
作者&投稿:钞关 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

he d ropped the __ and broke it A.cup of coffee B. coffe 's cup...
从后面看 broke it 打烂了它,那么“它” 就不可以是 咖啡,只能是咖啡杯 A 是那杯咖啡的意思。这里要填 coffe cup coffe为无生命的东西,作定语修饰另一名词表功能或用途

d ropped,,,broke

中澳粗尾鼠 Zyzomys pedunculatus CR极危 短尾绒鼠 Chinchilla brevicaudata CR极危 鲸目Cetacea 白鱀豚 Lipotes vexillifer CR极危 恒河江豚 Platanista ...猫面鹦鹉 Strigops habroptilus CR极危 深蓝吸蜜鹦鹉 Vini ultramarina EN濒危 鹃形目 Cuculiformes 蕉鹃Tauraco bannermani EN濒危 鸱鸮目 Strigiformes ...

从广义上讲,濒危物种泛指珍贵、濒危或稀有的野生动植物;从野生动植物管理学角度讲,濒危物种是指《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,CITES,1973年3月3日签订于华盛顿)附录所列物种及国家和地方重点保护的野生动植物。濒危物种可以分为...

舒闵17676497052问: dropped it off是什么? -
武城县皿治回答: dropped it off是什么? 一般是指开车去某个地方的途中,停下,顺便把某人或某个东西放下. Could you drop me off near the subway station?你可不可以让我在地铁站下来? they carried in a big sack, dropped it off. 他们提着个大袋子,顺便把它扔出去(或是放到外面).

舒闵17676497052问: drop off 和drop from区别
武城县皿治回答: drop+名+from1、drop from 从...处落下,从...处说出 Tears dropped down from her eyes.她眼里淌着眼泪.2、(从名册等)将(人)除名,解雇 He was dropped from team.他被队上除名了.drop off 1、(数量、兴趣等)减低,逐渐消失.Interest in the work has dropped off.对那工作的兴趣已经逐渐消失.2、(可分开使用)(从车等)下车,使(人)下车.I can drop you off at your place.我可让你在你的住处下车.3、睡着,(不知不觉地)入睡.一个字一个字敲上来的,希望对你有帮助!

舒闵17676497052问: drop sth. off 和 drop sb. off怎么翻译 -
武城县皿治回答: drop sth. off 卸下(丢下)某物; drop sb. off 让某人下车. (水或其他液体)滴,滴下,滴落;滴水: Rain drops from the clouds. 云能生雨. Water dropped from the ceiling into the pan on the floor. 水从天花板滴落到地板上的盆子里. (垂直)...

舒闵17676497052问: 请问谁能翻译一下是什么意思:我的手机送修,在网站查到显示了一排英文:Product Dropped Off -
武城县皿治回答: 楼主,你好,这个是说明你送修的手机当前状态的. Step 1 - Request 步骤1,申请(送修) September 27, 2012: Product Dropped Off 9月27日 产品送达(维修站)请耐心等待,稍安勿躁. 相信接下来几天状态会更新:Step 2 - Service 步骤2,服务 Repair completed 维修完成Step 3 - Return 步骤3,返回 Ready for pickup 准备好发货 ……

舒闵17676497052问: get off与drop off作为下车时的区别 -
武城县皿治回答: get off ----vi.从 ... 下来;(司机或乘客自己下车) drop off ---v.让...下车 (司机让乘客下车)Jason saw me and got off the car immediately.杰逊看到我,立即从车上下来. Will you drop me off at the next turning?让我在下一个拐弯处下车,好吗?你的句子应当选 drop-off, 因为是司机让人下车.drop-off point 又叫“下客地点” 或 “卸货地点”.没有“get -off point”的说法.

舒闵17676497052问: drop的用法 -
武城县皿治回答:[答案] drop的用法一、基本用法 vi.1.丢下,掉下,落下:The apple dropped from the tree to the ground. 苹果从树上掉到地上.The flowers are beginning to drop. 花儿开始凋落了.The ball dropped out of his hand. 球从他手里掉了下来.2.减少,下降,下跌,减...

舒闵17676497052问: dropped it off是什么?they carried in a big sack,dropped it off -
武城县皿治回答:[答案] dropped it off是什么? 一般是指开车去某个地方的途中,停下,顺便把某人或某个东西放下. Could you drop me off near the subway station? 你可不可以让我在地铁站下来? they carried in a big sack,dropped it off. 他们提着个大袋子,顺便把它扔出...

舒闵17676497052问: drop off的意思有哪些? -
武城县皿治回答:[答案] 1.落下 The handle of the door has dropped off.门把手脱落了. 2.不知不觉入睡 The old man has dropped off by the fire.这个老人在炉火旁边睡着了. 3.送下车; 送到 4.减少

舒闵17676497052问: drop off有寄的意思吗.i dropped off the parcels for you. -
武城县皿治回答:[答案] 有寄的意思 i dropped off the parcels (at post station/office) for you. "at post station or post office" is commonly omitted.

舒闵17676497052问: 时态填空,仅有一句.With the development of modern science ,the death rate in China has - ______(drop off)应该怎样填?为什么? -
武城县皿治回答:[答案] dropped off这是被动语态的现在完成时.顺便告诉你一下被动语态的现在完成时的方法:现在完成时的被动语态结构是“主语+has/have+been+过去分词”.使用现在完成时的被动语态应注意下面几点:1) 现在完成时的被动语...

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