
作者&投稿:房魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

16.p rove to do sth.证明做某事 17.e xpect to do sth.期望做某事 18.w ish to do sth.希望做某事 19.h ope to do sth.希望做某事 20.d ecide to do sth.决定做某事 21.r efuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 22.o ffer to do sth.主动提出做某事 23.l earn to do sth.学会做某...

帮忙作一道英语题,谢谢___ you good luck in the next year. A hop...
三、 hope强调主观上的“希望”.常用于:1、hope+to do sth.希望做某事 e.g.W e hope to visit Yan'an soon.2、hope+that clause希望.e.g.Our foreign friends hope that they can jion the Ma y Day cele-brations in Beijing.[注意] hope后不能跟复合宾语.四、 expect强调客观上可能...

Atonement,是救赎之义。at one,指的是由一人所带来的救赎,在基督教中指的是耶稣基督的犠牲,为人类带来的救恩。而在肖申克的电影之中,主角最后的成功逃狱之前,为狱友带来了各种恩惠,而他的逃狱也来自于多人的帮助,彼此为彼此在一群有罪之人聚集之地,成为了彼此的救赎。事实上,主角Andy一开始...

三、 hope强调主观上的“希望”。常用于:1、hope+to do sth.希望做某事 e.g. W e hope to visit Yan'an soon.2、hope+that clause希望... e.g. Our foreign friends hope that they can jion the Ma y Day cele-brations in Beijing.[注意] hope后不能跟复合宾语。四、 expect强调客...

又如:①It's a good idea that“we'll make an experiment in the lab. ②It's a good idea that he has told us. 第一句为主语从句,第二句为强调句。 三、强调句与定语从句区别比较下列两句 It is money that is most needed. This is the money that is most needed. 第一句为强调句,其中的...

hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies, what Andy write to Red. Besides this, I’m also get an inspiration that we sh- ould be an optimistic person and just do our best and insisted no matter what other people say and think....

it is。。。that 先看把这三个删掉是否符合 是不是一个完整的句子 如果不是 那就是表语从局

17.e xpect to do sth.期望做某事 18.w ish to do sth.希望做某事 19.h ope to do sth.希望做某事 20.d ecide to do sth.决定做某事 21.r efuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 22.o ffer to do sth.主动提出做某事 23.l earn to do sth.学会做某事 24.a gree to do sth.同意做...

生宣15113237871问: python自学菜鸟 expected an indented block什么意思 -
彰武县江世回答: python自学菜鸟 expected an indented block预期缩进块的意思

生宣15113237871问: expect 的用法 -
彰武县江世回答: expect强调客观上可能实现的“期望”,“期待”等.常用于: 1、 expect+n./pron .盼望或期待某物e.g. He is expecting her letter.Don't expect to o much of him. 2、 expect+to do.sth.期望做某事e.g. She expects to go there next week. 3、 expect+sb...

生宣15113237871问: python编程if语句 为什么总提示 expected an indented block,缩进都没用 -
彰武县江世回答: score=input() score = int(score) if score <60 and score >=0:print "E" elif score <70 and score >=60: print "D" elif score <80 and score >=70: print "C" elif score <90 and score >=80:print "B" else :print "A"

生宣15113237871问: 各位仁兄 wish hope expect 有什么区别? -
彰武县江世回答: wish 意思是对某一特定物的欲望、向往或强烈倾向 I wish you well. 我希望你健康. Expect 意思是期待某事或某人可能的发生或出现: You can expect us for lunch. 你可以等我们一起吃午饭. Hope 意思是热切期望并对获得所期待之物的可能性方面有一定的信心: I hope to see you soon. 我希望不久就见到你.

生宣15113237871问: expect的用法 -
彰武县江世回答: 期待, 预期, 盼望, 指望, (料)想, 认为 expect too much of sb. 对某人期望过高 than expected 比预计的... To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of: 期待:期望某事的发生或出现: expecting a telephone call; expects ...

生宣15113237871问: expect 后面跟doing还是to do? -
彰武县江世回答: 都可,但意思上有差别: 表示时间持续的,可以用doing,例: I expect your coming back. 我(一直)期待着你归来,强调时间上的持续. 而to do,例: I expect to win the game. 我期望在比赛中获胜,强调对结果的期望.

生宣15113237871问: 关于expect的用法 -
彰武县江世回答: expect ex.pect [Ik`spZkt; ikˋspєkt, єk-] 《源自拉丁文“看外面,盼望”的意思》 及物动词 1 预期,期待 ( → want A【同义字】) . a. (当作当然之事而) 期待…,预期…,等待…,预计会有… Don't ~ wonderful results. 不要期待有很好的结...

生宣15113237871问: expect的用法和结构 expect,,,,,,,,,sth /that+从句 -
彰武县江世回答: 你是说shell的expect么,我有个ssh自动登录的脚本,你看下 1. [#!/usr/bin/expect]2. [set timeout 30] 基本上认识英文的都知道这是设置超时时间的,现在你只要记住他的计时单位是:秒3. [spawn ssh -l username] spawn是进入...

生宣15113237871问: 关于expect的用法
彰武县江世回答: expect:[ iks'pekt ] v. [希望] [期望] [预料] [预计] [预期] [想] [期待] [以为] expect [v.] 后面的常见名词 [n.] [baby] [result] [call] [time] [letter] [thing] [help] [visitor] [child] [answer] expect [v.] 前面的常见副词 [ad.] [never] [when] [how] [so] [much] [always] [also] [...

生宣15113237871问: 求助,英语造句,根据下列句式来造句(附中文意思). 1.hope to do sth. 2. -
彰武县江世回答: hope vt., vi.hoped, hoping 希望;期望;愿望 hope to do I hope to go to college.我希望上大学.hope+that从句 The foreign friends hope that they can join the celebrations for the university's eighty anniversary.外国朋友们希望能参加八十周年校庆活...

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