
作者&投稿:夙乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

殷管15599193340问: egocentric - network是什么意思 -
陵川县华益回答:[答案] egocentric-network翻译:以自我为中心的网络egocentric英 [ˌegəʊˈsentrɪk] 美 [ˌi:goʊˈsentrɪk]adj.自我中心的,自私自利的networkn.网;(电视与计算机)网络;网状...

殷管15599193340问: 利己主义者英文怎么写 -
陵川县华益回答: 利己主义者的英文egocentric 英 [ˌegəʊˈsentrɪk] 美 [ˌi:goʊˈsentrɪk] adj.自我中心的,自私自利的

殷管15599193340问: 需要美国文化的英文介绍 -
陵川县华益回答: American culture The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓, 经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is ...

殷管15599193340问: I DONT AGREE MORE什么意思 -
陵川县华益回答: I CAN'T AGREE MORE 我举双手赞成.双语例句1 I can't agree with you more in this issue.在这个问题上我完全同意你的看法.2 Kevin: I can't agree more. An egocentric and narrow-minded manager isdoomed to fail.我完全同意.一个以自我为中心又小心眼的经理人注定会失败.

殷管15599193340问: 帮忙翻译下英语.紧急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
陵川县华益回答: 当这进行的时候,水气变成雾.在每个盖子的内部,雾的小水滴汇在一起成为大水滴.这些落到盖子里面,新鲜的水充满了另一个池塘.

殷管15599193340问: 以自我为中心 用英语怎么说 -
陵川县华益回答: 以自我为中心 Self centered 他是个以自我为中心、易冲动的人,希望身边的人都为他服务.He was egocentric, a man of impulse who expected those around him to servehim.

殷管15599193340问: 帮忙翻译英语,很紧急
陵川县华益回答: Between6and7years of age,children's speech becomes quite compiex,They now speak in compound,complex,and grammatically correct sentences;they usu all parts of speech;and they have a vocabulary of 3000to4000words. 在6到7岁之间,孩子...

殷管15599193340问: 请问altercentric在这里是什么意思?(最好整句话也翻译一下,谢谢!~)
陵川县华益回答: 改变中心 我们区分两种类型的不确定性,企业面临着在考虑新投资:以自我为中心的,属于做出正确的决定,并改变中心,属于被评价为潜在的合作伙伴的投资.

殷管15599193340问: 将中文翻译成英语单词
陵川县华益回答: 职业类: worker 、 teacher、 fireman 、farmer 、policeman 、officer 、clerk、professor、barber、carpenter、fisherman、driver、soldier、sailor、cook、doctor、lawyer、druggist、clown、writer、painter等等 性格类: moody、sensitive、...

殷管15599193340问: 有没有朱子家训全文英文翻译 -
陵川县华益回答: (1)一粥一饭,当思来之不易.半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰.The growing of rice and of grainThink on whenever you dine;Remember how silk is obtainedWhich keeps you warm and looks fine.(2)宜未雨而绸缪,勿临渴而掘井.In periods of ...


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