
作者&投稿:凌是 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

From see you one eye, I shit love you. Your eyes close, I die; y...
自从看到你的第一眼,我便爱上了你。你的眼睛闭上,我就死了,你的眼睛打开,我又活过来。你的眼睛眨阿眨呀眨,我就死去活来。也许你还不认识我,没有关系。一见钟情很流行。我想我应该向你介绍我自己。我叫李岁大。Toyear 25。 我家有四口人:爸爸、妈妈、我和弟弟。我打字很快,因为我是电脑高手...

Everyday,they play with each other happily.One day,I couldn’t find them.I asked my mother:”Where are they?” My mother told me that She didn’t know.At last,I found them in the grass.they were very dirty.I was angry,but when I looked at their lovely faces,I was happy again....

I can eat a horse. 这裏你不要自己乱改成其它动物. 一般都是说 I can eat a horse. 不过我也听过另一种说法, I can eat a hog. (食用猪) 也是有老美这样用的.6. I quit smoking, I don`t want monkey on my back.我戒烟了, 因为我不想有负担.Monkey on my back 讲的是某样东西已经成了...

我I 我们we 你;你们you 他he 她she 它it 他(她,它)们they 我的my 我们的our 你的;你们的your 他的his 她的her二十七.动词( v. )玩;踢play 游泳swim 滑冰skate 飞fly 跳jump 走walk 跑run 爬climb 打架fight 荡swing 吃eat 睡觉sleep 像;喜欢like 有;吃 have 转弯turn 买buy 买;带take 居住live...

I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is...

eat out of house and home是什么意思
eat out [英]i:t aut [美]it aʊt 在外吃饭;侵蚀;口默默忍受痛苦;极为悲伤 [例句]one week bring a sack-lunch ,one week eat out.一周带便当,一个星期在外面吃。如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户...

你好,这篇句话可以译成英语:Can I have one?希望对您有帮助。

One day , the princess of an old country became badly ill这篇文章...
'But what can I have to eat?' cried Prince Vivien sharply. 'Wait a little, wait a little,' she replied. 'If you will only have patience I am just going out into the garden to gather some peas: we will shell them at our leisure, then I will light a fire and cook them, and wh...

i bought five apples .i ( )eatone.
填写: only I only eat one. 我只吃一个。

To say; “I am Lazarus, come from the dead,说;“我是拉撒路,来自地府“ Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all“回来告诉你所有,我要告诉你所有“ If one, settling a pillow by her head,如果那人,头后摆着一个枕头, Should say; “That is not what I meant at all;说;“那...

大狐欧13458341471问: Don't eat in class.(翻译) -
布拖县山海回答: 以Don't开头的是祈使句,后面加动词原形,不要~~~~~~~,本句翻译为:不要在课堂上吃东西.in class 在课堂上 in the classroom 在教室里采纳吧!!!

大狐欧13458341471问: Don't eat in class -
布拖县山海回答: Don't litter ./ No littering .Don't talk in class ./ No talking in the classroom! Keep silent .No food .Don't drink in class .Don't shout .No cheating during the exams No smoking in the classroom!No chattering during lesson .Proper Dress code .No ...

大狐欧13458341471问: 同义句转换 Don't eat in class -
布拖县山海回答: You can't eat in class.

大狐欧13458341471问: Don't eat in class.(翻译) -
布拖县山海回答: in class是说特定的“不要在课上吃东西” in the class 是说“不要在教室里吃东西” 那么这句话的意思是:上课的时候不要吃东西~

大狐欧13458341471问: 初中英语作文don`t eat in class -
布拖县山海回答:[答案] 是school rule吧I have too many rules in my school.So I am very tired. I can't eat food in class,and I must listen to the teacher carefully.Because I an learn many things from the teacher.I can't list...

大狐欧13458341471问: Don't eat in class回答OKI want'n对不对? -
布拖县山海回答: 应该是 Don't eat in class!Sorry,I won't.不要在课堂上吃东西.抱歉,我不会了.

大狐欧13458341471问: 用英文写班规例如:Don,t eat in the class -
布拖县山海回答:[答案] 1.Don't eat or drink in the classroom. 2.Keep quiet. 3.Don't play in the classroom. 4.Don't chase each other. 5.Don't be late for school. 6.Don't draw on the desk. 7.Listen to our teachers in class.

大狐欧13458341471问: don't eat in class什么意思
布拖县山海回答: 课堂上不要吃东西

大狐欧13458341471问: 请问We don't eat in class这个句子是对的还是错的和We can't eat in class有什么区别.如果是错误的请说明原因.我搞不清楚. -
布拖县山海回答:[答案] we dont eat in class 如果作口语是没问题的,意思是绝对肯定意义 我们不在课堂上吃东西. we cant eat in class 意思是我们不能在课堂上吃东西 一个是 主动意愿 一个是 被提出的要求.

大狐欧13458341471问: 同义句转换 Don't eat in class
布拖县山海回答: No eating in class!


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