
作者&投稿:宓毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

每月少开一天车 No driving one day each month.选购小排量汽车 buy a low emission car.用布袋取代塑料袋 Use fabric bag instead of plastic one.减少一次性筷子使用 Less use of disposable chopsticks 适时将电器断电 Power off home appliance from time to time.节约用水 Save more water 合理...

也可用作限定词,表示同一个。用英语完整的短语是One blackboard。一个黑板还可以a blackboard来表示。这两个意思是一样的,区别在于one 是数词,刻意强调数量,表示一个,而a 是不定冠词,不是刻意强调数量,但是也表示一的概念。One blackboard组成英语句子示例:I have one blackboard to use here...

但其读音却以辅音开头,因此,前面要用a。可熟记下面这句话:In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walk along a one-way road with a usual tool.This is a usual thing. (在一所大学里,有一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着有用的工具沿着一条单行道行走,这是件平常的事。)...

英语作文《how to plant a plant》
Backfill three quarters of the hole with existing dirt, one quarter with compost or composted manure.Resist the temptation to use a commercial fertilizer; it tends to over-boost the tree and make it "burn out", which means it is less likely to do well over the long term. A great ...

这是作文以及中文翻译,希望能够帮助到你。Why More and More People Choose to Study Abroad In recent years, an increasing number of people choose to study abroad. There are several reasons for this trend.Firstly, studying abroad is a good way to improve one's language skills....

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Maliang in a small village.He was a very good boy, but he lost his parents when he was eight.He was poor and his life was hard.从前,在小村庄里有个孩子叫马良。他的父母在他8岁时候就死了,他一个人过着贫苦的日子。He liked ...

用“one of the main reasons”造句
与社会脱离是产生这一现象的一大原因。3、Negative externalities are one of the main reasons for market failure.摘要负外部性是引起市场失灵的主要原因之一。4、One of the main reasons is because it's not a Christian nation.最主要的一个原因就是,它不是一个基督教国家。5、He was one of...

求Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary英语作文
In my opinion, a test of spoken English is absolutely necessary, because I believe it is of great importance for every foreign language leaner to speak the language with fluency. For one thing, more and more foreigner are coming to China every year, a large number of people who...

一道英语选择题 谢谢喔
给你说说one的用法 "one"是个普通代词,是不能引导任何从句的。1,one只能代替可数名词单数, 代替可数名词复数时用ones; that既可以代替不可数名词也可以代替可数名词单数, 代替可数名词复数时用 those。I like this pen more than that one. (one代替可数名词单数pen)There were a few young ...

英语翻译请问哪位有夏丐尊的散文 我之于书的翻译
often mark out what I regard as important in a book. If it is a thread-bound Chinese book, I use a writing brush to draw small circles as markings. Otherwise, I use a red pencil to draw heavy underlines.Consequently, the books I have read are rarely clean.据说,任何爱吃...

乘狗17887317988问: spent took paid used有什么区别 -
若尔盖县低分回答: spend:指花费金钱或时间,主语是人.take:指带走.pay:指支付,后面一般不加数额.use:指使用.

乘狗17887317988问: vf中use和open的区别 -
若尔盖县低分回答: 当你建立了一个数据库,输入 OPEN DATABASE+数据库名 时只是打开数据库,不弹出数据库设计器,而输入 MODIFY DATABASE+数据库名 时打开数据库设计器. 类似使用表时的 USE+表名 和 MODIFY STRUCTURE 命令 本人使用的是VFP6.0,不知其他版本是否有变,仅供楼主参

乘狗17887317988问: BIOS内存选项里ecp mode use dma打“*”是什么意思? -
若尔盖县低分回答: ECP Mode Use DMA(ECP模式使用的DMA通道) 选项:Channel 1(通道1), Channel 3(通道2) 此特性通常创建于并行口之下,如果你关闭了并行口的ECP或ECP+EPP,可能会看不见此项设置,选择哪一个通道对系统性 能都没有影响.

乘狗17887317988问: SQL语句必须要加 use 数据库名字 select * from addressbook 不然就找不到表addressbook 抛异常,帮忙啊! -
若尔盖县低分回答: 你查看下你的用户默认连接数据库.如果默认连接数据库不是你操作的数据库,你改下就好了.或者设置成连接到指定的数据库

乘狗17887317988问: 正则从指定sql脚本中获取use后数据库名称(JAVA) -
若尔盖县低分回答: 在正则表达式加两个单词边界符,就不会匹配IS_USE字段了.正则表达式 (?i)\buse\b\s+\[?\s*(\w+)\s*\]?我给你个Java语言的例子,你看看吧.import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class PM{ public static void main(...

乘狗17887317988问: 动词过去式+ed的举例!!!!! -
若尔盖县低分回答: . 直接在词尾加-ed.如: want—wanted, work—worked, need—needed, clean—cleaned 2. 以不发音的e结尾的在词尾加-d.如:like—liked, live—lived, use—used, move—moved 3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双...

乘狗17887317988问: “make+it+no use+doing sth -
若尔盖县低分回答: it是形式宾语吧,指代后面的doing sth 使这个行为无效,没有用类似于 It is no use trying to persuade him to have a holiday because he is a workaholic 其中用了 It's no use doing sth. (做某事没用 / 只是白费力气)句型. 在这个句型中, 动词-ing形式trying to persuade him to have a holiday是主语,it 是形式主语.

乘狗17887317988问: java中JVM和系统时间不一致,说是要加上 - XX:+UseGetTimeOfDay参数,请问这个参数怎么使用那个 -
若尔盖县低分回答: 加到JVM参数里,比如手输入java命令启动的,假设原来是java test.TimeTest,把-XX:+UseGetTimeOfDay加到java命令后,包名.类名之前,中间用空格分隔,就是java -XX:+UseGetTimeOfDay test.TimeTest 而如果是用tomcat等服务器启动的,...

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