
作者&投稿:褚霄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The poem begins in a churchyard with a narrator who is describing his surroundings in vivid detail. The narrator emphasises both aural and visual sensations as he examines the area in relation to himself:The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly o'er th...

托马斯·格雷的《墓园挽歌》如下:The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧。The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea.牛群在草原上迂回。吼声起落。The ploughman homeward plods his weary way.耕地人累了。回家走。脚步踉跄。And leaves the world to darkness an...

Hard by yon wood, now smiling as in scorn,Mutt'ring his wayward fancies he would rove,Now drooping, woeful wan, like one forlorn,Or craz'd with care, or cross'd in hopeless love.One morn I miss'd him on the custom'd hill,Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree;An...

桑叙17150621915问: 有关“drove one's crazy”的英语句子 -
八步区苏菲回答: The traffic jam drove everyone on the road crazy.

桑叙17150621915问: "抓狂"怎么用英文翻译啊....??多谢~~! -
八步区苏菲回答: it drove me crazy! 呵呵

桑叙17150621915问: 翻译 我要疯了! 用英语怎么说?急!!!! -
八步区苏菲回答: I am crazy!It drove me crazy!

桑叙17150621915问: 你把他们惹叽歪了 怎么用英语说? -
八步区苏菲回答: 说的口语一点可以用 You pissed them off. 或者像楼下说的,正式一点:You drove them crazy.

桑叙17150621915问: 那谁让我生气用英语怎么写? -
八步区苏菲回答: 那谁让我生气,应该是陈述语气吧!或者是愤怒语气.不过怎么也不至于变成问句啊…… 我觉得应该是:that guy made me angry,其中that guy 部分可以用someone 、somebody 、 some guy等等代替,made me angry可以用drove me crazy 、 drove me mad代替.都是过去式,对吧. 如果你对“那谁”很鄙夷的话,也可以把人称换成that idiot(那个白痴),that bitch(那个biǎo zi)同样有“那谁”的代替功效.

桑叙17150621915问: 请问这里的said是什么词性? -
八步区苏菲回答: said是动词,是主语从句What he said的谓语,what作said的宾语. drove 【谓语】 me【宾语】 crazy.【宾语补足语】 他所说的让我疯狂.

桑叙17150621915问: 难眠之夜英文怎么说 -
八步区苏菲回答: It was a sleepless night.The noise drove me crazy.

桑叙17150621915问: waiting for amy drove tina crazy.怎么读 -
八步区苏菲回答: 英文原文: waiting for amy drove tina crazy. 英式音标: [ˈweɪtɪŋ] [fɔː; fə] [eɪmɪ] [drəʊv] [ˈtiːnʌ] [ˈkreɪzɪ] . 美式音标: [ˈwetɪŋ] [fɚ] [ˈemɪ] [drov] [ˈtiːnə] [ˈkrezi] .

桑叙17150621915问: 谁能用crazy(疯狂的)造句,不要太复杂,要2个 -
八步区苏菲回答: I mean, how crazy can you get? 我是说,你真是太疯狂了.She may think your reaction is crazy or illogical, but she cannot deny what you arefeeling. 她可能觉得你的反应疯狂或者不合逻辑,但她不会否认你的感受.

桑叙17150621915问: 填上所需单词what he did( d - )his mother crazy -
八步区苏菲回答: drovedrive sb crazy 令某人抓狂希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问

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