
作者&投稿:偶包 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2.teaches;term;wearing;speaks;well;all;lesson;walks;same;with;called 翻译:这个学期布莱克先生教我们英语。他是一个高高的男人。他喜欢穿白衬衫和黑长裤。他说英语说得很好。我们都非常喜欢他的课。他的家在学校旁边。有时候他走路回家。他有两个小儿子(原文中songs应为sons)。他们看起来一模一...

A(括号里的字母发字母本身音的单词):Dale,blue,evening,fine,hello,he,name,hi,Ok,ruler B(括号里的字母不发字母本身音的单词):Helen,bob,jacket,map,this,orange, pen,quilt


Jack was 11 years old boy.He liked fishing very much.He often went fishing with his father when it was possible.On the day before the bass(a kind of fish)season opened,he and his father were fishing in the lake early in the (evening).Everything was very quiet for a long...

adj. 在晚上的; 为晚上的; 晚上用的;int. 晚上好;[例句]All he did that evening was sit around the flat.那天晚上他一直在公寓里无所事事地坐着。[其他] 复数:evenings 形近词: supervening intervening subvening night 英[naɪt] 美[naɪt]n. 晚上; 夜...

4 It's five o'clock (in the afternoon \/ e vening).5 It's twelve o'clock.6 It's three o'clock (in the afternoon).C 1 on foot 2 shops 3 homework 4 moment Lesson 58 A 2 When does he usually drive to work?He usually drives to work in the morning.What's he doing...

we are leaving for lunch. Now we are eating the tasty food in the restaurant. I like the fish best. After a rest, we are going to climb a hill. It's 6:30 in the edvening, we all feel tired and we are going home.。3. 初三英语作文:根据所给提示内容,写一篇80词左右...

[其他] 复数:evenings 形近词: supervening intervening subvening night 英[na?t] 美[na?t]n. 晚上; 夜; (举行盛事的) 夜晚;[例句]He didn't sleep a wink all night.他一夜没合眼。[其他] 复数:nights 问题三:”晚上”用英语怎么拼写 evening night 问题四:晚上用英语怎么读 ...

good channel wind movie evening could Are they skating in the playground?what are the girls doing in the music room

岑选18219474773问: evening怎么读 -
陕西省瑞格回答: evening 英['i:vnɪŋ] 美[ˈivnɪŋ] n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚会;晚年,衰退期,末期 adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的 int. 晚上好 [例句]The event made the evening news. 该事件在晚间新闻受到广泛报道.

岑选18219474773问: 晚上 用英语怎么说 -
陕西省瑞格回答:[答案] night [英][naɪt][美][naɪt] n.夜; 晚上; (举行盛事的)夜晚; 复数:nights 汉语:奈特 或 evening 汉语:一问里

岑选18219474773问: 晚上好英语怎么读音 -
陕西省瑞格回答: 晚上好 [词典] good evening; evening 英[ˈi:vnɪŋ] 美[ˈivnɪŋ] [例句]他伸出手说:“晚上好.” He stuck his hand out and he said, 'Good evening.'

岑选18219474773问: 你想拼写evening这个单词用英语怎么说
陕西省瑞格回答: You want to spell the word :evening.

岑选18219474773问: 早晨,上午,中午,下午,晚上 有英语各怎么说 -
陕西省瑞格回答: 1、早晨和上午: (early) morning、morning 【读音】英 ['mɔːnɪŋ] 美 ['mɔrnɪŋ] 2、上午: noon 【读音】英 [nuːn] 美 [nun] 3、下午:afternoon 【读音】英 [ɑːftə'nuːn] 美 [,æftɚ'nun] 4、晚上:evening 【读音】英 ['iːv(ə)nɪŋ]...

岑选18219474773问: 英文晚上怎么写 - 晚上用英语怎么写?
陕西省瑞格回答: evening-傍晚 night-晚上 late night-夜晚 mid-night-半夜

岑选18219474773问: 晚上用英语怎么拼怎么读 -
陕西省瑞格回答: 晚上 [wǎn shang] [词典] (in the) evening; (at) night; [例句]我那天晚上只睡了大约半个小时.I only slept about half an hour that night.evening 英[ˈi:vnɪŋ] 美[ˈivnɪŋ] n. 傍晚; 黄昏; 晚会; 晚年,衰退期,末期; adj. 在晚上的; 为晚上的...

岑选18219474773问: evening中的第二个e为什么不发音 -
陕西省瑞格回答: evening [ˈi:vnɪŋ],n.傍晚; 黄昏; 不发音的原因是它是绝对开音节. 绝对开音节是指只有元音字母结尾, 后边没有辅音将(其门关闭)和有辅音+不发音的e; evening 有--e- ve -ning ,ve划归后一个音节,所以e 是绝对开音节;

岑选18219474773问: 早中晚用英语怎么说 -
陕西省瑞格回答: 早上:Morning 中午:noon 晚上:evening英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各...

岑选18219474773问: 周六晚上用英语怎么说 -
陕西省瑞格回答: On Saturday evening,因为具体指到是星期六这一天所以用On

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