
作者&投稿:翁宣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

time to tidying it up.Two years ago my white wall was e-mpty with nothing.There are lots of papers stuck to the wall. I miss my bedroom two years two years ago and the spare time.

薛师18993049291问: Lot有"土地"的意思?例“空地”Empty lot语句中出现过....懂的来谢了! -
迁西县开瑞回答: 我在城市给我书面的用地许可之前给不同城市的市政厅打了15个电话.lot有可以用作建筑或其他用途的小面积土地 也可以指被影视公司拥有的土地及建筑 既然语境中是empty lot,那就是第一个意思了.资料来源:http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lot

薛师18993049291问: lots of empty bottles were found under the old man's bed . he must have done nothing but - ---- -
迁西县开瑞回答: do nothing but do sth. 是固定搭配,“除了...什么也没有干”, but 后面要求跟动词原形.

薛师18993049291问: emptythetrash是什么意思 -
迁西县开瑞回答: empty the trash 倒垃圾 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 倒垃圾例句: 1. Important: even after you empty the trash, deleted files can be recovered using data-recovery software. 重要事项:即使在清倒“废纸篓”后,也可以使用数据恢复软件来恢复已删除的文件.

薛师18993049291问: empty的用法 -
迁西县开瑞回答: 不可以说empty the water (in the bottle),一般直接接容器明名glass,bottle..也可以加out 你可以通过下面的例句好好体会一下.有些规律是不能有汉语思维解释的 The baker empty several bags of flour into a bin.面包师把几袋面粉倒入贮藏箱里. I had to empty out the drawer to find the papers我不得不倒出抽屉的东西以找出那些文件 Tip the box up and empty it把那盒子翻过来倒空.

薛师18993049291问: the owners parked their businesses on empty lots that were out of the way请求翻译. -
迁西县开瑞回答:[答案] To avoid trouble,the owners parked their businesses on empty lots that were out of way. 为了避免麻烦,车主们就把他们的马车停在路旁的空地上.

薛师18993049291问: empty the trash 是什么意思 -
迁西县开瑞回答: empty the trash 英 ['empti ðə 'træʃ] 美 ['emptɪ ðə 'træʃ] 倒垃圾. 例句:1、Monkey: Look! Dad, I can empty the trash! Oops! 猴子:看!爸爸,我会倒垃圾了!噢! 2、Do you really want to empty the Trash? All items will be deleted. 您真的要清空回收站吗?里面所有的内容都将被删除.

薛师18993049291问: Empty是什么意思 -
迁西县开瑞回答: empty:英 [ˈempti] ; 美 [ˈempti] adj:空的;空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的;空虚的;无意义的;无目的的 v:倒空;腾空;掏空;变空;把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处) 词组短语:1、empty promise:空头承诺2、empty threat:装腔...

薛师18993049291问: empty the teash是什么意思 -
迁西县开瑞回答: empty the trash 网络解释1. 倒垃圾 else其他;另外 | empty the trash 倒垃圾 | England英国2. 倒垃圾 ---扔破梯得 eat 吃 ---姨特 | empty the trash 倒垃圾 ---扔破梯得 | cook the meals 煮饭 ---库克得糜肉丝3. (到垃圾) do housework(做家务...

薛师18993049291问: Lots of empty beer bottles were found under the -
迁西县开瑞回答: 表示很肯定地看法在那个人的床下有很多啤酒瓶,他肯定喝多了

薛师18993049291问: 有一篇英语阅读理解开头是Eiena jogged with her dad in some empty lots at the edge of town .These.. -
迁西县开瑞回答: Elena jogged with her dad in some empty lots(小块地) at the edge of town. These out-of-the-way lots wer...

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