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翻译中文 要手翻 急用 谢谢
戒烟 爸爸曾经吸烟很严重,大约每天一包,我和我妈妈很不喜欢屋子里有烟味,甚至爸爸身上的味道,妈妈在听到爸爸剧烈咳嗽的时候非常担心,我们用尽了各种方法帮助爸爸戒烟,但是没有任何事情能阻止他吸烟,因此我们决定采用一种特殊的方法。一天我在学校抽烟:“你胆子太大了吧!"爸爸对我大吼。“没错,我...

Passive smoking causes between 150,000 and 300,000 cases of bronchitis, pneumoia and similar infections in children less than 18 months old and worsens the condition of between 200,000 and 1 million asthmatic children. It is pointless to allow people to smoke in one part of a ...

I locked my father's cigarette in the drawer, leaving only one. At noon, I saw a packet of smoke, thought: must be father this stealing cigarette "thief"... And hide, was not for a moment, my father walk to go quietly to the table and ready to take a pack of cigarettes, I gra...

one cigarette edwin morgan 翻译
中英文对照翻译如下:One Cigarette 一支烟 By Edwin Morgan作者埃德温·摩根 No smoke without you, my fire.没有烟没有你,我的火。After you left, your cigarette glowed on in my ashtray 在你离开以后,你的香烟在我的烟灰缸 and sent up a long thread of such quiet grey并派了一个长长...

Snoop Dogg、Wiz Khalifa合作的《Young, Wild & Free》谁来帮我翻译下...
http:\/\/\/v_show\/id_XMzU1NTQ2MTEy.html 给你个中文版的翻译视频吧~自己懒得再去翻了~记得给我分哦~

...passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits...
They a However for Second than which not 翻译 许多吸烟的人说吸烟可以帮助他们清晰地思考。他们还说给别人香烟是一种很好的开始谈话的方式。然而,我恐怕不能同意他们的说法。我强烈地反对吸烟。首先,吸烟有害身体健康。吸烟的人容易得肺癌,心脏病和一些其他的疾病。其次,吸烟污染空气。在一间充满...

Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea though it takes away some of our freedom.As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the ...

smoke one cigarette a day 什么意思
你好。smoke one cigarette a day翻译成中文是:一天抽一支烟。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

t wins唱过什么英语歌
Yea, roll one, smoke one When you live like this you're supposed to party Roll one, smoke one, and we all just having fun So we just, roll one, smoke one When you live like this you're supposed to party Roll one, smoke one, and we all just having fun So what we ...

使用桌面保护程序老是弹出“Dream aquariumnotproperlyinstalled"是...
Dream Aquarium not properly installed 意思是梦想水族馆没有正确安装。双语例句 1IP65 when properly installed using the sealing gasket supplied ( without bezel).符合IP65当正确安装使用的密封垫圈供应(不含面板)。2And at least one smoke detector should be properly installed in the office.而且...

运要13495027124问: 不要抽烟是用don't smoking还是don't smoke -
北江区双川回答: 一般都是说No Smoking!

运要13495027124问: 请勿吸烟用英语到底该如何说是Don't smoking.please!(please don't smoking.) 还是no smoking!如果在会议室等公共场合写如此标语该采用哪种? -
北江区双川回答:[答案] 一定是No smoking 如果在公共场所写禁烟标语也一定是:No smoking 原因是:从语法上讲 no是形容词,它只能修饰名词或动名词.所以后面需smoking (即smoke的动名词形式) 而not是副词,它只能修饰动词或副词.所以它后面需接的是smoke,...

运要13495027124问: no smoking,no smoke,don't smoking,don't smoke哪两个对 -
北江区双川回答: 参考答案: no smoking,don't smoke 对. no smoke, on't smoking 错! 祝您学习进步,阿弥陀佛!

运要13495027124问: 标志上是no smoking 还是don't smoke -
北江区双川回答: 当人是no smoking了. 就像汉语一样,你觉得牌子上写别抽烟好还是禁止吸烟好? 一样的道理! 嘻嘻

运要13495027124问: don't怎么分成两个单词 -
北江区双川回答: don't[dont; dount]do not之略可数名词[常 ~s]禁止事项,禁令,戒律

运要13495027124问: 不要抽烟,为什么不用don't somking.而要用don't smoke呢? -
北江区双川回答: 不要抽烟 Don't smoke. 不能用 Don't somking. 因为,don't 是助动词,后面要接动词原形. 而smoking 是动词现在分词.祝你开心如意!

运要13495027124问: no和don't区别,怎么用法 -
北江区双川回答: 除了楼上各位大虾的讲法:用作祈使句,都表示命令,但用no语气更强一些,比如No smoking和Don't smoke.一个可以译作严禁吸烟,一个可以译作请勿吸烟,自己体会吧.

运要13495027124问: Dont smoke和not smoke有什么区别? -
北江区双川回答: 第一个是说 禁止吸烟,是指不让别人吸烟,第二个可能是说我自己不吸烟,回答别人,不如:smoke?,no,im not

运要13495027124问: 英语中 提醒注意的祈使句什么时候用Don't开头 ,例 :Don't touch ! 什么时候用No开头 例: No smoking! -
北江区双川回答: 只要是禁止某一个动作,就要用don't开始 比如:Don't do it.Don't go.Don't jump.Don't say anything until I tell you to.Don't push yourself.Don't work too hard.Don't forget to take your umbrella with you. It might rain today.

运要13495027124问: don't smoking here和no smoking here的区别 -
北江区双川回答: 1 第一句是错误句子,不存在.英语表语等禁止用语常常使用No+动名词的形式,因此No smoking here 正确.翻译:此处禁止吸烟. 2 类似的短语: No littering! 禁止乱扔垃圾! No parking here!此处禁止泊车.

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