
作者&投稿:栾牧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

阿q精神是褒义还是贬义,众说纷纭,不过本人认为还是贬义多过褒义。阿Q精神是出自鲁迅小说,描述特定背景下中国人的精神面貌,批判了民族劣根性,一种不争,逃避现实,自我安慰。详细来说,就是旧时中国人骨子里的奴性,任人欺压宰割却一心逃避努力不敢反抗。这个时候阿Q精神是贬义的。后来,阿Q 精神又被扩...

群里高手多,猜成语,哈哈!这个有意思,防痴呆。1 、 2喜上眉梢 、_百度...
1、喜上眉梢 2、妖魔鬼怪 3、余音绕梁 4、盲人摸象 5、鸡飞蛋打 6、心照不宣 7、人走茶凉 8、刀光剑影 9、七嘴八舌 10、悲喜交加 11、雷声震耳 12、舍己救人 13、眉目传情 14、猪朋狗友 15、一针见血 16、愁眉苦脸 17、指腹为婚 18、一拍即合 19、花好月圆 20、骑虎难下 21、...

歹研19396679285问: beautiful memory是什么意思 -
炎陵县上生回答: beautiful memory美丽的记忆memory[英][ˈmeməri][美][ˈmɛməri]n.记忆,记忆力; 回忆,往事; [计]存储器,内存; 复数:memories易混淆单词:Memory例句:1.Memory and your mind can work better. 记忆和你就能更好的工作.2.What is your earliest memory? 你最早的记忆是什么?

歹研19396679285问: 在空格上填上一个适当的词,使句义完整.1.James believes_____going for run every morning.2.One of my earliest memories is_____playing in the garden.这... -
炎陵县上生回答:[答案] 1.in 2.about

歹研19396679285问: 高中英语单选My earliest memories of my mother are a capable women (devoted) to her family.为什么括号里填过去分词而不是现在分词?women和devote之间... -
炎陵县上生回答:[答案] 首先,不知道是不是你打错,既然前面有个a,那么后面应该是woman而不是women. 这里的devoted和woman不是主谓关系,这里省略了who is,完整的应该是a capable woman who is devoted to her family,所以应该用devoted而不是devote.

歹研19396679285问: 请问下面的话是几句话,谓语动词是什么,应该怎么翻译?谢谢!My earliest memories of my father anew of a tall ,handsome .successful man devoted to his ... -
炎陵县上生回答:[答案] 你的句子本身有问题,这句话应该是:My earliest memories of my father are of a tall,handsome,successful man devoted to his work and family,but uncomfortable with his children.在我的记忆里父亲是一个高大英...

歹研19396679285问: 《ef - a tale of memories 》这部动漫有人比较了解吗 -
炎陵县上生回答: 日本人气GALGAME厂商minori于去年年底上市了一款感人大作《ef - the first tale. 》,该作邀请到了新海诚监督和天门这对经典拍档组合为其制作ED影像,配以婉转悠扬的主题曲《悠久の翼》,在游戏上市之前便已先行感动了无数玩家.minori ...

歹研19396679285问: 我为什么当护士的英语作文100字 -
炎陵县上生回答:[答案] Why I Want To Be A Nurse Why I want to be a Nurse,there are three reasons as follow: First,individually ,I believe that my personal empathy and compassion for those who suffer is the most central of my three reasons to being a nurse .Since my earliest ...

歹研19396679285问: 急求一篇early memories的英语作文,帮忙翻译一下以下内容 -
炎陵县上生回答: On my memory, the most profound is my kindergarten, my parents sent me to out of the classroom into the future, they looked at me outside the classroom where many students were crying, but I do not cry, they go home say I'm brave, but in fact I was not crying

歹研19396679285问: ef - a tale of memories是什么意思啊
炎陵县上生回答: 那永不停滞的梦想&那永不消失的记忆

歹研19396679285问: ef - a tale of memories是怎么样的动漫? -
炎陵县上生回答: 《ef-a tale of memories》译名:《悠久之翼》 故事简介: 这是曾因遭受地震和大火侵袭,而一度坍塌的街道——音羽. 而这条街现在,犹如从欧洲的童话中飞出来一般,作为非常美丽的街景复苏了. 就像是,将那不吉祥的灾难的记忆掩盖...

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