
作者&投稿:塔虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


《in the well》 by Andrew hudgins中文意思
My father cinched the rope,我的父亲系绳子,a noose around my waist,在我的腰上绞索,and lowered me into 把我放进 the darkness. I could taste 黑暗。我可以品尝 my fear. It tasted first 我的恐惧。它尝到了第一 of dark, then earth, then rot.黑暗,那么地球,然后腐烂。I swung ...

Don't worry; I have the matter well in hand. 不用担心,这件事我完全有把握应付。 She paints very well. 她画得非常好。 彻底地;好好地 Well do I remember it. 那个我可记得清清楚楚。 Wash it well. 洗得彻底。 相当;很 I should be well content to do the job together with you. 我很愿...

Well (副词) --> Better (比较级) --> Best (最高级)Good (形容词)Well 其实就是 good 的副词。

She was very good in the part. 她这个角色演得很好。well意思:好;对;令人满意地;完全地;彻底地;全部地;很;相当。well是一个常见的副词,其基本意思是“好”,用来说明事情做得很好,达到一定的水准或程度,也可表示“对,满意地,友好地,和蔼地,彻底地,完全地,夸奖地,称赞地”等,...

二、从相关短语用法上比较 1.be good at 与 do well in两者均可表示“擅长”.He is good at languages.他擅长学语言.She is good at telling stories.她擅于讲故事.They all did very well in the examination.他们这次都考得很不错.注表示擅长某一学科时也可用be...

it's ok和it's well的区别
it's ok和it's well的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同 1、it's ok:没关系。2、it's well:很好。二、语法不同 1、it's ok:okay用作副词时意思是“好,不错”,指某人或某事处于比较正常的状态。常用来修饰动词,有时也可用来征求意见。2、it's well:well是一个...

do good in翻译是对什么有益吗
to do well 表现好;表现令人满意 to know sb well 和某人很熟 to think well of sb 对某人评价高 well done 全熟 do well in 擅长 例句:I see Britain did well in the discus.我看英国队在铁饼项目中表现不错。What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies.小...

是very good还是very well
very well和very good 都是可以的:口语中,一般不会说的那么完整,只是表述的完整形式不太一样,在这种情景中,语意没有太大的区别。当老师表扬你回答很好的时候,完整的形式可以是两种:1、You've done very well!2、It's a very good answer!口语中,一般不会说的那么完整,所以 very well和...

Well 翻译成中文是什么意思?

栋秆13232526625问: 【英语】【语法】【翻译】这里为什么用on?不是in? -
汤阴县先乐回答: 为您解答 dwell on 是固定搭配,指作为居民居住或生活在某处.另一个搭配是live in,这时候需要用in.表示居住在某处,一般指因工作或学习的需要而住在某处.例如 In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now. 从前生活在地球上的人比今天少得多.A great number of water fowls dwell on the island. 许多水鸟在岛上栖息.

栋秆13232526625问: dwell in 和dwell at 后面跟的东西有什么区别吗 -
汤阴县先乐回答: dwell in 居住在 dwell at 居住于;停留于;后都跟地点

栋秆13232526625问: 英译中 布氏硬度试验大致步骤 -
汤阴县先乐回答: 1.压头通过精确控制的测试压力作用在样品上.2.压力会持续一个停留时间,通常是10~15秒.3.在停留时间完成后,压头会移开,并在样品上留下一个圆形的压痕.4.印痕的面积就可以确定了.5.布氏硬度值就是用测试压力除以压痕表面积的商.(单位:N/mm2) 翻译不好不要怪我,嘿嘿

栋秆13232526625问: dwell in the possibilities什么意思? -
汤阴县先乐回答: dwell in the possibilities,栖息于无限的可能之中.dwell [dwel],vi.居住; 存在于; 细想某事; [例句] I'd rather not dwell on the past.我不想再沉湎于过去了.possibilities,n.可能性( possibility的名词复数 ); 可能的事; 可选择的方法; 可以利用和改善的余地;

栋秆13232526625问: The more we dwell on negative emotions , the more negative we begin to feel -
汤阴县先乐回答: 句子没有问题.第一个 the more是副词作状语修饰dwell on,第二个 the more 也是副词 修饰形容词 构成该形容词的比较级 作feel的表语. 句子意思:我们专注于消极情绪越多,我们就会开始感到越消极. 也就是:越专注于消极情绪,就越感到消极.

栋秆13232526625问: dwell与live ,inhabit有什么区别? -
汤阴县先乐回答: DWELL常与IN连用意为“居住于” live1 KK: [] DJ: [] vi. 1. 活,活着 Are your parents living? 你父母亲健在吗? 2. 继续活 He lived to the age of 70. 他活到七十岁. 3. 住,居住[Q] She lives about ten miles from my house. 她住在离我们的屋子大约...

栋秆13232526625问: access中的特殊运算符in与逻辑运算符or的区别 -
汤阴县先乐回答: 没有大区别 借用上面例子 a=1 or a =2 ==>可以写为 a in (1, 2) 唯一的区别应该在于 in 可以跟子查询 select * from tab where dept in (select dept from tab where sno = '001')

栋秆13232526625问: 比尔·盖茨十一条名言的英文原版 -
汤阴县先乐回答: 1. Life is unfair, you want to adapt it. 2. The world will not take your self-esteem, but for the self-satisfaction before you have success. 3. Just returned from the school come out when you can not earn 60,000 U.S. dollars a month, but will not become ...

栋秆13232526625问: 英语好段摘抄,是段,一段的词越多越好,至少80词.要有中文解释. -
汤阴县先乐回答: Don't dwell in the past. The best way to get out of a rut is to start building momentum again. Get a new goal or pursuit. A new challenge will get you to stop thinking about your failure and get you to focus on something positive. A new goal will also ...

栋秆13232526625问: SQL中IN和EXISTS用法的区别
汤阴县先乐回答: 一、EXISTS 并非总比IN 快,究竟应该选用 IN 还是 EXISTS ,可参考以下分析:1、Select * from t1 where x in ( select y from t2 ) 相当于 select * from t1, ( select distinct y from t2 ) t2 where t1.x = t2.y;2、select * from t1 where exists ( select null from ...

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