
作者&投稿:汲咱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

短语learning by doing 做中学 ; 从做中学 ; 干中学 ; 在做中学 be worth doing 值得做什么 ; 值得做 ; 值得 ; 值得做某事 Doing Business 做生意 ; 经商环境报告 ; 营商环境报告 ; 全球营商环境报告 oing well 经营盈利 doing business 做生意;经营商业 示例:The shortest answer is doing....

He wants___shopping 空白填什么
to go

5)直接引语为祈使句时,改为间接引语,用带to的不定式表达,谓语动词常是ask, advise, tell, warn, orde-r, request等。如ask sb. to do,(由肯定祈使句变成)ask sb. not to do(由否定祈使句转变),并且在不定式短语中的时间状语、地点状语、人称及时态都作相应的变化。如: He said,“Be seated, please.”—...


She said, “I am very happy to be with you.” →She said (that) she was very happy to be with me.He said,“I will choose a book for my students.” →He said(that)he would choose a book for his students.2. 直接引语是一般疑问句时,变成间接引语,由连词whether或if ...

仪耐19211295686问: 第一动词后接第二动词的形式1)只能接“doing”的短语2)只能接“to do”的短语3)即可接“doing”又可接“to do”的短语(意思一样)4)即可接“... -
肃州区祛风回答:[答案] 1)doing: 1.动词作主语,开头,用doing 2. 介词 in/ at/ for/of /by / about/ with/ without / after/ before + doing3.There be …doing (主动) 4. have trouble / problem / fun /…time doing 5. practice doing ...

仪耐19211295686问: 初中接动名词的短语 含中文全部 -
肃州区祛风回答:[答案] 包括动名词和分词1.动词作主语,开头,用doing 2,介词 in/ at/ for/ of / by / about/ with/ without / after/ before /including + doingBe / get used to doing (习惯于…) look forward to doing(期待)prefer doi...

仪耐19211295686问: 第一动词后接第二动词的形式 -
肃州区祛风回答: 1)doing: 1.动词作主语,开头,用doing 2. 介词 in/ at/ for/of /by / about/ with/ without / after/ before + doing3.There be …doing (主动) 4. have trouble / problem / fun /…time doing 5. practice doing finish doing enjoy doing mind doing spend…(in) ...

仪耐19211295686问: doing 和to do在开头有什么区别? -
肃州区祛风回答: 2.表示将来的,一般用to do ,表示正在的一般用doing. 首先do是个动词,但是我们希望他作为一个名词性的结构出现,无论是句首也好,居中也好,作为短语也好,to do和doing所要表达的依然是和动作脱不了干系的.to do放在开头,多表示...

仪耐19211295686问: 30个to doing的词组 -
肃州区祛风回答: be used to doingfall to doing be accustomed to doingconfess to doingbe reduced to doingbe resigned to doingto admit to doingbe committed to doingget round to doingsee her way to doin...

仪耐19211295686问: doing和to do的区别 -
肃州区祛风回答: doing:1.动名词,动词加ing当作名词使用 2.现在/过去进行时 3.动词做主语要加ing to do:1.不定式 2.动词做主语,前面加to 如果是动词做主语,则用doing 和to do都可以 如果是省略主语,且动词表目的则用to do 这是的to do 式不定式表目得,而不是动词做主语

仪耐19211295686问: 动词短语开头用doing还是动词开头用啊?
肃州区祛风回答: 举个例子:do shopping,doing washing

仪耐19211295686问: 问一道英语单选题(有关todo和doing) - lat
肃州区祛风回答: 不定式to do 在这里表示为了做……事情 这句话还可以这么说Bob turned off the alarm to sleep late in the afternoon. 而现在分词则没有这层含义 明白了吧

仪耐19211295686问: 句首宾格+doing是什么语法 -
肃州区祛风回答: 动词+宾格介词+宾格 be + doing (进行时) 动词作主语,开头,用doing 介词 + doing There be …doing have ...+ doing 感官动词 + doing practice doing finish doing enjoy doing mind doing spend…(in) doing stop doing(停止做) forget doing(忘了做过某事) remember doing (记得做过某事)

仪耐19211295686问: do、to do和doing的用法与区别? -
肃州区祛风回答: do:动词原形 to do:不定式 doing:现在分词

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