
作者&投稿:倪泽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This gorgeous open piazza is the front “yard” of what was once the ruling Medici family’s home – the Palazzo Vecchio, which has a “David” replica standing at its entrance. The Loggia to the right of the Palazzo Vecchio is a fantastic outdoor sculpture gallery, and though...

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20Consummate Daredevil Launch a land vehicle off of every Daredevil Jump in Medici.21No Stone unturned Find every collectible strewn across Medici.(找到Medici的所有收集品)22Top of the World Stand on foot at the highest point of Medici.(站在Medici的最高点)23Anything You Can Do.....

鄣汪18227287737问: have和eat的用法? -
费县八珍回答: have比较口语化,既可以指吃,也可以指喝 eat比较书面语,只可以指吃. 而在与medicine搭配时,我们可以说have medicine=take medicine,但是不可以用eat. 这里我刚好和学生讲过

鄣汪18227287737问: 吃药的短语是take the medicine 还是take medicine -
费县八珍回答: 都可以,只是它们的用法不同. 1、take the medicine 是特指 2、take medicine是泛指 如: 1).He went to see a doctor yesterday and the doctor asked him to take the medicin three times a day . (特指医生给的“药”) 他昨天去看医生,医生叫...

鄣汪18227287737问: 请问喝汤用英文怎么说? -
费县八珍回答: 为什么英美国家的“汤”(soup)不能“喝”(drink)? 吃饭时喝汤是中国人的饮食习惯.人们几乎天天都在说“喝汤”,这是汉语中最常见、最规范的习语.可你知道吗,在英语里,“汤”绝对不能“喝”,就是说,drink(喝)不能和soup(汤...

鄣汪18227287737问: take some medicine和eat some medicine的区别 -
费县八珍回答:[答案] 有eat medicine 这一说法吗?汉语中说吃药,但英语中吃药用take不用eat

鄣汪18227287737问: 吃药可以翻译为have medicine 或 eat medicine -
费县八珍回答:[答案] 都可以,还可用take.

鄣汪18227287737问: 吃药的英文是eat medicine还是take mdicine
费县八珍回答: take medicine 这是一个固定的用法.

鄣汪18227287737问: medicine是不是不可数名词.在说EAT medicine时候要不要加上S -
费县八珍回答:[答案] 不可数名词,不用加s

鄣汪18227287737问: have和eat的用法?一样吗? -
费县八珍回答:[答案] have比较口语化,既可以指吃,也可以指喝 eat比较书面语,只可以指吃. 而在与medicine搭配时,我们可以说have medicine=take medicine,但是不可以用eat. 这里我刚好和学生讲过

鄣汪18227287737问: Take the medicine为啥是吃药呢? -
费县八珍回答: 英语习惯用法,吃药中的吃不能用eat 要用take 或 have

鄣汪18227287737问: 吃药为什么不用eat -
费县八珍回答: take medicine . eat 吃,食;[主英国英语]喝(汤等): to eat a dinner(或 meal) 吃一顿(饭菜) Tigers eat meat. 老虎吃肉.

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