
作者&投稿:夷帜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I tube you, you always with me, this is the life I want. 31、我能经得住多少诋毁,就能单得起多少赞美。 I can stand much vilified, can afford much praise. 32、爱是烧痛我双手的烟火,却也为你照亮了黑。 Love is a burning pain in my hands fireworks, but also lit up the black for you....

56:Prison birds do not know the sea囚鸟不知海 57:You do not always worry life.Do not always live up to what you thought life,in fact,you have just as much with others,the success of others,just a little more than your efforts.58:The time that you are my most fatal.时...

...retired,he bought a small house in a vilage near the sea.He...

音节划分:vil▪lag▪ervillager生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 [ˈvɪlɪdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈvɪlədʒɚ]n. 村民;乡村居民 网 络 田园; 村民; 乡村的百姓; 乡村居民 复数:villagers 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 英汉双...

My village is a beautiful place.There are many hills,trees and rivers in my village.Everyone lived here enjoys the life and we always try our best to make our village more and more beautiful.I believe my village will have a bright future.I love my village!我村是一个美丽的place.There有...

life in the village 村庄生活 5. 常用句子:We spent our holidays in a beautiful English village.我们在一个美丽的英式村庄度过假期。There are only 200 people living in the village.这个村庄仅有200人居住。He was born and brought up in a village.他出生和成长在一个村庄。

mr.smith lives in a vilage阅读理解答案与课文翻译
him and begins to talk to him, "Your life is not interesting, is it? You take the same train every morning,and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper." "How do you know all that about me?"Mr.Smith says angrily (生气地)."Because I always sit in ...

对于这种最新型病毒,McAfee AVERT专家指出,MyLife.b源自何方目前还不得而知,但澳大利亚是目前受感染最为严重的地区。然而在病毒发作的第一天(即3月22日)中午之后,该蠕虫扩散的速度似乎开始减缓。据受该病毒侵害的用户可登录McAfee AVERT相关网站vil.nai.com\/vil\/content\/v_99414.htm,查找这种病毒的...

The Duanwu Festival, also called the DragonBoat Festival, is tocommemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was aloyal and highly esteemedminister, who brought peace and prosperity to thestate but ended up drowninghimself in a river as a result of being vilified.People got to ...

英文作文带翻译_ mobile phone, what are you doing on your
您好:Advantages and Disadvatages of Mobile phones As every body knows,mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have bot advantages and disadvtanges in my opinion.First,mobile *** ake it convinent for people to keep in touch with each other whevere they are...

钱审17178598612问: 海盗分金编程代码
句容市浪宁回答: //定义排序的结构体,用于寻找可以用最少分配而拉拢的海盗 typedef struct{ int key; int index; }NodeType; #include "stdio.h" #include "math.h" //最大海盗数 #define MAX_Pirate 100 //海盗分配序列(倒叙存放,便于循环插入修改) int allot[...

钱审17178598612问: 任意输入四个数,使用条件运算符求四个数的最大值,用Java做
句容市浪宁回答: 还是看我的吧 public class max { public static void main(String args[]) { int x,y,z,w,max; x=3;y=5;z=8;w=9; if(x>y&&x>z&&x>w) max=x; else if(y>z&&y>w) max=y; else if(z>w) max=z; else max=w; System.out.println("max is" +max+ "."); } }

钱审17178598612问: 求Java答案,题目为:任意输入一批整数,其输出最大值和最小值.输入数字0为结束循环. -
句容市浪宁回答: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(System.in); int in = s.nextInt(); int max = in; int min = in; while(in != 0){ in = s.nextInt(); if(in > max) max = in; else if(in<min) min = in; } System.out.println("max="+max+",min="+min); }

钱审17178598612问: 编写一个函数实现用指向指针的方法对从键盘输入的10个整数按从大到小的顺序排序,并在主函数中输出排序结 -
句容市浪宁回答: #include void sort(int *arr,int n){int i,j;int max;for(i=0;i<n-1;i++){max=i;for(j=i+...

钱审17178598612问: 给定一个矩阵A=(aij)mXn, 怎么用matlab命令求max(a21 - a11,0)+max(a22 - a12,0)+...+max(a2m - a1m,0)? -
句容市浪宁回答: %给你举个例子:a=10*rand(9); %a为一个9x9的随机矩阵,即m=9 b=0; for i=1:9 b=max(a(2,i)-a(1,i),0)+b; end b

钱审17178598612问: java编程,输出3个数中的最大值和最小值 -
句容市浪宁回答: 如下所示String s1=args[0];String s2=args[1];String s3=args[2];int a1=Integer.parseInt(s1);int a2=Integer.parseInt(s2);int a3=Integer.parseInt(s3);int max,min;max=a1>a2? a1:a2;max=max>a3? max:a3;min=(a1<a2?a1:a2)<a3?(a1<a2?a1:a2):a3;System.out.println("max:"+max+"\n"+"min:"+min);

钱审17178598612问: 用JAVA语言求一个程序
句容市浪宁回答: int[]a={6,68,30,9,76,54,89,96} int index=0;int max=0; for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){ if(max<a[i]){ max=a[i]; index=i; } System.out.print("最大值为:"+max+"元素下标为:"+index) }

钱审17178598612问: 已知函数f(x)=x^3 - 3ax^2 - 9a^2+a^3 若1/4<x<=1且x属于【1,4a】时f '(x)<=5a恒成立 -
句容市浪宁回答: f'(x)=3x^2-6ax-9a^2,f'(x)=3x^2-6ax-9a^2<=5a,a>=[3x^2/(6x+14)]max 令g(x)=3x^2/(6x+14),g'(x)=[6x(6x+14)-6*3x^2]/(6x+14)^2=6[3x^2+14]/(6x+14)^2 故g(x)单调递增.故a>=48^a/(24a+14),a<=14/24=7/12 故a∈(1/4,7/12]

钱审17178598612问: JAVA题,输入一批整数,输出最大值和最小值,输入0结束循环! -
句容市浪宁回答: 楼主既然for循环没学,那就用while循环做的~ import java.util.Scanner; public class Find {public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("请输入整数(输入0结束):");int max = 0;//里边放最大值int min = 0;//里边放最小值...

钱审17178598612问: 暗黑弓箭和弩系的亚马逊 -
句容市浪宁回答: 女武神,如果是我,AMA斑竹自恃操作当然是1点,但你想安全点,女武到17,27级是2个分界点,算装备到17级,他拥有亮金战枪了,足够了1USC,安脸+2,没算其他+技能的,魔法箭20,MS 15,弓 系38点 女武14,刺入MAX,双倍打击11,...

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