
作者&投稿:长锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

可以使用英文:Excellent quality。Excellent quality 读音:英 [ˈeksələnt ˈkwɒləti] 美 [ˈeksələnt ˈkwɑːləti]释义:卓越品质;高质量。xcellent的基本意思是指优于其他事物,常用以指在品级评定中属于最高级者。...

BMX是“Be Most Xcellent”的缩写,它在英语中的流行度如何?
英语缩写词"BMX"常常代表"Be Most Xcellent",直译为"最令人兴奋"。这个短小的表达在英语中拥有一定的流行度,其拼音为"zuì lìng rén xīng fèn"。它被归类于Miscellaneous(杂类)缩写词,主要在Funnies(幽默)领域中使用。对于那些对英语缩略词感兴趣的人来说,BMX不仅仅是一个词汇缩写,它包含了...

sxcellent 单词 意思
出色,非常好的意思 放心,肯定对的



奥巴马1991年以优等生从哈佛法学院毕业,而后在芝加哥大学法学院教授宪法长达12年(1992年-2004年)。On 10 February 2007, he announced his participation in the 2008 presidential election; on 4 November 2008, he was elected President of the United States; and on 9 October 2009, he was ...

You are the most beautiful and the most xcellent in my heart.= You are the most beautiful as well as the most excellent in my heart.最: 用最高级, beautiful- most beautiful excellent- most excellent 在我心中: in my heart ...

Li Bingbing is an wxcellent actress.She (acted;acted as;was;play...
选择acted as表示充当。。。角色的意思 翻译:李冰冰是一名十分出色的女演员,她所扮演的老师角色十分成功!注意:这里不选择was的原因是:正确的顺序是She was a successfully teacher 就可以了 而play没有扮演的意思 希望对你有所帮助O(∩_∩)O哈!

1 选strength. gather one's strength 有用尽全力的意思,有这个习惯搭配。climb up是爬,爬山一类的。2 第一个选 went to see,第二个自然是have seen. 先说第二个,一般英语中表示是第几次做……都用完成时。这是个规律。至于第一个为什么用过去时呢,这个不一定非用过去时,可以接TO,用过去...

the nervousness of him.He's afraid of strange classmates,the teachers and the whole environment.The adaption ability is the key.He should adapt to the new environment and make new friends.Entering to a bigger school is a fortune.Because the bigger school has more ec=xcellent ...

虿项19177461438问: 牛津英语8BUnit6词组 要中英对照 100个 辛苦了 -
贡嘎县牛至回答:[答案] Unit 6 1.再一些 some more 2.最大的筹款活动 one of the biggest fund-raising events 3.亚洲的其他地区 many other parts of Asia 4.一次艰难的远足 a tough hike 5.在48小时之内 within 48 hours 6.一次极好的机会 an excellent chance 7.学习团队精神 ...

虿项19177461438问: 词组填空选择
贡嘎县牛至回答: 1.team spirit 2.keep you comfortable 3.an excellent chance 4.try our best;you in need 5.will be held 6.get lost 7.will be held

虿项19177461438问: chance表示“机会”与“希望”在用法上有何区别 -
贡嘎县牛至回答: 1、 表示“机会”,是可数名词,要表示“做某事的机会”,其后可接 to do sth 或 of doing sth.如:I never miss a chance to play [of playing] football. 我从不错过踢足球的机会.You'd have more chance of catching [to catch] the train if you got a ...

虿项19177461438问: 苏教版英语8B单词表 -
贡嘎县牛至回答: unit 5 international pocket pocket money be used to further health interviewer blindness affect mostly case cure medical treatment volunteer operation patient afford skill train operate indeed proud medicine treat improve carry on rich agreement ...

虿项19177461438问: 初二英语词组有哪位能帮我归纳一下初二下学期的词组呢?谢谢!
贡嘎县牛至回答: unit 6 1. 再来一些 some more 2. 最大的筹款活动 one of the biggest fund-raising ... within 48 hours 6. 一次极好的机会 an excellent chance 7. 学会团队精神 learn team spirit ...

虿项19177461438问: To do some voluntary work for the 2nd Youth Olympic Games is - ____ - excellent chance for us to serve our hometown—Nanjing. -
贡嘎县牛至回答:[选项] A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

虿项19177461438问: Class activities are to an excellent chance to learn team spirit -
贡嘎县牛至回答: 不用在chance 后面加s你把to去掉了就可以了

虿项19177461438问: 英语高手来.........
贡嘎县牛至回答: 1.That's an excellent chance for him to study abroad. 2.A class often lasts for three quarters or fifty minutes. 3.It seemed that everything happened so fast.

虿项19177461438问: C语言加减练习 -
贡嘎县牛至回答: #include main(){ int a,b,ans,guess,n=0,chance; char opr='+'; srand(time(NULL)); do{ a=rand()%20+1; b=rand()%30+1; n++; if(n%2==0){ ans=a+b; opr='+'; }else{ ans=a-b; opr='-'; } chance=3; do{ printf("Q:%i%c%i=?",a, opr, b); scanf("%i",&...

虿项19177461438问: 根据句意和提示写出单词,完成句子
贡嘎县牛至回答: 1,ordered 2.umbrella 3.spirit 4.headache 5.upstairs 6.moutain 7.excellent 8.chance 9.workdays第一个空不确定,作业要自己写呀,都不难的

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