
作者&投稿:汪索 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

vt.使疯狂。She's mad that I'm on the phone too long.我讲电话太久她会生气的。2、irritated 英 [ˈɪrɪteɪtɪd]adj.恼怒的,生气的。v.使发怒( irritate的过去式和过去分词 );使急躁;使感到不适;使疼痛。She didn't seem to be the only one who was...


emotion的同义词例句: 1. Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down. 当有人觉得情绪低落时,要努力相互打气。 2. His wife wasn't feeling too well and she wanted to go home. 他的妻子感到有些不舒服,想要回家。 3. McKay walked slowly toward this screen, feeling a growing ...

4:I was late for school this morning because I woke up very late 5:aren't able to afford 6:he can be 7;is the writer 8:no unhealthy 9:as difficult as 10:is there you like best 11:visited for the first time 12:are behind us 13:no one nearer than 14:暂时不会 15...

46. too, to 47. to , for 48. think of 49. for , helping 50. eat 51. Both Amy and Tom are teachers.52. Billy can’t run fast because he is very fat.53. Sue looks after her baby everyday.54. They had a good time in the Children’s Palace....

the word is very different form that one(改为同义句)
some difference between 这两个单词之间有一些差别

八年级英语问题 同义句转换 1. I can’t decide where I should go...

...height.(两种同义句) 2.My sister is very kind.(划线提问:very kind...
1. = Li Lei is neither (too) tall nor (too) short.= Li Lei isn't (too) tall or (too) short.2. = What is your sister like?3. of mine 4. He doesn't always draw cartoons on the blackboard.或 = He seldom\/hardly draws cartoons on the blackboard.如果你满意我的答案...

I liked playing basketball very much one year ago,but now i don...
used to enjoy\/like (used to do sth: 表示过去常常做某事,而现在不做了)

按要求改写下列句子 He is too young to go to school(改为同义句...
I don’t know which scarf(to )(choose).3.The boy looks very cool , He is wearing a jacket .(合并成一个简单句)The boy(wearing)(a )(jacket)looks very cool.4.This book is so interesting that I read it in one breath(改为同义句)It’s(such)(an )(...

驷凭17151713380问: everyone的近义词是什么 -
会理县补肺回答: everyone的近义词:everybody 读法:英 ['evrɪbɒdɪ] 美 ['ɛvrɪbɑdi] 释义:pron. 每个人;人人 Everybody understands每个人都明白 everybody else其他人 Everybody Peple每个人 Everybody Say有我常赖着你 例句: 1、Everybody likes to join ...

驷凭17151713380问: everyone的同义词是什么? -
会理县补肺回答:[答案] everyboby

驷凭17151713380问: every one的同义词 -
会理县补肺回答:[答案] everyone=everybody every one(分写指物)= everything 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

驷凭17151713380问: everyone的同义词是什么? -
会理县补肺回答: everybody

驷凭17151713380问: 回答everyone用哪个代词替代 -
会理县补肺回答: 因为everyone是单数,如美剧everbody(两个词用法相似) loves Raymond,而一般习惯性指男性,所以以前一般是用he/his替代,比如everyone is entitled to his opinions. 但现代英语中,为了避免性别指向,多用they/their,如everyone is entitled to their opinions, 或者同时用he or she/ his or her保持平衡,如everyone is entitled to his or her opinions 类似的spokesman被spokesperson替代等

驷凭17151713380问: each other同义词1个词 -
会理县补肺回答: each other同义词:one another 一个词:mutual

驷凭17151713380问: every与什么词一起是分开的,例如everyone是合在一起的,那么,every与什么单词是分开 -
会理县补肺回答: every bit as (用于比较)完全一样…every inchevery last (或 every single) [用于加强语气]每一个;全部;无一例外every man has his price (谚)人各有其价(指任何人都是可以收买的)every now and again (或 now and then) 不时;有时;偶尔every time 毫无例外地every which way (非正式)四面八方同义词 adj. 1. 每一;一切的 alleach 其他释义 alleach 反义词 adj. 1. 每一;全部的 none 其他释义 none

驷凭17151713380问: every body近义词是什么
会理县补肺回答: everyone 注:everyone和everybody : 是复合不定代词是由every加-body,-one构成, everyone每人 everybody每人,大家,人人 复合不定代词只相当于名词,在句中用作主语、宾语和表语.如:如: 用作主语: Is everyone/everybody here?人...

驷凭17151713380问: 问近义词there is something for everyone in Hong Kong的其中everyone的近义词, -
会理县补肺回答:[答案] all of people ,every one ,every people

驷凭17151713380问: every one 和everyone -
会理县补肺回答:[答案] every one 词组 everyone 单词 意思一样

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