
作者&投稿:支鬼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“I'm fine”是什么意思?
1.I'm fine.或者 I am fine.我很好。2.Yes, I'm fine. Thank you!是的,我很好。谢谢你!3."Go tell her I'm fine, " I barked to Wayne.我向韦恩叫喊着:去告诉她我很好。4.Susan: I'm fine, thanks. Is that your dinner?苏珊: 我很好, 谢谢。这就是你的晚餐?5."Are ...

急需英语暑假日记20篇(40字左右有翻译,还要初一水平) 谢谢~
At eight o'clock, I have my breakfast, they are some bread, an egg and a glass of milk....The man said "How strange, I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins." After awhile the nurse ...Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, woof, woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran for...

悟贴19189514450问: 英语作文i visit to jiuzhaigou -
白云区消痔回答: A summer vacation, I dropped the heavy bag, with cheerful mood and desire to Jiuzhaigou, embarked on a journey to Jiuzhaigou.The worn outafter all the way, we finally arrived in Jiuzhaigou. Listen to the tour guide,Jiuzhaigou because of the ditch the ...

悟贴19189514450问: 具体介绍Audrey Hepburn参与的慈善事业,最好要英文的 -
白云区消痔回答: In 1988, Audrey embarked on her second career as UNICEF's international Goodwill Ambassador. With her long time companion, Robert Wolders, and assisted by her dear friend Christa Roth, Audrey traveled for UNICEF with acclaimed ...

悟贴19189514450问: Embarked是什么意思? -
白云区消痔回答: embarkedv. 装载; 乘船( embark的过去式和过去分词 ); 从事;[例句]The government embarked on a programme of radical economic reform.政府开始实施一项彻底的经济改革计划.[其他] 原型: embark

悟贴19189514450问: 求一篇关于社会问题的英语作文 -
白云区消痔回答: 青少年犯罪是一个大家并不陌生的问题.为此,我通过走访,交谈找到了他们犯罪的一些原因: Juvenile delinquency is a familiar problem. To this end, I through visits, to find their some causes of crime: 1.好胜.某些人因为从小好胜,所以走上了...

悟贴19189514450问: 改革是用英语怎么说 -
白云区消痔回答: 你好!改革 reform 英[rɪˈfɔ:m] 美[rɪˈfɔ:rm] n. 改革,改良,改造; 改正; vt. 改善; vt. 改革; 重组; [例句]The party embarked on a programme of economic reform 这个党开始进行经济改革.

悟贴19189514450问: “行百里者半九十”的英文翻译 -
白云区消痔回答: It's still half way even though one has made 90 miles out of a 100-mile journey. Meaning, one may still fail the journey if one doesn't persist to the last. 中文意思即:百里路程即使已行走90里,与50里没什么分别,不坚持到最后仍可能失败.张璐的译文错在不该把半九十落在一半人的意思上.

悟贴19189514450问: 求《雪狗兄弟》的英文简介
白云区消痔回答: Snow Buddies (2008) It is a sequel to Air Buddies.Five golden retriever puppies (Buddha,Budderball, B-Dawg, Mudbud and Rosebud) embarked on a trip to Alaska accidentally. During their journey in Alaska, they met Shasta a Alaska Husky pup, ...

悟贴19189514450问: 如何让Oracle In 语句走索引 -
白云区消痔回答: 在select 后面加上 /*+index(索引列 索引名)*/ 进行查询 例子:create index idx_tt on tt(id);创建索引 select * from tt;查询tt表 select /*+index(tt idx_tt)*/ * from tt;提示oracle走索引查询tt表

悟贴19189514450问: 张璐译文:行百里者半于九十.... -
白云区消痔回答: 原文 : 行百里者半九十 翻译:走一百里路,走了九十里才算是一半.比喻做事愈接近成功愈困难,愈要认真对待.常用以勉励人做事要善始善终. 张璐的翻译是正确的,不过是用现代的角度翻译的“Half of the people who have embarked on a ...

悟贴19189514450问: 既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去 帮忙翻译下,英语 -
白云区消痔回答: 这本意就是上了贼船的意思,不建议使用.

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