
作者&投稿:曲艳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1)education主要指在学校里所受的正规的“教育”。用于技能方面时,可表示“培养,训练”,着重于经过教导、学习所得到的知识与能力。有时还可表示“教养,修养”。(2)ducation一般用作不可数名词。但表示一段或一种“教育”时,其前可加不定冠词; 在有形容词修饰时,则一定要加不定冠词。近义...

master degree是什么意思
ducation,英文短写为MEd),工程硕士(Master of Engineering,英文短写为MEng)和文学硕士(Masterof Arts,英文短写为MA)。另有工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration,英文短写为MBA)。而研究式的硕士课程有哲学硕士(Master of Philosophy,英文短写为MPhil)。

学历:Education、本科:undergraduate、大专:junior college student 、中专:technical secondary school 具体翻译如下:1、学历:Education 例:secondary education 中等教育 2、本科:undergraduate 例:an undergraduate course\/student\/degree 大学本科课程 \/ 学生 \/ 学位 3、大专:junior college student...

英语作文:良好教育的优点: personal enrichment
Therefore, ducation is very important for everyone.

WES(WorldE ducation Services)成立于1974年,是美国非营利性组织。它为有意在美国或加拿大留学或工作的人提供成绩认证,是北美最大的资历评估公司,其评估认证报告在美国高校中使用非常普遍。2009年底,中国教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心和WES正式签署合作协议,中国学位持有者申请WES认证的,需先到教育部学位与研究生教育...

英语作文,the advantages of getting a good education
正文:Aducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them.奉承不是目的,而是达到目的的手段。换句话说,我们教育孩子不仅仅是为了教育他们。Our purpose is to fit them for life. In some moderncountries it has been ...

学院顾问、教职员顾问和一个非常成功的学生提议以下要诀关于怎样使多数脱离您的学院ducation 。INVOLVENMENT.The 多数成功的学生是那些活跃地被介入在他们的教育, 与同学相处融洽并且教职员和参加activities.You 成为一部分的学院社区, 开发您能转动对为帮助介入的Get 的支持组, 但不是overcommitted 。用第...


child e ducation造句
child He is a child他是个小孩子 “他只不过是个小孩子,你应该对他耐心点。”"He is just a small child, so you must be patient with him."education They're cutting funds for education .他们正在削减教育经费。He received a good education.他受到了良好的教育 ...

8、Views on Moral Emoralducation of the Chinese National Traditional Virtues中华民族传统美德教育之我见 9、This is the final step in addressing the problem of moral hazard.这是解决道德风险问题的最后一步。10、Application of Group Dynamics on College Moral Education Teaching群体动力论在大学...

贸董15368423868问: 英语作文:教育的价值(200~300词左右) -
邛崃市复方回答: Aducation is not an end, but a means to an end.In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them.Our purpose is to fit them for life.In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the ...

贸董15368423868问: education前加什么介词 -
邛崃市复方回答: 不同的介词+education搭配 1)differ from each other in education 受教育程度不同 例句: We differ from each other in many ways . 我们在许多方面不同.2)college of education 教育学院 例句: The Monday venue is the Foreign Affairs Hotel of ...

贸董15368423868问: education后面的谓语动词加不加s -
邛崃市复方回答: 谓语动词没有复数,他只有第三人称单数,如果你是说动词加不加s,那只有看谓语前面的主语了,education是第三人称单数,所以要加s 希望采纳哦

贸董15368423868问: 良好教育的好处的英文作文 -
邛崃市复方回答: It is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education. Why? Because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to become good citizens so as to be able to serve their country. No wonder they say ...

贸董15368423868问: education做主语谓语动词 -
邛崃市复方回答: education is very important

贸董15368423868问: 关于建立师生关系的英语作文,100词左右,急用 -
邛崃市复方回答: In the education teaching process, students and teachers' relationship, status problem, always directly affects education teaching effect, but also related to cultivate people's quality, thus the more will affect the development of the society, so education...

贸董15368423868问: An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justif -
邛崃市复方回答: An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education justified for reasons radically different from why education is required by law. 一个旨在帮学生获得某种工作的教育是技术教育,由于一些与法律要求的原因全然不同的原因,它被证明是合理的.

贸董15368423868问: 一篇关于education的英语对话,两人的,不要太多,每人7句左右 -
邛崃市复方回答: A: Hi, Miss Li, how is everything going on with your teaching? B: Hi! Um, not quite good. A: Really? What's wrong? B: Well, students these days seem to be impatient in the class. A: It's a common problem among teachers. Did you try something to ...

贸董15368423868问: 看这句 英语 an education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technica -
邛崃市复方回答: ……没什么为什么,各有所需. 句意为“若教育的主要目的是让学生获得特定种类的工作,则这种教育称为职业技术教育.”“我看见我的妈妈走进我家里”,里面有三个“我”.

贸董15368423868问: 求一篇题目是education pays的英语作文、 -
邛崃市复方回答: 作文 :Education pays Education Pays Education Pays, published every three years, presents detailed evidence of the private and public benefits of higher education. It also sheds light on the distribution of these benefits by examining both the ...

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