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春秋15093601918问: exhausting是什么意思 -
铜鼓县恺诺回答: exhausting 美[ɪg'zɔstɪŋ] adj. 使筋疲力尽的;使耗尽的 v. 耗尽;使…精疲力竭;排出(exhaust的ing形式) I bust my hump through the good and bad of my stressful and exhausting job. 我也通过好的坏的充满压力和令人疲惫的工作而劳累.

春秋15093601918问: exhausted 和exhausting的区别? -
铜鼓县恺诺回答: exhausted 和exhausting的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、指代不同 1、exhausted:筋疲力尽的. 2、exhausting:使人疲惫不堪的. 二、用法不同 1、exhausted:基本意思是“用尽,耗尽,使衰竭”,引申可指由于过度疲劳而...

春秋15093601918问: - We must warm up before we do exercising为什么exerci -
铜鼓县恺诺回答: 这里的exercising的原型是动词exercise,之所以要用exercsing是因为前面已经有一个动词do了.

春秋15093601918问: exhaustive, exhausting & exhausted都是形容词,可差别在哪? -
铜鼓县恺诺回答: exhaust是累的意思.其实exhausting和exhausted不是形容词而是动词.exhaustive是十分累的意思,exhausting是正在累,exhausted是过去方式,就是以前很累.任何加上ing都是正在干什么,ed就是过去,ive加上一般就变成描述和形容词了.希望能帮到你!

春秋15093601918问: The boy lay there - ____.A.exhaust B,exhausting C.exhausted 选哪个好!在此exhausting 可否理解为伴随? -
铜鼓县恺诺回答:[答案] c.exhausted,感到精疲力尽的.指the boy .was exhausted. exhausting,“令人精疲力尽的”,在这里不合适. exhausted,exhausting,都可以表伴随.

春秋15093601918问: 其实工作真的是很累很累 英语怎么说 在线等待 -
铜鼓县恺诺回答: In fact, this job is really exhausting.其实用in fact或actually都行.exhausting用来形容非常非常累,累到让人筋疲力尽.

春秋15093601918问: Hello,everyone,Now I'd like to talk about our performances at school.First,we should be optimistic(61)___our future,(62)___is of great importance to us.Only ... -
铜鼓县恺诺回答:[答案] 61.about考查介词.beoptimistic about为固定搭配,意为"对…持乐观态度".故填about. 62.which 考查定语从句引导词,分... 考查定冠词.takethe place of为固定搭配,意为"代替".故填the. 68.exhausting考查形容词作表语,exhausting意为"令人疲惫...

春秋15093601918问: 辛苦 英语怎么说 -
铜鼓县恺诺回答: 辛苦 hardship painstaking swink toil trouble

春秋15093601918问: 搬家,英语作文一篇急啊
铜鼓县恺诺回答: My family is going to move our resident tommorrow. Before that, the whole family needs to pack everythings properly. Such as TV set, furnitures and other items. So after we finished packing, it was already seven o'clock. Although the work was ...

春秋15093601918问: 做练习题 用英语怎么说? -
铜鼓县恺诺回答: 这是词组,所以不要加to 了,exercise在做练习讲时是可数名词,所以就用do exercises ,它做锻炼的项目时是不可数

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