造句简单点的 -
新邵县妇炎回答: He is famous for his learning.他以有学问而出名.

连洪13211745709问: 用famous造一个句子 -
新邵县妇炎回答: YaoMing is famous around the world.

连洪13211745709问: 用famous造句
新邵县妇炎回答: famous著名的;be famous for以.......而出名;be famous as作为.......而出名 lu xun is a famous writer.(鲁迅是一个著名的作家.) hawaii is famous for its natural beauty.(夏威夷以它美丽的自然风景而出名.) zhang yimou is famous as a director.(作为一个导演张艺谋是很出名的.)

连洪13211745709问: famous 造句 必采纳 -
新邵县妇炎回答: The parks of this city are famous for their ornate fountains. 这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著名.

连洪13211745709问: 用2个英语单词造句1.be famous for2.be famous as不要太长也不要太短,最好是6年级的水平 -
新邵县妇炎回答:[答案] He is famous for his inventions. 他因为他的发明而著名. She is famous as a movie star. 她像电影明星那样出名.

连洪13211745709问: 熊猫是出名的英文用famous造句 -
新邵县妇炎回答: Pandas are famous 之所以要加s,是因为不只一只熊猫会出名.

连洪13211745709问: 用touch(触摸) famous(著名的) modern(现代的)造句,各一句,越短越好 -
新邵县妇炎回答:[答案] We still stay in touch. 现在我们仍然保持联系. He was a famous outlaw. 他是一出名的歹徒. Do you care for modern music? 你喜欢欣赏现代音乐吗? 希望对你有所帮助,

连洪13211745709问: be famous 举个例句, -
新邵县妇炎回答:[答案] 因为.而有名 The city is famous for its silk. 该市以出产丝绸而闻名于世.

连洪13211745709问: 用 touch(触摸) famous(著名的) modern(现代的)造句,各一句,越短越好
新邵县妇炎回答: 1 Don't touch dangerous things. 2 He is a famous writer. 3 It's a modern city.

连洪13211745709问: (1/4)英语单词造句 1、pick up 2、famous3、be famous for… 4、wonder 5、locate -
新邵县妇炎回答: 1、Can you come here and pick up my sister?2、China is the most famous country in the original.3、He is famous for his talent in language study.4、I can't wonder how cute it is.5、The company located its branch office in the suburbs

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