
作者&投稿:夙满 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The scientific name for the Tasmanian tiger is Thylacine and it is believed that they have become extinct in the 20th century. Fossils of thylacines dating from about almost 12 million years ago have been dug up at various places in Victoria, South Austnilia and Western Australia. They were ...

He ___ a bunch of flowers 求解析。。可追加悬赏。。
放下:lay,过去式、过去分词都是laid,故选C.laid. lay还有“下蛋,产卵”的意思,变法一样。A.lied是lie(说谎)的过去式。B.lay是llie(躺下)的过去式.D.lain 是lie躺下)的过去分词。总结:lay→laid→laid→laying 放置,下蛋 lie→lied→lied→lying 说谎 lie→lay→lain→lying 躺下...

Xifulake fortunate not to hide to avoid being hit by a car, or been splashed all over a mud and rain. Others see, feel sorry for him, but also angry and Zhi Ma, want to cry carriage stopped, unreasonable representations. Xifulake has murmured: "Do not cry, do not cry,...

The scientific name for the Tasmanian tiger is Thylacine and it is believed that they have become extinct in the 20th century. Fossils of thylacines dating from about almost 12 million years ago have been dug up at various places in Victoria, South Austnilia and Western Australia. They were ...

Because of disease, thylacine numbers may have been declining in Tasmania at the time of European settlement 200 years ago, but the decline was certainly accelerated by the new arrivals. The last known Tasmanian Tiger died in Hobart Zoo in 1936 and the animal is officially dassilied jis ...

There have been more than 4,000 claimed sightings of the beast since it supposedly died out, and the average claims each year reported to authorities now number 150. Associate professor of zoology at the University of Tasmania, Randolph Rose, has said he dreams of seeing a thylacine. But Ros...

Technically, this means that it has not been officially sighted in the wild or captivity for 50 years. However, there are still unsubstantiated sightings. Hans Naarding, whose study of animal had taken him around the world, was conducting a survey of a species of endangered migratory, bird. ...

佟怜15895502904问: 英语中“been”的用法,重点是怎么区分什么时候加什么时候不加? -
汤原县佰奕回答: "been" 是“be" 的过去分词形式,多用于完成时态中,常用的有以下几种形式:have或hasbeen(现在完成时,had been(过去完成时态).例如:1.自从去年我就一直在这个城市.英语是:Since last year I have been in this city all the time. 2. 在上学期期末之前我就在这个班. 英语:By the end of last term I had been in this class. 这里的been 都是存在之意. 谢谢!

佟怜15895502904问: 表示独立自主女孩的英文名 -
汤原县佰奕回答: Abby: 娇小可爱的女人,文静,令人喜爱,个性甜美. Aimee: 意为可爱的人. Alisa: 快乐的姑娘的意思. Angelia: 天使,传送讯息者.Angelia被描绘为美丽,娇小的女子若不是有著甜美温柔的个性,即是活泼莽撞的女孩. Amanda: ...

佟怜15895502904问: 请问爱丽的英文名怎么写 -
汤原县佰奕回答: 爱丽的7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431336161英文名:Ellie. Ellie,读音:['eli],中文音译艾莉,其他音译爱丽、埃莉. Ellie名字含义光明 ELEANOR,ELLEN的缩写,以及以El开头的其他名称. Ellie的用法示例如下: 1.Ellie, it's OK, ...

佟怜15895502904问: 女生英文名Ellie、Jolie 哪一个好? -
汤原县佰奕回答: Jolie 从法文来的,意思是欢乐的,或者解释为性感美丽的Ellie 是光明的意思 像光一样纯真的 看你喜欢哪个了 Jolie气场强大 Ellie相对较弱

佟怜15895502904问: 刚刚在电台上听到一首超好听的歌,欧美的,好像主要的歌词是I need your love I ne -
汤原县佰奕回答: 《I Need Your Love》是一首由苏格兰制片人及主持人卡尔文·哈里斯创作的单曲,收录在他的第三张专辑《18 Months》,由英国说唱女歌手Ellie Goulding演唱.这首歌在2013年4月12日又作为专辑的第七单发布,也收录在Ellie的第二张录音室...

佟怜15895502904问: 女生起个英文名 -
汤原县佰奕回答: Aimee艾米 Alice爱丽丝 Alina艾琳娜 Allison艾莉森 Amanda阿曼达 Amy艾美 Amber安伯 Anastasia阿纳斯塔西娅 (昵称Stacey) Andrea安德莉亚 Angela安吉拉 Angelia安吉莉亚 Angelina安吉莉娜 Ann安 (Hannah的英文形式) Anne安妮 (...

佟怜15895502904问: ELLIE 、Ellen、ELSA 这几个英文名,前面怎么读?那些L要和E一起发音么?还是这些前面都是像egg一样,发e ? -
汤原县佰奕回答: Ellie['eli] 埃莉 Ellen['elin] 艾伦 Elsa['elsə] 埃尔莎 elsa的e和l是连发的,剩下的那两个不是

佟怜15895502904问: ellie怎么读 -
汤原县佰奕回答: Ellie ['eli] n. 埃莉(Eleanor, Helen的昵称)(f.)

佟怜15895502904问: ellie是什么意思?(法语) -
汤原县佰奕回答: ellie为eleanor,ella, ellen等字的简写:人们认为ellie是可爱保守的南方乡村女孩,天真,迷人,而且甜美. cassiecatherine,cassandra的简写.人们心目中的cassie是可爱,受欢迎的大学女生,快乐而甜美

佟怜15895502904问: 伊利贝拉的英文拼写
汤原县佰奕回答: Ellie Bella

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