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rink的英语意思是溜冰场。例句如下:1、Hit the roller rink instead of following the well-worn route to the local Cineplex on date night;到滚轴溜冰场而不是以前常去的当地电影院约会。2、On weekends, I usually go in - line skating in a large skating rink near my house.周末时我常常...

rink的意思是溜冰场。双语例句:1、The other skaters were ordered off the rink. 其他的溜冰者都被勒令离开溜冰场。2、There's a skating rink uptown. 市郊有一个溜冰场空调设计。3、Expounds the air conditioning system design of artificial ice rink. 阐述人工冰场。溜冰场简介:通常说的溜冰...

1、奥山冰场地址:步步高梅溪新天地3楼(长沙市岳麓区枫林三路1099号)电话:073184485702 营业时间:10:00-22:00 2、黑龙滑冰场地址:凯德壹中心3楼(长沙市岳麓区茶子山东路112号)电话:073185047896 营业时间:10:00-21:30 3、TheRink大零溜冰场地址:IFS国金中心B2层(长沙市芙蓉区解放西路188号)电...

11、体育精神:Sportsmanship 12、奥运精神:the:Olympic:Spirit 13、业余爱好者:Amateur 14、奥运场馆:Olympic:venue 15、金牌:Gold:medal 16、冰场:Ice:rink 17、冰刀:Blades 18、冰球:Ice:Hockey 19、奥运会代表团:OlympicDelegation 20、奥运会运动员:Olympicathlete 21、残奥会运动员:Par...

溜冰场 英文是什么? 和 溜冰场的入口
rink 溜冰场 entrance of the rink 溜冰场的入口

连词成句:cycle park the in he to wants .
What does he want to do? 他想做什么?She went to the rink with Peter. 她和皮特一起去了溜冰场。【rink,也做skating rink,ice rink,意思都是溜冰场。】希望以上答案能帮到您。

雅思口语话题 a sport team
You are in great shape.你身体素质真好。Baseball is my favorite sport. What's your favorite?My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher.When you played football, what position did you play?We played a game last night. The score was tired six-to-six.I went to a boxing...

80. The sentence "memories of the rink and the town remain priceless" means (B. memories of the rink and the town would make us happy forever)解释:这是作者的里童年回忆,即使偶然想起也很快乐。原文如下:Sinclair, Wyoming, was a wonderful place when my brother and I grew up ...

翻译.. 、 帮帮手! 英语高手
Now I enjoy going around the rink like a free bird.现在我喜欢在溜冰场里象鸟一样飞来飞去.Remember not to take risks on unfamiliar hills.记住,别做没把握的事(直译为:别爬不熟悉的山)some leftover French fries 一些吃剩的炸薯条 the vast area of snow.一望无际的雪地 They're in ...

滑雪英语作文100字 有翻译
but I got back up and kept going. By the end of the day, I was exhausted but happy. Skiing is a fun and exciting sport that I would love to try again.上个周末,我和家人去滑雪了。天气很冷,下着雪,但我们玩得很开心。滑雪场很大,有许多适合初学者和专业人士的不同坡道。我们...

召看13279922362问: drink milk 和drink the milk 有什么区别? -
伽师县盐酸回答: 加the 是因为前文提到过,如果没有提到,是不加the的.Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. 目不见者,心可感之例句: At sixteen he could drink me under the table. 16岁的时候他就能把我灌醉了.

召看13279922362问: 到底是drink milk,还是drink the milk?求大神指点! -
伽师县盐酸回答: drink the milk,喝牛奶

召看13279922362问: 1、Drink the milk shake.改为否定句 2、I know how t1、Drink the milk shake.改为否定句2、I know how to make a birthday cake.改为一般疑问句3、There are ... -
伽师县盐酸回答:[答案] Don't drink... Do you know how to... How many storybooks are there on the desk

召看13279922362问: Drink the milk shake什么意思 -
伽师县盐酸回答: 喝奶昔

召看13279922362问: drink the milk shake,(完成反义疑问句) -
伽师县盐酸回答:[答案] Drink the milk shake,will you?祈使句后的问句用肯定和否定都可以.但要遵循下面三个原则.1.基本原则.若陈述部分为祈使句,反意疑问句通常用will you,won't you,would you等:Turn on the TV,will you?把电视打开,好...

召看13279922362问: Drink the milk shake 变为否定句
伽师县盐酸回答: Dob't drink the milk shakeDon't drink the milk shake 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你

召看13279922362问: drink+milK短语如何写 -
伽师县盐酸回答: 直接drink milk就表示喝牛奶,举几个例子吧.I drink milk and eat vegetables every day.我每天喝牛奶,吃疏菜.Children and teenagers frequently drink milk with their meals, while adults tend to drink water, soda, beer or wine.儿童和青少年吃饭时往往喝牛奶,大人则喝凉水、汽水、啤酒或葡萄酒.

召看13279922362问: Drink the milk shake 变为否定句 -
伽师县盐酸回答: Don't drink the milk shake.

召看13279922362问: drink your milk是什么意思 -
伽师县盐酸回答: drink your milk 喝你的牛奶 双语例句1 Drink your milk up, Jimmy, there's a dear.把牛奶喝完,吉米,这才是乖孩子.2 Drink your milk, kids. I don '; 孩子们喝牛奶,我不想喝.

召看13279922362问: It's time for drink the milk 中哪个单词用的不恰当? -
伽师县盐酸回答:[答案] drink 不恰当,改成 drinking. 且:It's time for drinking the milk. = It's time to drink the milk. 到了喝牛奶的时候了. 解释:介词for后面如果加动词的话,要使用其动名词形式,所以要改成 drinking.

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