
作者&投稿:山旭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Excuse me. 相当于对不起,请原谅,比如说你和大家在一起吃饭,这个时候你要出去一下,你就可以说excuse me.楼上说的对的,但是少了一个E。

根据上下文,如果是过去的事,可以说xcuse me, did you begin to rent the house in February?如果是将来的事,可以说: Excuse me,are you going to rent the house in February?希望能帮助你。

GASTON: 'xcuse me!MAN 4: I'll get the knife!GASTON: Please let me through!WOMAN 4: This bread!MAN 5: Those fish!WOMAN 4: It's stale!MAN 5: They smell!MAN 6: Madame's mistaken!BELLE: There must be more than this provincial life!GASTON: Just watch I'm going to make Belle my...

求三傻大闹宝莱坞里面莱俱的资料、也就是印度男演员沙尔曼·乔什 sharma...
Shaadi No. 1 (2005)Xcuse Me (2003)Kahan Ho Tum (2003)Style (2001)Lajja (2001)Godmother (1999)电视节目主持人:PokerFace: Dil Sachcha Chehra Jhootha (2009)获奖及提名:提名 2007: 印度最佳观众喜剧演员: Golmaal 2010: 印度最佳观众男配角: 3 Idiots (三傻大闹宝莱坞)获奖:2010:印度...

1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office? 2.excuse me. can(could) you tell me the way to the park? 3.excuse me. can(could) you show me the way to the bookshop? 4.excuse me. do you know the way to the bank? 5.excuse me. how can i get to the farm ? 6....

i .表示需要: 1.he needs some help . 2.you need a number 16 bus.3.which number do i need ?ii. 怎样“问路(询问方向)”:1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office?2.excuse me. can(could) you tell me the way to the park?3.excuse me. can(could) you ...

E "E"xcuse:宽容彼此的过失 N "N"eed:彼此需要 D "D"evelop:发掘彼此的潜力 LOVE的含义 “L”代表Listen(倾听),爱就是要无条件、无偏见地倾听对方的需求,并且予以协助。“O”代表Obligate(付出),爱需要自己不断地付出更多的爱,无私地去灌溉爱之苗。“V”代表Valued(尊重),爱需要展示...

根据上下文,如果是过去的事,可以说xcuse me,did you begin to rent the house in February?如果是将来的事,可以说:Excuse me,are you going to rent the house in February?

E___me。Tim。Is this your pen?
Excuse me,Tim,Is this your pen?Excuse me请原谅(用于麻烦别人时) Tim,这是你的笔吗?

E xcuse me, how can ___get to the train station?
填写 I

诗灵13915018253问: excuse me一般上句接下句,下一句是什么 -
康马县石斛回答: 两种情况1、你问别人问题时 说 excuse me 他一般会回头 说: yes ,露出疑问的态度,听你接下来要说啥2、打扰别人 叫别人挪开一点 也会说excuse me 他一般会说 sorry

诗灵13915018253问: Excuse me!下一句该填什么? -
康马县石斛回答: May I help you?

诗灵13915018253问: Excuse me 后面加什么?例如:Excuse me.( 还有一个:Thanks very much.It's( ) ( )好的我一定会悬赏的! -
康马县石斛回答:[答案] Excuse me 后面,通常就接你想要打扰别人的问题或者是想要别人帮助之类的话咯,比如:Excuse me ,would you tell me how to get to the Zhongshan park?等等.Thanks very much.It's( ) ( ) 这个更简单了,It's a pleasu...

诗灵13915018253问: 打扰了,开头是Excuse me,如果是结尾应该怎么说
康马县石斛回答: sorry to bother you so much and thank you 完整这样讲会有礼貌一点 不好意思 打差了 应该是这样:Sorry to bother you so much and thanks for your help.

诗灵13915018253问: 别人说excuse me,我应该怎么回答? -
康马县石斛回答: 你好: 直接说:It is ok就行,表示没事. 如果他是要让你让一让,就回答:OK 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!

诗灵13915018253问: Excuseme与sorrry的区别请具体举例说明,最好详细一些 -
康马县石斛回答:[答案] Excuseme与Sorry用法确有分别.英国语文学家MichaelSwan在其名著PracticalEnglishUsage曾把这两句话细分. Excuseme通常在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用;而Sorry在说或做这种事情之后使用,表示歉意. Excuseme通常在要打扰别人...

诗灵13915018253问: 外国人在别人打喷嚏时说的一句话是什么?
康马县石斛回答: 打喷嚏之前或之后要说Excuse me.(礼貌问题) 国外流行打喷嚏五部曲:“啊T……”“Excuse me.”“ Bless you.” “Thank you.”“You're welcome.” 打喷嚏的人出于礼貌要说:“Excuse me!”(对不起!) 旁边的人也是出于礼貌,说:“Bless you!”(保佑你!) 打喷嚏的人应该礼貌的回应:“Thank you!”(谢谢你的祝福!) 旁边的人礼貌的回应:“You're welcome.”(不客气!)

诗灵13915018253问: 英语:excies me. -
康马县石斛回答:[答案] 应为 excuse me,相关知识如下: Excuse me通常在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用;而Sorry在说或做这种事情之后... 下列场合较为常见: (1)向陌生人问路,请求别人帮忙时.如: Excuse me,can you tell me where the post office is? (2)需要打...

诗灵13915018253问: 求翻译!谢谢!“对不起,失陪一下!”用英语怎么说?谢谢! -
康马县石斛回答: Excuse me for a minute. Excuse me for a moment.如果你的“一下”稍微久一点,还可以说 Excuse me for a (little) while.礼貌客气一点就在前面加“Please”再客气一点就再在前面加“Could/Would you”变成问句.征求对方意见.举例:Please excuse me for a minute.Could you please excuse me for a minute?Would you please excuse me for a little while.望采纳,谢谢.

诗灵13915018253问: 当别人想向你打听一件事对你说Excuseme时你应该说:A.OK.B.Oh?C.Yes?D.What's wrong with you?还有这些:当别人犯了错误向你道歉时,你应该说:A... -
康马县石斛回答:[答案] C,B,B

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