
作者&投稿:堵爱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

either or 怎么用的
ither…or…主要用于表示选择,其意为“要么……要么……”“或者……或者……”,用于连接两个性质相同的词或短语。如:You can have either this one or that one. 你拿这个或那个都可以。You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow. 你要么马上走,要么等到明天。We can finish the ...

either ..or ...不是……就是……,或者……或者 连接两个并列成分,做主语时,谓语动词要遵循就近原则。如 Either you or he is a student.第二个人不是写错了?


由either or 或者是neither nor 连接的并列结构做主语时,英语语法上通常是按照“就近原则”来处理的.就近原则就是指离be动词的选择取决于位置最近的名次或代词的单复数.举个例子:Either him or me am your friend.(不是他就是我是你的朋友)be动词的选择取决于me,所以用am.Either me or you are...

either … or … 的用法 用于连接两个表示选择关系的名词或代词,意为“要么……要么”。如: He must be either mad or drunk. 他不是疯了就是醉了。 You can go swimming or play tennis. 你可以去游泳也可以去打网球。 Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错了就是我错了。

初中英语里的就近原则有:一、由下列词语连接的并列主语:"there be+句型; or ; either …or;nor; neither…nor;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also" ; 等。例:①What he does or what he says does not concern me . 他的行为或言谈都与我无关。②Neither you nor I am ...

either or和neither nor的用法和意思?
1、用法 (1)either…or…用于肯定句,表示两者之中“…或…”,选其中之一,either... or...连接名词、代词作主语时,谓语动词要与最临近的主语保持一致.例如: You may either stay or go.你可以走,也可以留下.(2)neither…nor…连接名词、代词作主语时,谓语动词须与nor之后的名词保持一致...

either...or...意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。例如:When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳。(此句中either...or...连接两个动词,因为主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词要用其相应的...

my little sister e〔填空〕takes a walk or plays ches
My little sister e(ither 〕takes a walk or plays ches with my father after dinner (晚饭)either ...or ...不是……就是……我妹妹晚餐后不是去散步就是和我爸爸下棋。

In this position he played virtually no role梕ither formal or behind the scenes梚n the deliberations of the convention; however, his reticence and lack of intellectual flair may well have enhanced his objectivity in the eyes of the delegates, thereby contributing to the unself-conscious give and...

卷郑19214324514问: 用either …or 造句 -
化隆回族自治县三七回答:[答案] Either you or I am going there tomorrow. Either you or she is good at drawing. When the girl is happy,she either sings or dances. Do either you or he have lunch at school? I want to visit either Paris or London. Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not ...

卷郑19214324514问: either or 的意思.和用法 -
化隆回族自治县三七回答:[答案] either...or...与 neither...nor... 一、either...or... either...or...意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意.表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分.例如: When the girl is happy,she either sings or dances.那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳.(此句...

卷郑19214324514问: 用either …or 造句 -
化隆回族自治县三七回答: Either you or I am going there tomorrow. Either you or she is good at drawing. When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. Do either you or he have lunch at school? I want to visit either Paris or London. Either he did not speak distinctly or I did ...

卷郑19214324514问: either…or…..具体语法,具体讲就近原则, -
化隆回族自治县三七回答:[答案] either…or… 或.或. 不是.就是. 表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分.例如: 例如: Either you or he has lunch at school.其一般疑问句应为:Do either you or he have lunch at school?是你还是他在学校吃午饭? 若要对either...or...句型进行否定时...

卷郑19214324514问: either…or…造句 -
化隆回族自治县三七回答: They gave money to the Conservative Party either personally or through their companies.Either Mr.Li or Mr.Zhang is in Hong Kong now.Either you or she is good at drawing.Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well.

卷郑19214324514问: 用either or 造句 -
化隆回族自治县三七回答: Either you or I am to be given a chance to go there. I want either this one or that one.

卷郑19214324514问: either和either or的用法以及例句(简单一点的) -
化隆回族自治县三七回答: either意思是"(两者中的)..任何一个,或者a,或者b" 可以这么用 1. I don't particularly agree with either group. 双方 我都不甚赞同. 2. Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles. 最好是乘坐旅游巴士 或 骑自行车观光. 另外,either可以表示"也",替代too,但是用在 否定句 中. 如: I don't agree, either . 我也不同意. 肯定句用 I agree, too .我也同意 --手工劳动,满意请采纳,谢谢--记得采纳啊

卷郑19214324514问: either or连接并列主语造句 -
化隆回族自治县三七回答: 1. either...orEither she or Kate goes to visit The Great Wall.(连接两个主语,注意谓语动词)The shoes are either big or small for me. (连接两个并列表语)I like learning either English or Chinese. (连接两个并列宾语)2.neither...nor;Neither you nor I go.(连接两个并列主语)I like neither going shopping nor going hiking.(连接两个并列宾语)祝你学习进步!

卷郑19214324514问: 关于either…or…的从句? -
化隆回族自治县三七回答: either…or… “或……或……;不是……就是……”表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分.例如:Either you or he has lunch at school.其一般疑问句应为: Do either you or he have lunch at school?是你还是他在学校吃午饭?若要对...

卷郑19214324514问: either or造句简单的 -
化隆回族自治县三七回答: either or [英][ˈaiðə ɔ:][美][ˈiðɚ ɔr] adv.不是…就是…,…或…,要么…要么…; If not, the two tasks will interfere with one another, and either or both will suffer. 不然的话,这两项任务将会互相干扰,其中的一项或者两者都会表现糟糕.

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