
作者&投稿:蒯详 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗...

Dear Sally,I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I think you should first of all relax yourself. You are under a lot of stress. Longing to learn Putonghua well is driving you crazy but as is known to all, it is not easy to acquire a new language. It takes ...

英语作文life in the future
you,it's just your waiter at home.The color of the chair will change as the color of your dress.The mobile phone can be wear on the artifice just as the watch,you can visonal contact with others.What's more supuring,you can take the new lift to the space to travel.

8.The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of ironyet with firm strides we are conquring its summit雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。9.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty 10.Never say die Never give up永不言败,永不放弃。11.好的开端...

(例如)children have lost their parents to this scourge(灾难) and are now cared for by uncles, aunts or grandparents. At school, the situation may not be any better. Teenagers and peers (同龄人) may be pressuring kids to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol (酒精)at first, an...

If You Must 歌词
Set the mood, something new Is it me, or my attitude If you want to put off an image The extremes, the extremes Act it out Practicing Perfecting Pressuring Onto me I will wade in the fire To explain your asylum Idle times, analyzing We\\'ll compare all our sightings You ...

多用于表示感情、气候、环境的变化 后接形容词原级或比较级。vt.得到, 收到 I've got your telegram.我已经收到了你的电报。具有 使得 Please go and get him.请去把他叫来。(去)拿来 I'm going to get my hat from the other room.我要到另一个房间去拿我的帽子。理解, 听到, 学得 D...

使(机舱等)增压;[例句]She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it 她用脚踢门,力气之大足以把门踹开。[其他] 第三人称单数:pressures 复数:pressures 现在分词:pressuring过去式:pressured 过去分词:pressured 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 ...

Addiction 沉迷 - demo的歌词是什么?
Addiction 沉迷 - demo的歌词是:Everyone has doubt on meEveryone’s questioning meEveryone’s pressuring meDo you dare to face meYou all want a piece of meBut you can’t get it from meSo stop pretending to beMy only saviorI don’t really understandBut the pain keeps me awake...

民族偏见 作者:奥利弗哥德史密斯 作为悠闲的芸芸众生中的一员,我大多数时间是在酒馆,咖啡厅或其它公共场所里打发的。正因此,我才有机会来观察形形色色的人物。这种娱乐方式对生性喜爱沉思的我而言,比欣赏艺术或自然界的奇妙更引人入胜。在最近一次闲逛中,我偶然碰见六位绅士,他们当时正在激烈地讨论...

玉湛13093414475问: 英语:课后:after class.在上课时:during the classes.(为何不与前面一样,为during class) -
休宁县艾培回答:[答案] after class下课,当然是指刚下的那一节课,所以单数 during the classes 在这些课之间,到少要有两节课才能在当中,所以复数

玉湛13093414475问: “在上课期间”和“在班级中”怎么用英语说 at class和in class -
休宁县艾培回答:[答案] during the class,在上课期间,in the class在班级中

玉湛13093414475问: 在上课期间用英语怎么说 -
休宁县艾培回答: during the class望采纳

玉湛13093414475问: class前面用什么介词? -
休宁县艾培回答: 如果是在这节课的时间里就是during the class;或者是in class.

玉湛13093414475问: 汉译英:上课期间你必须在教室或其它学习场合. -
休宁县艾培回答: 楼主你好!上课期间你必须在教室或其它学习场合.译为 During the class you must be in the classroom or other study.must be固定短语,must是情态动词,后接原型,所以翻译是这个 不懂情追问,没问题请采纳!

玉湛13093414475问: English class用什么介词 -
休宁县艾培回答:[答案] 这个看你想怎么说了,如想说在英语课上,in the English class 在英语课中 during the English class 通过英语课 through the English class

玉湛13093414475问: “在上课时”的英文 -
休宁县艾培回答: during the class 或者 in the class

玉湛13093414475问: “在上课中”的英文怎么说? -
休宁县艾培回答: I am in class now 回答者: featherhu - 助理 二级 2009-6-25 03:00 correct

玉湛13093414475问: During与after的区别? -
休宁县艾培回答: during是在......之间,after是在......之后.例子:We answer the questions during the class.我们在课上回答问题.We go home after class.我们下课之后回家.

玉湛13093414475问: During the class, Tom slipped out of the classroom - ---the back door so as not to be found by the teacher.
休宁县艾培回答: 答案C 介词辨析.By表示方法和手段,意为:通过;结合句意可知C正确.句意:在上课期间,Tom从后面溜出教室,以免被发现.

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