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谁能找到 格雷 的《墓地哀歌》全诗?
墓畔哀歌 晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧,牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落,耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄,把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退,一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰,只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞,昏沉的铃声催眠着远处的羊栏。只听见常春藤披裹的塔顶底下 一只阴郁的柢枭向月亮诉苦,...

谁能找到 格雷 的《墓地哀歌》全诗?
Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust,Or Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death?Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire;Hands, that the rod of empire might have sway'd,Or waked to...

1. He drove to Calais,put his car on his ship,took it off at Dover,and drove to London 2. No,he didn't 3. the hotel was near 4. A taxi man 5.他开车转了一个小时找不到,然后他停下车从车里出来了

Water Sports 水上运动 swimming pool 游泳池 swimming 游泳 medley relay 混合泳 crawl 爬泳 跳水 Diving breaststroke 蛙式 backstroke 仰式 freestyle 自由式 butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳 diving competition 跳水 water polo 水球 water skiing 水橇 rowing 划船 canoe 划艇 yacht 游艇 kayak 皮船 sailing ...

The sky over the cloud in hometown it kept calling to me when the breeze gently blowing a voice call to me come back, come back home don't yo rove all over the world in the wandering with heavy footsteps home road is so long when the breeze gently blowing to come back oh...

approve的用法3:approve作“批准,通过”解时用作及物动词,可接表示物或事物的名词、代词或动名词作宾语。注意annrove不接人称代词或表示人的名词作宾语,也不接动词不定式。相关例句:1、He didn't approve of the proposal to pig it in the studio.他不同意一堆人全都挤在画室里的建议。2、...

我要参加英语风采大赛,节目是朗诵诗歌,初一的,简单点,不要太短,帮忙推 ...
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack. His eyes -- how they twinkled! His dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin...

高分!英语高手听歌写出Now She's Not Looking Back (Relationship Trigger...
如果你被世俗所困扰...他带你走向宁静...Craigie Hill(Cara Dillon) 爱尔兰...英文...Cara Dillon一首美丽的《Craigie Hill》(克雷吉山),据说感动了整个爱尔兰。虽然音乐中关于爱的故事很美丽,但关于Craigie Hill,美丽的克雷吉山,的说明却并不多。根据google到的资料,Craigie Hill在苏格兰的Perth,...

求My Heart's in the Highlands英文赏析!谢!!
My heart's in the highlands wherever i go.Farewell to the highlands, farewell to the North,The birth-place of valor, the country of worth;Wherever i wander,wherever i rove,The hills of the highlands for ever i love.Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;Farewell ...

昌郊18234603705问: at noon that daydrove back to my house这篇文章中文翻译 -
召陵区益肝回答: 大概意思讲的就是说,一天晚上作者回家,听到有人在偷他的小提琴,他跑去楼上,看到一个小孩,就觉得很可怜,舍不得.就找了个借口问他是不是隔壁家的小侄子,那小偷说是的,他喜欢小提琴但是他家太穷买不起,后来作者就说那你把琴拿走把.突然小偷看见墙上的照片“因为小侄子是编的” 小偷发现是个谎话 为了不拆穿他,小偷就跑了.过了几年作者去当评委,那个小偷赢了那个比赛,并且问作者还记不记得他,把小提琴还给了作者.作者说 这就是我隔壁家的小侄子

昌郊18234603705问: Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home.句子中drove什么意思?在句子中的成分是什么,去掉可以吗 -
召陵区益肝回答:[答案] 驾驶,as后面作状语从句,drove作从句中的谓语

昌郊18234603705问: drove什么意思 -
召陵区益肝回答: drove 报错 英 [drəʊv] 美 [drov]n. 畜群;牛群、羊群等;移动的人群或大批的东西 (Drove)人名;德罗韦 v. 驾驶(drive的过去式);赶(牲畜);(牲畜贩子)买卖(牲畜)短语 Babbitt Drove 巴比特开着 drove WESTBANK 阔凿 drove off ...

昌郊18234603705问: 请高人帮我分析下money i don't have ,he drove voilently back home it is raining 的谓词及主目 -
召陵区益肝回答: 你好.这应该是三个没有联系的句子.如果是有关联的一个句子,那肯定是语法上的错句.1 money(宾语) i (主语)don't have (谓语)2 he(主语) drove(谓语) voilently(方法状语) back (方向状语)home (地点状语)3 it(主语) is raining (谓语) 如果是有联系的一个句子,就必须重新改写:Seeing that money I didn't have,,he drove voilently back home though it was raining hard / heavily.

昌郊18234603705问: Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home -
召陵区益肝回答: 驾驶,as后面作状语从句,drove作从句中的谓语

昌郊18234603705问: 麻烦帮我总结一下drive有那些搭配 -
召陵区益肝回答:[答案] 1.drive a bargain 讲价钱,谈条件 I hope you will drive a good bargain with him. 我希望你和他好好地讲讲条件. 2.drive a hard ... 他仍在孜孜不倦地编字典. 8.drive back 驾车返回,驱车返回 He drove back. 他驾车回来了. 迫使后退 The police drove the ...

昌郊18234603705问: With everything - ____(buy),she drove back.这里填一个bought是因为他是被动,所以用过去分词这里填一个bought是因为他是被动,所以用过去分词.还是因为... -
召陵区益肝回答:[答案] 这里应该填 过去分词bought 这里考察 with 的复合结构,也就是with 的宾语补足语,everything 和 buy 存在逻辑被动关系,所以用非谓语动词的被动式,根据句意东西买好了,他开车回去了 ,bought 表示被动完成 ,不能用 bein...

昌郊18234603705问: 英语的一些选择题,摆脱拉!! -
召陵区益肝回答: 1.a 2. a 3. b 4.c 5. b 6,d 7. b 8. b 9.c 10. c keep in with 与,,友好相处11. a 12d13.d 14.c 15.a

昌郊18234603705问: Then we drove back home 的同义句 -
召陵区益肝回答: Then we went back home by car.

昌郊18234603705问: Roy drove his bus into the back of it. 怎么翻译,每个词组的意思? -
召陵区益肝回答: Roy -- 人名 drove his bus -- 驾驶他的公共汽车 into the back of it -- 到达了后面(这里没有明确的it,如果有就是XX的后面) 全句: Roy驾驶他的公共汽车到达了后面.

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