
作者&投稿:伏莎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

孟刘15034626029问: 雇佣的英文单词怎么写? -
兰溪市维平回答: hire

孟刘15034626029问: Company的v词,employ的adj和(ant)adj.形式 和几个词组 好的追加 -
兰溪市维平回答: company动词company:交往,结交 (常与with连用) employ 形容词 employable____反义 unemployable自行车赛: cycle track\ bike racing离未来还很远: .....be far from future\ beyond even the boundary of future断然拒绝: flatly refuse\...

孟刘15034626029问: “称职的”在英语中有几种说法?
兰溪市维平回答: Heisacompetentteacher/nurse大概是最合适的.类似的说法还有:Heisadecentteacher/nurse还不错的(良吧.)Heisaqualifiedteacher/nurse资格上“合格”的Heisamediocre/so-soteacher/nurse中等的,不突出的Heisapassable/tolerableteacher/nurse勉强合格的也可以说:Heisalright/OK/so-so/competent/decent/qualified/passableasateacher/ rightOK都是说“还行”.其它的我想不起来了.suitable是“合适的”,意思稍微有点偏差.

孟刘15034626029问: 称职用英语怎么说 -
兰溪市维平回答: 称职 [词典] fill a post with credit; be competent; up to the requirement of the post; have what it takes; worth one's salt; [例句]他是一个十分称职的教师. He is a highly competent teacher.

孟刘15034626029问: 高手翻译一下?
兰溪市维平回答: I think I am not a competent leader, I am very active in class, may be the character of the relationship may also be afraid of make a fool of oneself. Because I am a perfectionist, I shall not allow any mistakes here and the students, a teacher I am sorry ...

孟刘15034626029问: 英语单词缀词问题 -
兰溪市维平回答: 举个例子吧:employ+名词后缀ment就变成了名词employment,employ+名词后缀er就变成了名词雇主employer,employ本本身就是就是一个完整的单词加上前后缀(词缀)以后可以转化成另外一个词,这样,原本是单的employ在新词employment/...

孟刘15034626029问: 关于2英语句子的翻译
兰溪市维平回答: 1.And serenity to the peaceful country life, and noisy of city life and ; but the life has many advantages, employment opportunities, a source of information and resources, and is conducive to the development of 2.For women's status in society, many ...

孟刘15034626029问: 以英语的广泛应用为内容的英文作文大全并带翻译 -
兰溪市维平回答: English is one of the most difficult languages to learn, yet it is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come togetherthey commonly use English to ...

孟刘15034626029问: 公证英语培训
兰溪市维平回答: Completing a TESOL course will enhance your career as an English?teacher and get ...you will become highly employable. ??国内外各地有大量的英语教师的职位空缺,...

孟刘15034626029问: 高分求最佳翻译!!!“我以我最大的热情和十二分... -
兰溪市维平回答: I use the most of my passion and sincereness to submit my personal materials to you. I believe that I am qualified and employable, meanwhile, I am glad to introduce myself to you here.

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