
作者&投稿:石山 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语80字介绍上海的世博会- -
Welcome the World Expo As we all know that Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So it is a great honor for our city.It is a great honor for all the Asians,too.As a host city,Shanghai will have...

求含“ai”的英语单词,要a和i 连在一起“ai”,越多越好,谢谢._百度知...
ailanthuses ailed aileron ailerons ailing ailment ailments ails ailurophile ailurophiles ailurophobe ailurophobes ailurophobia ailurophobias aim aimed aimer aimers aimful


带ai的英语单词有:baiting 、bailiff 、dairy 、wait、gainer等。详细解释:1、baiting英 ['beɪtɪŋ] 美 ['beɪtɪŋ]释义:n. 下料;装饵 例句:But the calculation of the baiting size of the baffle plate and spacer pipe is complex.但是其折流板和...

in(英寸)是英制及美制长度单位之一。1英寸等于12英尺,也等于36码。按照现行国际单位制(SI)的定义,1英寸严格等于2.54厘米。2024年,三星推出了新款Micro LED电视,提供76\/89\/101\/114英寸四个版本。其中,114英寸的售价为125万元人民币。这款电视采用了Micro LED显示技术,面板使用蓝宝石材料,并...

1753年,雅思突(Jean Astruc)匿名出版了<Conjectures on the original accounts of which it appears Moses availed himself in composing the Book of Genesis>一书。 雅思突著书的目的是反驳霍布斯和斯宾诺莎的观点。他称他们的作品是“上个世纪的恶疾”。为了做到这一点,他使用学者们分析古典文学的方法(如对史诗...

有用;有益 (与of连用)利用 to avail oneself of every opportunity 利用每一个机会 to avail oneself of the books in the library 利用图书馆的图书 词性变化 n.效用;用途 of no avail 无用 of little avail 有点儿用 without avail 无效 to no avail 无用 vi., vt.有益于, 有利于, ...

麻烦给下标准答案。我做完订正 一下
1.(p)rograms 2.(e)at (l)ess 3.(d)etails 4.(s)ick 5.(d)octor 6.(T)raditional 7.(I)mportant 8.(m)eantime (s)ick 9.?10.(f)ailed 11.(s)ent 12.(s)ubway 先写那么多...没时间了,不好意思 参考资料:自己做的 ...

"Lois "什么意思?
1. TheLOISbrandbeganinSpainin1962andwasrankedamongtheworld'sfourleadingjeansbrands,aswellasEuropesnumberone,bywell-knownpublicationssuchasFinancial,Times,andFortuneinthe1970s.2. Similartoitsnationaltraditionofbullfighting,thebull-motivatedLOISbrandishailedasaspecialnationaltreasureofSpain.TheLOISspirit...

alayer of matter (often deep in the earth) that has accumulated naturally矿床,矿藏;a layer of matter laid down by a liquid, river, etc. 沉淀物;a sum paid into an account, e.g. at a bank 储蓄,存款;the payment of a part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later...

翁轰17162233840问: fail in the exam fail the exam区别 -
龙文区盐酸回答: fail the exam 是考试不及格, fail in the exam 是在考试中失败, fail in 在...上失败,变弱 fail in doing sth 表示做什么事失败了 fail to do sth 表示没能做成什么事 Believe表示“相信”、“信以为真”之意,它是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语. Believe in则表示“信仰”、“信任”之意.其后的常用搭配语为:有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人.

翁轰17162233840问: 课文里 I failed the exam 中为什么failed后不加in fail是不及物动词 后面不是一个加上in再加名词吗? -
龙文区盐酸回答: 动词fail加介词in的时候意为“失败,在......不足”,第一个句子如果去掉了fail in这个动词词组的介词in,原则上不违反语法规则,就好像我们汉语说“你叫什么名字”和“你叫什么”一样,多一点少一点不会对句意造成太大影响,所以按这个思路,第二句可以改为i failed in the exam

翁轰17162233840问: fail in the exam是什么意思
龙文区盐酸回答: 考试不及格

翁轰17162233840问: She failed in the exam.与She failed the exam.有什么区别? -
龙文区盐酸回答: She failed in the exam 意思是在考试中发挥不理想 做的不好 但考试结果不一定不好 She failed the exam 考试没有考好指的是结果 没有及格

翁轰17162233840问: fail the exam fail in the exam -
龙文区盐酸回答: 都对的.因为fail既可作及物动词(fail the exam,也可做不及物动词( fail in the exam )

翁轰17162233840问: he failed in the exam. he failed the exam. 两种说法 -
龙文区盐酸回答: 都对,意思不同,第一句,他这次考试失利,第二句,他考试失利

翁轰17162233840问: fail the exam和fail in the exam 哪个是英式用法?哪个是美式用法? -
龙文区盐酸回答: fail the exam是美式,另一个是英式.再看看别人怎么说的.

翁轰17162233840问: fail in the exams与fail the exams区别?
龙文区盐酸回答: fail in the exames 考试没通过,不及格. fail the exames 把考试搞砸了

翁轰17162233840问: 英语"考试不及格"怎么说? -
龙文区盐酸回答: 1. 他考试不及格.He failed in the exam.2. 我用功,免得考不及格.I study hard, so that I may not fail in the examinations.3. 我宁愿考不及格,e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333236383433也不愿意考试作弊.I would rather ...

翁轰17162233840问: As was expected,he failed in the exam.为什么是As不是That,Which或It?这几个什么区别? 详细、准确下 -
龙文区盐酸回答: As是关系代词,代替后面的一句话:he failed in the exam. As we expected是一个定语从句.新概念2有类似的一句:As I soon learnt, he was English himeself.

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